After putting on this thing, Ye Chen felt that he had strength all over his body.

"It's still not strong enough. Otherwise I should be able to lie flat. Ye Chen even had such an idea.


But it's a life-saving item.

The only fly in the ointment is that this thing can only be used 10 times.

After use, it must be recharged.

"System." Ye Chen stood in place: "What are the materials needed to charge it?" "

[System]: You'll know then.

Ye Chen came out of the teleportation array first.

Bai Luoyan came out relatively slowly.

However, the reason why Bai Luoyan came out relatively slowly was that Feng Kui at this time suddenly blocked the space.

Feng Kui also knew that there were too many masters next to Ye Chen.

Although that so-called master was nothing to a Tianzun-level figure like Feng Kui.

But there are too many of them. And once something happens next to Ye Chen, it will definitely be reported.

Although Feng Kui did not take the descendants of the Feng family seriously.

But after all, it was his descendants.

He can't let his children and grandchildren be unlucky because of his own affairs.

Therefore, he shot for a short time.

When Ye Chen passed in front of Feng Kui's eyes.

Feng Kui suddenly made a move, first blocking Bai Luoyan who was about to come out of the teleportation array, and then turned around and threw a handful of poison in the direction of Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's reaction speed was also very fast, when the other party blocked Bai Luoyan, Ye Chen instantly summoned a defensive tower, and summoned seven or eight hundred in one breath, and at the same time threw a skill towards the green grasshopper old man.


Ye Chen's dizziness is indistinguishable.

After Feng Kui threw the poison, the person fainted in place.

A bunch of defensive towers kept attacking Feng Kui.

It also made Feng Kui unable to move.

Because Feng Kui was originally in a state of vertigo. Therefore, the attacks of subsequent defense towers will all refresh the original stun.

He just stood there.

He was stunned, and at the same time unlocked the blockade on Bai Luoyan's side.

After Bai Luoyan just came out of the teleportation array, she directly raised her sword and slashed in the direction of Feng Kui.

Her attack and Ye Chen's dizzy attack came at the same time.

Feng Kui just stood in place.

Bai Luoyan recognized that the one in front of him was the famous Poison Venerable, no way, this guy's face is too eye-catching, as long as you look at it once, you can remember him.

But no matter who the other party is, the other party makes a move on his junior brother.

Bai Luoyan would not let him go.

However, at this time, the attack of the defense tower delivered a fatal blow.

Feng Kui's eyes widened.

Fell down in disbelief.

Of course, Ye Chen fell at the same time.

It's just that Ye Chen is pretended.

From the old man's dress, it can be seen that this guy should be one of the masters of Xia Guo.

Bai Luoyan was surprised when she first came out.

It looks like it should be recognition.

This Feng Kui will definitely be killed by Ye Chen, so what is the motive? The motive was, of course, that Feng Kui poisoned Ye Chen.

Out of self-preservation, Ye Chen will attack the other party.

But Ye Chen's body had an anti-injury cloak.

The damage was now 100% transferred to Feng Kui's body.

Ye Chen's side must leave evidence that Feng Kui poisoned himself, even if it was fake.

Anyway, the poison dropped by Feng Kui had not completely dissipated, and many of them had contaminated Ye Chen's body.

Ye Chen fell to the ground with a weak face: "My stomach hurts so much." I'm so uncomfortable. Senior sister, am I going to die? "

Bai Luoyan: ......

I've never seen acting so bad.

Feng Kui, as a poison lord, has been poisoned quite ruthlessly over the years, according to his own words, it is to reduce the pain of the enemy, so everyone who is poisoned by him will become a puddle of meat mud.

Dead thoroughly.

Moreover, the poison lasted for three seconds at most. It is completely possible to forget the pain, quack in place, and see God directly.

If Feng Kui wanted to poison, he would not be so low-level.

But Bai Luoyan can only act now: "Junior brother, how are you?" Junior Brother, don't scare me. "

At the same time as Feng Kui moves.

