
NPC Tang Xiaoyue didn't give up at all. She coiled on Ye Chen's body like an octopus, and the NPC whispered in Ye Chen's ear: "I can make those bystanders invisible to anything." You don't want to have a good time with me? Ye

Chen finally restrained.


Although this NPC is fake, the figure is real.

Who can stand this?

But this copy is full of pitfalls.

Once you can't hold on. After that, there was a fart ah.

Ye Chen closed his eyes and slapped the NPC Tang Xiaoyue.

The NPC was stunned.

Tang Xiaoyue outside the door was also stunned.

Ye Chen quickly threw the NPC off his body.

By the way, he slapped him twice.

"Don't think that if you hold my master's face, I won't dare to touch you. My master is not such a person. Ye Chen snorted coldly and said, "You pretend to be too disgusting." Sure

enough, the face of the NPC in front of him darkened.

After Ye Chen finished beating people, he rushed out of the office directly.

Bai Luoyan outside didn't know what was happening at all.

She saw that the NPCs in the office were all red in their faces and sitting on the ground embarrassed, and she knew that Ye Chen should have passed a certain test.

It's that the way it passes, which can be a bit violent.

His own master didn't know what he saw, and his face turned red. However, this red color is not the same as the red on the NPC's face. NPCs have two slap prints on their faces. At a glance, it was Ye Chen's beating.

Bai Luoyan looked surprised: "This NPC is so bad that it is the face of the master, how dare Ye Chen?" I didn't dare to fight.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xiaoyue next to him nodded: "Good fight." "

If it weren't for the spectator mode now.

Tang Xiaoyue wanted to rush in and beat that NPC.

The reason why Ye Chen ran.

It's because I can't stand it.

After two slaps, the NPC was pitiful and stared at him with a little resentment.

The same face and the same figure as the master.

Where can Ye Chen withstand it?

Something will definitely happen if you stay any longer.

So he went straight out of school.

Security guards at the school gate tried to stop him.

Can't stop it.

Ye Chen is used to this mixed world of games and reality.

What is skipping class?

That's all pediatrics.

After escaping from school, he went to a nearby Internet café.

Played a night of games happily.

Stimulus to the system is not good:

[Ding-dong. Detecting that the host actually put it in the copy really impressed my generation. Reward 5 times salted fish points, congratulations to the host for obtaining 50,000 salted fish points. 【

Ding-dong.】 The host was detected playing the game until the morning of day 2. Be happy. It really impresses my generation. Triple salted fish points, congratulations to the host for obtaining 30,000 salted fish points. 【

Dingdong, detected that the host met a girl in the Internet café. And spent a pleasant evening with the girl. I wait to admire. Reward twice the salted fish points and get 20,000 salted fish points.

Ye Chen stayed in the Internet café for three days.

In three days, I ordered countless women to accompany me.

Play games with him.

Play with him.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue, who watched the battle watching mode, were particularly speechless. Also very incomprehensible.

And the time spent inside the copy is the same as the time spent outside.

However, Bai Luoyan lived with Ye Chen for a while, and she said to Tang Xiaoyue next to her: "When I lived with Ye Chen before, he lived like this every day. But still strong. I think this is his different cultivation method as a genius.

Tang Xiaoyue frowned, very incomprehensible: "But I see him as if he is simply playing."

Bai Luoyan felt that Ye Chen must be hiding: "During the time I lived with him, he was like this every day. But he got stronger. And it's getting stronger. This must be his special cultivation method.

"This kind of cultivation method is really powerful. It's good to see this today. In the future, I will be like those girls, wearing floral dresses to play games with him. Tang Xiaoyue reviewed her teaching method, but what appeared in her mind was the appearance of NPCs coiled on Ye Chen's body.

It seems that that's pretty good.

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaoyue's face blushed.

Bai Luoyan felt that he had always restrained Ye Chen from playing games before, and he really did something wrong.

If only she had such an enlightenment as Master.

The next time, she will also wear such a flower skirt to accompany Ye Chen to play games.

Look how happy Ye Chen is.

The money in Ye Chen's hand is very limited.

In this copy, he spent almost the same amount of money in his pocket and went straight back to school.

NPC Tang Xiaoyue was very excited when she saw Ye Chen, and ran up and hugged him excitedly: "Ye Chen, you are really worried about me." Where have you been lately? I can't even find you. Come home with me, your father misses you so much." "

Ye Chen takes the practice of not moving, I don't move.

Like a salted fish, he was brought home by NPC Tang Xiaoyue.

Then the divine setting of this copy of the egg appears.

This NPC Tang Xiaoyue is actually Ye Chen's stepmother.

The second NPC, Bai Luoyan, is Ye Chen's sister who is not related by blood.

The three people who broke into the copy glanced at each other in unison.

It's all quite silent.

This relationship is really messy.

And the bloodiest place is. In this copy, Ye Chen's NPC father has been away all year round and can't come home.

The two female NPCs in the family are more or less interesting to Ye Chen.

Also often jealous.

Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan in the spectator mode were speechless.

Tang Xiaoyue said with a confused look: "So, my good apprentice treats me as a mother."

Bai Luoyan was also taken into the ditch by Tang Xiaoyue in an instant: "My stupid junior brother treats me as a sister." Tang

Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan glanced at each other, and the two didn't know what they thought, and actually said in unison: "I really deserve to die."

Bai Luoyan said first as an apprentice: "When I stayed with Ye Chen before, I didn't know much about his cultivation methods. Don't let him play games every day. Don't let him live a happy life. He treated me like a sister. I'm damn it.

Tang Xiaoyue nodded: "I also think that Ye Chen's cultivation method is too lazy, but I didn't expect that this was his way." As a master, I don't even understand the cultivation methods of apprentices. I also plan to let him go to the most dangerous copy of the Flame Mountain, I really damn it." Fortunately

, Ye Chen couldn't hear what the two of them said at all.

Otherwise, now you have to cut out a 3 bedrooms and 1 living room.

In spectator mode, although the person who breaks the quest and the person watching the battle can see each other, they cannot communicate.

However, Ye Chen was directly rotten in this copy.

At first, he also resisted the approach of NPC Tang Xiaoyue and NPC Bai Luoyan. Later lie directly flat.

Sleep every day until you wake up naturally.

Fragrant rice served every day.

And the fragrant beauty.

After three days, Ye Chen passed the copy.

Ye Chen: ???

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue said in unison: "Apprentice (junior brother) is so powerful!" "

Ye Chen: This copy has two arms, right?

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