Tang Xiaoyue was really full of eyes on Ye Chen's body.

After realizing that Ye Chen was fine.

Tang Xiaoyue actually wanted to go with Ye Chen.

If it weren't for the other Heavenly King-level teachers who grabbed Tang Xiaoyue desperately, saying that they wanted to review all the things in this college entrance examination and have a good meeting or something.

Tang Xiaoyue probably really went back to the villa with Ye Chen.

Get out of the exam room.

Parents have long been heard.

Crying at the school gate.

It is also unknown who survived and who did not.

I saw my children walking out of the school gate. The families wept with joy.

There are also parents who wait until night.

Didn't wait for their own children.

From the moment of awakening as a combat profession.

Every family knows.

Sooner or later, there will be a day.

Their own children will die on the battlefield because of fighting demons.

If there are resurrection props, hurry up and pile up resurrection props. Those who do not have resurrection props should also try to let their children enjoy the country's resurrection resources.

But this time is different.

This time, those Tianzun level projections used the non-resurrectable mode. All students who die on the battlefield cannot be resurrected by the priest for 24 hours.

When they leave, they leave permanently.

The State compensates their families.

However, the students who survived in the same examination room as Ye Chen were even more relieved.

Because if there were no Ye Chen, they might have a surprisingly high mortality rate like the other 7 examination rooms.

Only Ye Chen, the student in the examination room, had a survival rate of 80%.

In the other 7 examination rooms, the mortality rate is as high as 80%.

The students in Ye Chen's examination room all felt that they owed Ye Chen's life.

They specifically ran to Ye Chen. Everyone is like Ye Chen's promise that if he can repay it in the future, he will do his best.

Ye Chen remembered so many people, and he didn't take what they said too seriously.

Outside the school gates.

The sword hands held by Senior Sister froze.

When Bai Luoyan saw Ye Chen come out from the school gate.

Directly rushed forward and held Ye Chen in his arms.

Zhan Rong next to him was stunned.

Just now, a Heavenly King-level assistant came.

Now there is another platinum-level great swordsman.

Ye Chen can.

No wonder that the young people in Shengjing recently couldn't find this kid in the city's mutual dating group.

It turned out that I found such two superlatives.

Zhan Rong originally wanted to step forward to say hello.

As a result, during this period, Bai Luoyan glanced in his direction with an icy face.

Zhan Rong froze.

It feels like the past will be killed.

Bai Luoyan was cold to the others.

For Ye Chen, it was like a spring breeze: "It's good to be alive." I heard that this time is very dangerous. I already knew that it was so dangerous, so I asked the master to add a few more buffs to you.


If it weren't for the few waste snacks outside stopping me, I would have rushed in and rescued you."

"There has never been an accident in the college entrance examination before. This time the death and injury were so serious, it was simply a shame for our Xia Kingdom

!" "If you can't protect your own flowers, your own students' teachers should die!" Ye

Chen never knew that Bai Luoyan's mouth was so powerful.

Moreover, Bai Luoyan is a platinum-level swordsman.

Standing at the door stunned is to scold those master-level examiners who dare not go out.


Although Bai Luoyan scolded ugly.

But tell the truth.

This time the exam was a serious accident.

It is the shame of the entire Xia Kingdom.

"Senior sister, don't scold. Finally, Ye Chen spoke: "I'm hungry." "

Are you hungry?" The momentum that Bai Luoyan cursed just now, a faint sword intent radiated out from his body, straight towards Jiuxiao.

It was precisely because of this sword intent that those examiners did not dare to talk back, and some even dared not look at Bai Luoyan's face.

However, when Bai Luoyan talked about Ye Chen's hunger again, the sword intent on his body disappeared without a trace in an instant.

She took Ye Chen's hand: "Go." Senior sister makes you something to eat.

Zhan Rong originally wanted to follow Ye Chen.

Subconsciously took two steps.

As a result, his old and cunning father.

I don't know where it came from.

Grabbed Zhan Rong, crying a handful of snot and tears: "Son, you finally came out, worried about your dead father, if you don't come out, how can you call your father alive!" Bai

Luoyan just blocked the school gate and scolded the examiner. In fact, among these hundreds of examiners, there are still some people who look at Bai Luoyan unhappy.

After all, Bai Luoyan's level is very low.

They are all masters of level seventy or eighty.

However, when these examiners looked at Zhan Rong's breathless father, who was crying.

They were all silent.

Someone in the crowd at the master level suddenly said, "Kill them!"

"Kill them!" the master-level professional said loudly, "Those Tianzun-level demons dare to move our Terran Tianjiao, we will move their Tianjiao and cut off their foundation." The

eyes of a group of master-level professionals lit up.

This year's college entrance examination was called the bloody college entrance examination by later generations.

All survivors were admitted to universities.

This year's recruitment is also the lowest in the history of the college entrance examination.

And from that year.

Every year on the day of the college entrance examination.

There are a large number of masters above the grandmaster level who frequently enter the battlefield.

Go and kill the demon Tianjiao.

Day 1 after the bloody college entrance examination.

The five Heavenly Venerables of the Xia Kingdom joined forces, and they had consumed each person's thousand-year lifespan and cursed all the demons.

The curse reads: in the next 1,000 years, the birth rate of all demons will not exceed 10%.

The demons have a strong ability to make babies, with an annual birth rate of 90%. There are many races that are the best in one child, such as rat demons and pig demons.

A birth rate of no more than 10% is really a serious curse.

All the demons: ???

said that they only kill Tianjiao?

However, the intelligence of the demon is not so high.

They always think that this curse is.

This kind of nothingness. It's like someone saying that one day's life is exchanged for 1 million. The money of 1 million is real, but the life span of that day cannot be seen or touched.

Few believe in this kind of nothingness.

But this does not mean that the demon does not try.

In the next 1,000 years, another one has been added to the essentials of demons against the Terrans, and it is the most important one.

That's all the baby.

Just break through 10%. Break this curse.

The same can severely damage the five Heavenly Venerables of the Terran race.

For a while, in order to give birth to a baby, various tricks and tricks were frequent. Metaphysical, non-metaphysical, all in unison.

There is not so much time to harass humans.

Several battlefield copies have been emptied by the Terrans and permanently sealed, becoming one of the small worlds related to the Terrans, and the territory of demons has been greatly reduced.


Day 2 of the Blood College Entrance Examination.

Career Forum.

The video of Ye Chen killing all sides on the examination room was traced back by an examiner and uploaded to the Internet.

Below the post is all praise, of course, there are also doubts.

"The survival rate of students in this exam room is as high as 80%. It is because of the existence of this god-killer. "

Master builders are really an amazing profession.

"If my son had been in the examination room with this person, he wouldn't have to..."

"Upstairs, this person is a well-deserved national college entrance examination champion."

"This is what the national college entrance examination champions." It is that since the college entrance examination was changed to this way, no one has been able to surpass the college entrance examination champion.

"Don't you think this video is fake? Is it so exaggerated? His combat power is even stronger than those Heavenly Master-level teachers." The last blow he killed the Treasure Great Demon King should be an indiscriminate fatal blow, right?"



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