Xiong Weiguo and Cao Guangtao in the distance had already seen it.

They also wish they had grown 8 legs.

Quickly ran to Ye Chen's front to see what was going on.

They also saw the scene where Feng Kui poisoned Ye Chen.

I really don't understand what this Feng Kui is crazy about.

Bai Luoyan shouted Ye Chen's name in tears. Ye Chen frowned and fainted directly to the ground.

Xiong Weiguo and Cao Guangtao came over with worried faces.

"What's the situation? Is there anything wrong with Brother Ye? Xiong Weiguo asked.

Cao Guangtao also said on the side: "We are all members of the military. Don't worry. I'm going to call an assistant now. "

Isn't it nice to come over?

Ye Chen opened his eyes with difficulty: "My master gave me an anti-drug cloak, and the poison injury is not serious, it is an internal injury." "

Assists can really clear up some of the negative states. But it may not be able to remove Feng Kui's poison.

But Ye Chen said that he had internal injuries.

That can't be managed.

Feng Kui's poison is very toxic. Sometimes it even burns the soul directly. There is no way to solve this assistance.

Bai Luoyan really knew Ye Chen too well. There must be nothing wrong, this is just pretend.

Although she couldn't quite understand why Ye Chen was still alive under Feng Kui's blow.

However, the most urgent thing is to first confirm the matter of Feng Kui's poisoning. It's a good thing that there are military people around. At least testify.

"My master is the auxiliary. Let my master come. Bai Luoyan dropped such a sentence and called Tang Xiaoyue directly.

Tang Xiaoyue over there was still in a meeting.

Drowsy at the meeting.

Suddenly, Tang Xiaoyue received a call from Bai Luoyan. During the meeting, the girl's phone was still out.

The principal had to stop and look in the direction of Tang Xiaoyue.

Tang Xiaoyue's face did not have any guilt. After connecting the phone, his eyes were round: "What? Feng Kui, he has enough to eat, why did he attack my good apprentice? "

The principal was quite dissatisfied.

Hearing Tang Xiaoyue say this, her ears pricked up: "Who attacked whom?" When

he asked this, Tang Xiaoyue had already disappeared.

Directly pinched the teleportation array and passed.

Speed, that's called a fast.

The principal also realized something was wrong.

Hurry up and follow.

Half an hour later.

Tang Xiaoyue walked out of Ye Chen's bedroom with a tired look: "The person is fine." "

The military boss waiting outside.

The senior management of Shengjing University.

Only then did Qi brush a sigh of relief.

Feng Kui's body was still outside the villa area at this time.

There are several military masters and school masters to supervise it.

Xiong Weiguo heard that Ye Chen was fine, and immediately stood up and was about to rush inside, but was stopped by Tang Xiaoyue: "My apprentice has just woken up, what are you going to do?"

"So what?" Xiong Weiguo said a little embarrassed: "I want to see Classmate Ye."

"He just went to sleep, and I heard you were also a witness at the scene." Can you tell me what's going on? Although it was only a Heavenly King-level auxiliary, the momentum exuded by Tang Xiaoyue's body was not low, and Xiong Weiguo, who was at the Heavenly Saint level, always felt that Tang Xiaoyue was going to find trouble with Feng Kui in the next second.

Even if it's a whip.

At this time, in the bedroom, Ye Chen certainly did not fall asleep. He was nervously lying at the door with Bai Luoyan, listening to the movements outside.

"Now you know it's in a hurry? When I first killed someone, I didn't see you hesitate. Bai Luoyan said with a grin.

"It's just self-preservation. Besides, how did I know that the old man was so unlucky that he suddenly triggered a fatal blow. Ye Chen was a little worried: "Will it bring trouble to the master?"

"Yes." Bai Luoyan nodded: "Anyway, Feng Kui is a Tianzun level figure. When he died, our Xia Kingdom, and even our entire Terran race, greatly reduced their strength.

"But don't worry. No matter what, this matter was Feng Kui the first to strike. Your share of justice, Master will definitely get it back for you. "

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