Cao Guangtao had indeed spoken to Ye Chen,

and he tried to make himself look elegant: "You are Ye Chen, the top student in the national college entrance examination, right?" Ye

Chen's vigilance reached the highest: "Something?"

Cao Guangtao smiled very kindly: "I am Cao Guangtao." I think you are very good. You can come to our military district at all. "

A genius like Ye Chen must be cultivating and learning every day.

Cao Guangtao felt that Ye Chen must be very knowledgeable about any theoretical knowledge.


He didn't know that he had met a strange person.

Ye Chen's theoretical knowledge is zero egg: "Who is Cao Guangtao? Uncle, if you want to impersonate the military district. Let's wear a military uniform. Who believes you like this?"

"I didn't expect there to be liars all these years." Ye Chen dropped such a sentence, turned around and left.

Cao Guangtao stood in place and petrified.

Xiong Weiguo ran over in a hurry, just saw this scene, and almost laughed: "Old Cao, you want to laugh at me." Hahahaha. "

When Ye Chen left, he still left directly with the teleportation array.

He teleported directly to the nearby vegetable market with a teleportation array.

It's too lazy to deal with these inexplicable people.

Go back and talk to the security guard, don't let the security guard put those inexplicable people into the villa area.

It is a high-end villa area in Shengjing.

It's not good to always put these people in.


Xia Guo has a total of 6 Heavenly Venerables.

Last time, he teamed up with 5 Tianzun to curse demons.

One person did not attend.

That was Feng Kui.

Feng Kui watched the video of Ye Chen fighting demons on the battlefield dozens of times.

He can be sure of one thing.

His grandson Feng Zihua.

It was not killed by the projection of the Great Demon King of Duobao at all.

Because the projection of the Duo Bao Great Demon King crushed Feng Zihua at that time, although Feng Zihua's whole body turned into meat mud, he was still invincible.

People say that the students who died on the battlefield were affected by the projection of the Great Devil. So there is no way to resurrect it.

But that's only for students.

Master-level teachers are frequent.

The invincible one in Feng Zihua. Even a single drop of blood can be triggered.

It will be triggered as long as it is near-death.

This is also a secret that only Feng Kui knows.

Although at that time, Feng Zihua had turned into meat puree. But Feng Zihua can still reorganize the meat puree. He has a lot of treasures and props on him.

And at that time, Feng Zihua's lump of meat paste already had such a trend.

It looks like it's going to be resurrected.

As a result, he was dizzy by Ye Chen.

Then when Ye Chen delivered a fatal blow, even Feng Zihua, who was carrying a lump of meat mud, was also killed.

This truth is the result obtained by Feng Kui after watching dozens of videos in a row.

But his explanation was not believed by the people in their family.

Feng Kui's son, that is, Feng Zihua's father Feng Yanjun, was still next to persuade: "Dad, you have to accept reality." Feng Zihua was to maintain Ye Chen, so he was strangled by the projection of the Treasure Great Devil King.

"That Great Demon King directly blocked the entire examination room, and it was impossible for all the students or teachers in the examination room to be resurrected after they died.

"You said that Zihua's body has any resurrection props or invincible props? How can they be invincible when they all become meat puree?" Feng

Kui was angry with his stupid son and couldn't speak: "You don't believe what I said." Okay, that Zihua's hatred, I'll repay it!"

No one can stop it.

Feng Yanjun was just a Heavenly Saint level master.

Face Tianzun.

There was never even a chance to fight back.

There is a difference between Tianzun and Tianzun.

Feng Kui's kind is particularly terrifying, he can kill people invisibly. And Feng Kui is cruel, even his own descendants are not spared.

Feng Yanjun did not dare to touch this mold: "Now there is a large group of people following next to that Ye Chen. Military or personal. Or maybe it's the school.

"Dad, you give up, and this Ye Chen should be able to grow into a Tianzun easily. It's not good to offend.

Feng Kui snorted coldly: "Zihua died so miserably because of a father like you, why should I befriend Ye Chen?"

Only shut your mouth.

In the past few days, the Feng family has been shrouded in low pressure.

Feng Yanjun also had to complete his son's funeral first. After that, you have to continue to defend the battlefield.

This time, the Tianzun-level demon made a fuss.

The battlefield between the human race and the demon became more and more tense.

Feng Kui was willing to go crazy and let him go crazy.

Anyway, such a daddy.

Feng Yanjun really didn't want to serve anymore.

Think about those descendants who live and work, and there are not a hundred or dozens who died in the hands of Feng Kui, the old king bastard, right?

Who has such an ancestor, it is really poured blood mold for eighteen lifetimes.

Seeing Feng Yanjun does not help himself. And don't believe what they say.

Feng Kui's face was ugly.

In the end, a grandson has died in the family.

If another son dies.

The Feng family is not much of a person.

Although Feng Kui was furious.

In the end, he did not make a move on his son.

Instead, he went straight out the door.

Feng Yanjun's wife was very confused: "What the old man said may be true, Zihua, maybe he was killed by the surname Ye."

"Now the one surnamed Ye has also won the national college entrance examination." Shouldn't we make him pay a price?" Feng

Yanjun closed his eyes: "The old man's brain has probably always been unclear, and he experimented on people in the family in the early years." Cultivate that thing that is not a person or a ghost.

"Now it's like having hysteria again, not to say that Zihua has the means to save his life in that situation." I'll say something ugly. Even if there is, we can't admit it.

"Let's admit it, then what if Zihua's motive for rushing to Ye Chen is discovered, and how much benefit does Zihua's death bring to our family now?"

The glory of death. Die well.

"If only others knew that Feng Zihua was actually going to kill Ye Chen. Do you think that everything that the state has given us now will not be taken back, and what will our family be judged into?"

What do you think will happen?" Hearing

Feng Yanjun say this, his wife broke out in a cold sweat.

This matter does not matter what the truth is.

That's all I can do.

As for whether the old man is crazy or not.

It has nothing to do with them.

The two couples, who are interests first and selfish and indifferent, just want to do Feng Zihua's funeral first.

And then what to do.

As for what Feng Kui will do, what does it have to do with the two of them?

When Ye Chen was shopping for vegetables, he found that the face of the national college entrance examination champion was really easy to use.

As soon as he came to the market, he saw a fish seller and said hello to him.

Before he could say anything, the uncle rushed in front of him: "Little doll, if my grandson hadn't been in the same examination room with you, I would have come to these two big fish for you." Go back and replenish your body.

After speaking, the uncle yelled at the uncles and aunts behind him who sold vegetables: "Ye Chen, the champion of the national college entrance examination, personally came to buy vegetables!"

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