Ye Chen was actually quite moved to hear Bai Luoyan say this, but his mouth was a little owed: "Why don't you get me back?" This Feng Kui is all gagging.

As a result, Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen with a mentally retarded look: "You really think that you can kill Feng Kui, right?"

"How else?" Ye Chen hurriedly said, "You also know that skill of mine. Those who are killed cannot be resurrected.

"As a Tianzun. How is it possible without the means to save lives? Bai Luoyan said this uncertainly: "You are still paralyzed in bed in the eyes of people outside and can't speak, you shut up for me." Listen carefully to what the people outside are doing. "

Ye Chen: ...

In fact, Ye Chen could also feel that Bai Luoyan doubted it when she said this just now.

System production, must be a boutique.

Anyway, Ye Chen believes in the system.

To say that there can be no resurrection is no resurrection.

But he still had to ask about the system.

The system quickly replied: "It can be resurrected." However, use the props of this system. And. After the resurrection, Feng Kui is not Feng Kui. Hearing

the system's answer, Ye Chen was surprised: "What do you mean?" [

System]: "What I'm talking about is not a resurrection either. You know the puppet charm, right? I have a prop here called a puppet baby, 100,000 salted fish points, do you understand? Just brushed out today. "

Ye Chen only has 200,000 salted fish points left.

He quickly opened the system mall.

Found the item called the puppet baby.

[Puppet Baby]

: Price: 200,000 salted fish points.

Effect: Remember the puppet summoned by the cute and poor puppet charm? The golems can briefly pick things up or do simple tasks for you. In fact, they all have souls.

When the puppet baby eats the corpse within 24 hours of death, it will generate a puppet soul in that person's body.

This puppet soul will have a mind of its own. However, it is 100% loyal to the user.

The resurrected only needs to be satisfied with the corpse within 24 hours of death, and can be forcibly resurrected under the premise that it cannot be resurrected.


The explanation is so complicated.

In short: System Dad wants you to live, you have to live. If you live, you have to work for Ye Chen.

Only 100,000 points.

Value cried.

Ye Chen bought it back without saying a word.

At the same time, he was also vigilant, listening to the movement outside.

After Tang Xiaoyue went out, he told Ye Chen's basic condition: "Now this child is seriously injured, and it is estimated that he will have to rest at home for a while." Let's talk about Feng Kui first. Speaking

of this Xiong Weiguo, he felt that he finally had a place to use: "My two eyes can see clearly, and the first to strike is Feng Kui."

"I heard that in the early years, Feng Kui studied poison and ruined his brain, and even experimented with the juniors of the Feng family. The entire Feng family was also respectful and afraid of this guy.

"Plus Feng Zihua died to protect Ye Chen. I wondered if this old man couldn't think about it, so I went to find Ye Chen's trouble. "

Don't look at the usual Xiong Weiguo five big three thick.

It's really thick and thin.

Immediately found an excuse for Feng Kui.

Cao Guangtao also nodded on the side: "I think so too." When Lao Cao and I rushed over, Feng Kui had already fallen to the ground.

"This old boy has a bad heart. He didn't even let Ye Chen's senior sister come out of the teleportation array. All of a sudden, no one could have imagined. Tang

Xiaoyue's face was ugly.

Xiong Weiguo is a fiery temper: "What is the use of us talking here?" Lao Feng still doesn't want to wake up. What's wrong? He was a Tianzun-level figure who sneaked up on a junior, but was killed by the junior. Can't he afford to lose this old face? "

This old bear's voice is loud enough.

It seemed that he deliberately wanted to listen to Feng Kui outside.

"This Feng Kui is still unwilling to be resurrected. What did he want? He wants to give us nothing and sneak away, right? The more Xiong Weiguo thought about it, the more angry he became.

Simply stood up directly.

"I'll go out and see this old boy." Xiong Weiguo felt that Feng Kui must have a bunch of props that could be resurrected.

As a result, he still refuses to stand up.

I must have felt that this matter was a shame.

Xiong Weiguo walked directly in front of Feng Kui's body.

He hated iron and said without steel: "Lao Feng. I used to respect you, and you are also a man. It is also very difficult to grow to the level of Tianzun.

"Last time in the bloody college entrance examination incident, your family lost their grandson, and did not lay a curse with other Tianzun, I won't say anything."

"You actually ran over to poison Ye Chen now, what do you think?"

Xiong Weiguo swore an oath.

The voice is still loud.

There are also some masters living in this villa area.

Recently, because of the incident that Ye Chen was admitted to the national champion.

The old houses in the villa area that have not been sold for several years have been sold.

Many people know Xiong Weiguo, one of the 12 Heavenly Saints of the military.

Some people even secretly filmed videos.

Xiong Weiguo became more and more angry the more he spoke.

The point is that Feng Kui actually didn't wake up in this situation.

"Feng Kui, you forced me to do this." Xiong Weiguo activity activity wrist.

Suddenly, there was a big slap in the face towards Feng Kui's corpse.

Loud and crisp.

"Why haven't you woken up yet? What is there to be ashamed of? Xiong Weiguo was angry and corrupted.


Feng Kui's body is still silent, and silence is Kangqiao tonight.

Xiong Weiguo: "If you have the ability to do it, you have the courage to admit it!" "Another whip leg.

Feng Kui's body was still silent, and silence was a disguise for the night.

Xiong Weiguo: "Ahhh!!h "This cargo is full of tendon flesh, and directly came to the top of Tarzan.

Feng Kui's body remained silent, and the silence was like raging seawater.

The masters standing next to Feng Kui looked at each other.

No one dared to provoke this angry Xiong Weiguo.

Of course. Ye Chen, who was observing on the balcony, also trembled, and he looked at Bai Luoyan next to him with some confusion: "Senior sister, is this a whipping corpse?"

Bai Luoyan shivered: "It should... It probably doesn't count. After all, Feng Kui... It is impossible to be killed by you. When pigs fly.

"I don't think it's possible either." Ye Chen made a particularly sad look, weak, pitiful and helpless: "I don't know what I did wrong, I will actually be treated like this by Feng Kui."

"Now he's not willing to get up and explain things, and I think if I had to go over and say two words, maybe he would be willing to get up."

"He's a person with such a high generation, and he's embarrassed to bully me, right?"

In fact, Ye Chen just wanted to go over and put the puppet baby on Feng Kui's body.

The casting distance of this thing is 50 meters.

It's a bit far away now. He couldn't reach it.

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