Within the next half hour.

Ye Chen didn't have to enter the vegetable market at all.

Just standing in the doorway with a storage bag, I finished the dishes.

Uncles and aunts, that's called a passion.

The dishes for Ye Chen are the freshest and most delicious.

Moreover, an uncle also looked at Ye Chen with frowning and said, "Ye Chen, a genius like you, must be cultivating every day." "

No matter how thick-skinned Ye Chen is, he is embarrassed to tell people that he plays games at home every day."

"Yes. Salty Fish King Ye Chen nodded unhurriedly.

The uncle continued: "A child like you must not be very good at cooking. I have a granddaughter who cooks deliciously.

Ye Chen's nature was exposed: "Really?"

The uncle quickly took out a photo from his pocket: "This is my granddaughter, take a look." "

White skin, beautiful long legs.

Ye Chen was ecstatic: "Uncle, your granddaughter is really good-looking.

Before he finished speaking, an aunt squeezed in next to him: "Old Liu Tou, your granddaughter is a scum... Scumbag. What kind of heart did you introduce to us?" Old

Liu Tou directly exploded in anger: "My granddaughter is ice clear and jade, how is she a scumbag?" "

That day, I also saw two young people arguing downstairs for your granddaughter. Your granddaughter is watching the excitement upstairs, and she has no intention of coming down at all. The aunt smiled and grabbed Ye Chen's hand: "Look at my daughter."

The aunt said and took out her mobile phone and flipped out her daughter's photo.

It was an intellectual beauty.

The temperament on the body is like an empty valley and a beautiful orchid. At first glance, it is the teacher.

Aunt Shen mysteriously took Ye Chen's hand: "My girl's awakened profession is not ordinary, especially suitable for you."

"What profession?" Ye Chen wondered.

The uncle next to him blushed: "Don't listen to her nonsense, her girl's awakening profession is called a person ... Hehe, her girl's awakened profession is called desert butcher, I heard that she quacked a sheep in 8 minutes, are you afraid?"

I'll tell you about Champion Lang. My girlfriend is also now also level 20 bronze. The trial hasn't been done yet. At that time, the two of you will work together and will not be tired. "

She gave you a goat in the copy and roasted it for you to eat, what do you think?" Ye

Chen listened with great fascination: "Good, good." "

The saliva is almost dripping.

There is Lao Liu Tou and Aunt taking the lead.

Those grandpas and aunts in the back.

It's a lot more bold.

All of them rushed up:

"Zhuang Yuanlang, look at my girl." My girl's country is fragrant, and the flowers and moon are beautiful.

"Ye Zhuangyuan, first add my granddaughter's WeChat. Let's talk first. My girlfriend's circle has a lot of pictures of her. That's called a pretty one.

"Xiaoye. I see you buy so many dishes, and you can't make them yourself. Why don't I let my granddaughter go back with you now." Let her cook for you.

"Little Dust, what do you think of me?

When Ye Chen heard the other uncles and aunts speak, the answer was always "good, good".

As a result, a familiar voice was suddenly heard.

Ye Chen was also habitually "good, good", and then she saw the person in front of her clearly: "Uh, senior sister, you don't play games anymore?"

I didn't expect you to be quite popular. Bai Luoyan sighed and said: "Is WeChat all added?" When

she said this, Bai Luoyan's smile was the brightest.

"Ahhh... Added some. Ye Chen had a bad premonition.

An aunt next to him said unceremoniously: "Zhuangyuanlang, this is your senior sister." In the past, the little girl couldn't buy vegetables. "

Ye Chen: ???

these grandpas and aunts all sell vegetables in the vegetable market.

Bai Luoyan's face was slightly red: "Why can't I buy vegetables?" The

aunt was justified: "The last time you bought ribs on my stall, I raised the price for you, and you didn't find it."

"You young people, you usually come to the market. Otherwise, every time you come back to the market, we will be wronged.

Ye Chen always felt that this aunt was still a little proud when she said this.

Bai Luoyan always had to make a clear theory in front of Aunt.

So Bai Luoyan, who just came, was attracted away by her aunt.

The other grandpas and aunts rushed up.

Ye Chen had to open a trumpet to come out and add WeChat specifically.

Two hours later.

The two junior sisters finally left the vegetable market.

Ye Chen's thought was: "This vegetable market beauty resource is called a lot, it is really unfathomable."

Bai Luoyan's thought was: "It turns out that there is so much knowledge in buying vegetables, and this vegetable market is really unfathomable." "

Junior sister and brother have the same idea.

Take the teleportation array and walk back.

Back near the villa.

I didn't see the two liars before.

As soon as Ye Chen came out of the teleportation array, he saw an old man who was covered in green and looked like a grasshopper.

Not only are the clothes he wears green, but even his hair is green.

How many green hats do you have to wear to dress yourself like this.

The old man looked shaky.

But when he saw Ye Chen come out of the teleportation array, he smiled slightly in the direction of Ye Chen.

The leaf dust goosebumps on this side are all up.

Somehow, I felt uncomfortable when I saw this old man.

He quickly opened the System Store.

During the college entrance examination and the three days after the college entrance examination, Ye Chen basically spent it in the fish.

He even took his senior sister to fish together.

So the salted fish points accumulated are quite a lot. That's about 2 million.

Especially after the demon put him on the assassination list.

As long as he makes a lying flat, he can stimulate the system to spit out a lot of points.

And these days because of the college entrance examination, Ye Chen often asked the system if it could brush out the kind of resurrection props that broke through the resurrection limit.

It is something that can be resurrected no matter what.

It's so important to stay alive.

I haven't had time to see the System Mall today.

When Ye Chen saw this old man, he was alarmed in his heart, and quickly opened the system mall.

[Ding-dong. Today, the system has swiped out a discounted prop, which meets your requirements. Ye

Chen quickly found the discount props that the system said.

[Anti-Injury Cloak]: Priced at 2 million salted fish points, after bringing it, it will rebound 100% of all damage, curses and other negative effects. The number of uses is 10, and it can be recharged when used up (only three hours of special time, one discount).

Lying groove, one fold.

In other words, the original price of this thing was 20 million salted fish points.

"Yes, the system is really powerful enough. "Ye Chen's hand is very fast, and he doesn't want to put it on directly without thinking about it.

"Next time, sell me that resurrected item at a discount." Ye Chen salivated over the 5 million resurrection statue.

[System]: At a young age, you can quite dream. If it weren't for the fact that you were put on the assassination list, I would be afraid that you would hang up. How could it be cheap to sell you such awesome props.

Put on that cloak.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

However, he also realized that in the high-level realm, it was very common to forbid resurrection. And there is no way to prevent it.

Otherwise, the system should give itself resurrection props, not some anti-injury cloak.

"This anti-injury cloak is also good. Ye Chen nodded with satisfaction.

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