Of course, Bai Luoyan couldn't agree to Ye Chen's proposal: "That's not okay. Just now, Master can say that you are now in a state of bedridden illness, and you look like you are about to be paralyzed.

"Master also asked me to look at you." It is enough for you to see how Feng Kui was beaten. You hurry up and lie down on the bed for me.

Ye Chen was speechless.

But at this time, Xiao Bai and Cortana were outside.

Ye Chen can contact Xiaobai through the system.

You can also throw the props of that puppet baby to Xiaobai through the system.

Xiao Bai got such an errand.

Crying nose and went out.

Xiong Weiguo grabbed Feng Kui's body and beat him violently.

But no matter what Xiong Weiguo said.

Feng Kui didn't get up.

When Xiong Weiguo was about to get angry, he suddenly noticed a cry in the distance.

And then a cute little loli. Twitching came over.

Xiong Weiguo knew that this was Ye Chen's pet.

Seeing that little loli crying like that, Xiong Weiguo said with some weakness: "Little girl, don't cry."

"My master is weak. I can feel it. Xiaobai is also a joker: "My master is very weak and weak. It was as if a gust of wind could blow him away. What should I do? I'm going to be without a master soon.

When Xiao Bai said this, he spat fiercely at Feng Kui on the ground: "Bah, what kind of Tianzun are you?" Your grandson has protected our master. That's what your grandson willingly did. What happened when you ran over and injured our master? "

In fact, when Xiao Bai spat out, he had already thrown the puppet baby over.

The puppet baby prop is only the size of a glass bead.

Still transparent.

Xiong Weiguo and the masters guarding the corpse next to him only saw that Little Loli seemed to throw something towards the corpse.

It looks like it should be stone.

The owners are almost quacking.

Pets run over and throw a stone or something, it seems to be normal.

Xiong Weiguo and the few masters guarding the corpse were also silent.

Just don't see it.

But at this moment, Feng Kui suddenly took a big breath and sat up directly.

Don't look at when Xiong Weiguo beat Feng Kui just now, it was called a heroic divine martial arts.

When he saw Feng Kui suddenly sit up, his eyes widened.

It also becomes cramped and uneasy.

Joke. This Feng Kui is the most uncertain and ruthless one in the entire Xia Kingdom.

He is simply a double-edged sword.

Feng Kui liked to experiment with all kinds of demons the most. Some demons are naturally poisonous. He loved it too. But sometimes he also experimented with people.

Don't talk about those enemies.

It's just that usually other people's words are not good. He may catch each other for experiments.

It is said that even the juniors in his family. They all have to suffer this.

So when Feng Kui woke up completely, Xiong Weiguo couldn't wait to dig a hole and bury himself in it.

If you let Feng Kui know that he whipped the corpse for a long time... Xiong Weiguo's face was a little ugly and thought, in fact, Feng Kui should have known for a long time.

This resurrection prop should be resurrected in place.

Xiong Weiguo simply closed his eyes, his heart was crossed, and he opened up like this: "Feng Kui, you are really too much, what did Ye Chen do to hurt the heavens, you have to run so far to kill people?"

"I've been playing a lot of poison lately. Played with the brain. "After the puppet baby entered Feng Kui's body, a new puppet soul was soon born. This puppet soul established a connection with Ye Chen when it was born.

So what Feng Kui said now was what Ye Chen taught him.

Ye Chen only had to meditate in his heart.

The puppet Feng Kui over here will speak honestly.

Xiong Weiguo originally had more words to wait for Feng Kui, but he didn't expect Feng Kui to admit it directly.

He was so excited that he didn't come up in one breath and choked.

Coughed for a long time.

Xiaobai also looked at Xiong Weiguo with an innocent expression: "Uncle, what's wrong with you?"

"How old are you, you call me uncle?" Xiong Weiguo also knows that such pets are very old. He once raised a desert scorpion, and although it was a baby with a very low rank, he had lived to be more than 200 years old.

Xiong Weiguo was stimulated by Xiaobai's uncle.

The cough is worse.

"Ah, this..." No one asked Xiaobai's age, Xiaobai was originally a holy light pegasus, growing up in another world, and only summoners can enter another world.

Ye Chen's sister is a light summoner. Captured Shiro in another world.

Xiaobai thought for a long time: "About 600 years old." "If you count the time in the other world.

Xiong Weiguo covered his heart and took a step back, turned his head and said to Feng Kui: "Then you must apologize to Ye Chen now, and you also have to compensate."

"Anyway, you can tell Tang Xiaoyue about the specific things."

Unexpectedly, Feng Kui was not angry at all.

Even the attitude is very good.

"Okay." Feng Kui stood up, and the first two steps were a little uncomfortable, but soon the puppet baby adapted to this body.

And he could feel a very powerful energy.

The puppet Feng Kui walked towards the direction of the villa.

Tang Xiaoyue had been waiting at the door with the other masters for a long time.

The principal also looked at Tang Xiaoyue with some apprehension: "This Feng Kui's temper is very bad. In case he goes crazy for a while, do you have to call your grandmother over?

"My grandma and grandma are already on their way." Tang Xiaoyue's face was ugly.

Although Tang Xiaoyue itself was only a Heavenly King-level auxiliary.

But Tang Xiaoyue's grandmother and Tang Xiaoyue's grandmother, one is the auxiliary of the Tianzun level, and the other is the output of the Tianzun level.

A gentle.

A cranky one.

Now Tang Xiaoyue is for this apprentice.

I was stunned to invite my two Buddhas.

A few days ago, the 5 Tianzuns joined forces to lay a curse.

Tang Xiaoyue originally didn't want to disturb her two Buddhas. After all, people haven't recuperated yet.

But this matter can only be suppressed by the two Buddhas of his own family.

Feng Kui is a madman.

Tang Xiaoyue and the other masters, although they looked calm on the surface, in fact, when Feng Kui walked over, they had already tightened their weapons.

If Feng Kui goes crazy again.

Then they can only do it.

Unexpectedly, Feng Kui walked in front of Tang Xiaoyue, and bowed respectfully in the direction of Tang Xiaoyue: "I'm sorry!"

"I've played with drugs a lot, and my head is a little wrong." See your apprentice as an imaginary enemy.

"Caused great damage to your apprentice. I will bear all the medical expenses.

"Everything in our Feng family's treasury can be used for compensation. You guys pick and choose. "

Feng Kui said a serious book. Even righteous.

Tang Xiaoyue: ???

Cao Guangtao was not quite sure: "What did you lose yourself to?"

In fact, the puppet baby panicked, but still remained calm, and said very sincerely: "What I said is true, now you can go with me to the treasure house of the Feng family." Bai

Luoyan suddenly rushed out of Ye Chen's bedroom.


How could such a good thing not take her with her?

Ye Chen: ... You don't have to be so enthusiastic.

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