At the same time as passing the copy, Ye Chen and the two people watching the battle were all kicked out.

An announcement appeared above the copy hall:

[Congratulations to the construction master Ye Chen for resisting desire, maintaining his heart, passing the trial, and obtaining a 5 times reward and a mysterious talent. ]

That's right.

This announcement.

It is a global announcement.

Not only was the pop-up announcement announced, but a small banner was hung at the top of each copy hall.

Particularly conspicuous.

In an instant, the entire professional forum exploded:

"5 times the reward, I'm a fan." I suspected that this Ye Chen's level 10 trial was no less than three times as much. Now it's 5 times more, what does his attribute have to become?

"That's a hang-up. My Terrans have to be forced to eradicate the demons just around the corner. "

5 times the increase in all attributes. Then there was an additional talent for the soul series. This seems to be a little different from my perception, doesn't it mean that there are only two talented people in the world?

"Soul talent is special, unless the means of attack are awakened. Otherwise it's useless.

"I only did 1.1 times the level 20 trial at the beginning. Is there really anyone in the world who has more than three times as much?

"More than three times shows the strength of the mind, no wonder, no wonder, Ye Chen can fight ten thousand enemies at such a young age." At such a young age, he can kill the projection of a Tianzun-level demon. You must know that the attack power of that projection is not low.

"The most feared people in this world are those who work hard. And the diligent and gifted ones are even more terrifying. If I had a talent like Ye Chen, I would fish every day in the next copy. But he was so diligent.

"I really want to see how Ye Chen managed to spend 5 times the copy." How strong is Ye Chen's mind? "


"You passed?" Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen with a puzzled face.

Don't say that Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue can't understand it.

Ye Chen himself couldn't figure out how he came out.

The inside of that trial copy was simply inexplicable.

It's the same as the real world, but it's a little different.

Tang Xiaoyue frowned: "It's still 5 times." Let's see what exactly is the awakened soul talent? "

That's all that matters.

Ye Chen glanced at it

: [Soul Flame]:

All your normal attacks and skill attacks will come with soul flames. The flames directly burn the soul, ignoring the presence or absence of the body.

Flames deal 30% real damage per second × attack power and can be stacked up to 15 layers. Untransferable, defensive, unclearable. (influenced by the heart of construction)

This talent is quite good.

The original attribute value of this talent should be 3% attack power per second.

But because Ye Chen has the heart to build.


The attribute value becomes 30%.

Ye Chen did not answer Tang Xiaoyue at this time, but asked another question: "Master, I heard that talent can be upgraded, how to upgrade?" "

Level 50 is fine." Tang Xiaoyue answered quickly: "Soul talent can also be upgraded. So what is your soul gift?

Ye Chen didn't say 10 times the attribute value, but just said an ordinary one: "All attacks and skills will give soul flames, and flames will cause 3% of my attack power every second." And it's real damage, ignoring defenses. There is also no way to remove, 15 layers can be stacked. "

It doesn't sound very powerful, it's just 3 percent."

Ye Chen just finished saying this.

I found that there was something wrong with Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chen asked in confusion.

"Do you know what real damage is?" Bai Luoyan was a little speechless, probably his own little junior brother still didn't understand what real harm was.

"I know. Just ignore the defenses. Ye Chen replied directly.

"You know you still ask. You can also stack 15 layers, what a joke. Who can carry it? And your normal attacks and skills... Shouldn't you have those towers too? Bai Luoyan glanced at Ye Chen with a look of horror: "Your attribute is too terrifying. And if you multiply it by 5 times, your attack power should be quite a lot. "

Quite a lot, indeed.

Ye Chen didn't dare to look at his attributes now.

Exaggerated don't don't don't want.

[Name]: Ye Chen

[Class]: Construction Master (only)

[Level]: Silver 20 [Attribute]: Strength: 14345 Agility: 2990 Physique: 2441825

Spirit: 24795



Building Heart (God Level), Damage Transfer (God Level),

Critical Strike (God Level), Soul Flame (God Level)

[Skill]: Level 25 Defense Tower, Level 15 Experience Cabin, Boomerhammer, Hammer Strike, Swiftness, and

other attributes.

It is nothing more than that it is inseparable from some attributes of level 70 Cortana.

The physique is too exaggerated.

2.44 million.

Where does that go?

But Ye Chen thought about it carefully, and he still felt that it was not enough.

Last time he slapped himself in the projection of the Great Demon King, he still remembered it.

Hundreds of thousands of defensive towers that disappeared in an instant. Remind yourself all the time that the damage value of Tianzun-level demons is quite terrifying.

You must pile up your physique and defenses at all times.

How to salted fish that can't stand?

[System]: 66666 This can be thought of salted fish. Sure enough, it was the salted fish king.

[Ding-dong. The host's idea made the system extremely impressed, activating the reward of five times salted fish points and obtaining 50,000 salted fish points. 】


The upper level limit for the Silver level is 30.

With Ye Chen's leveling speed, it is estimated that it will not be long before he can participate in the Golden Trial again.

It's horrible to double like this.

"What's wrong? Isn't your attack power very high? Seeing that Ye Chen did not reply for a long time, Tang Xiaoyue asked in confusion.

"The attack power is not particularly high. Less than 10,000. Ye Chen said casually.

He didn't quite know how much attack power other people of the same level really had.

"Less than 10,000, how much is that?" For his own apprentice, this mouth is full of running train attributes. Tang Xiaoyue also understood.

"More than 4,000." Ye Chen simply said a fraction.

"Anyway, it's already very powerful, I remember that pet of yours can give you an attack, and it's a 100% attack bonus." Bai Luoyan nodded: "Plus the title of national college entrance examination champion." It is estimated that the representative of the new students is you. You have to prepare a speech. "

Ye Chen: ???

"Let's not talk about that." Tang Xiaoyue took out her mobile phone: "Before you passed the video of the trial copy, the principal asked me, can you take it out and play it?" Contribute to everyone. See how exactly you got through that trial copy.

"But I don't know how I got by myself." Ye Chen was confused when he mentioned that copy.

That trial copy is simply inexplicable.

"It's okay. I hid some of the more sensitive places. I sent it to the principal, you have no opinion, right? Tang Xiaoyue asked directly.

Ye Chen didn't have any opinions: "You send it." "

Anyway, Tang Xiaoyue will definitely hide the key.

After all, inside this copy are the faces of Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan.

So in response to the needs of the majority of professionals.

A video of Ye Chen's clearance trial copy was posted to the forum of Shengjing Academy.

This post has just been posted. The number of reprints exceeded 2 million.

Some people didn't even read it, so they reprinted it first.

Go back and slowly observe how Ye Dacaizi passed the trial copy and got 5 times the reward!

And Tang Xiaoyue also specifically wrote Ye Chen's wish in the post: May the world be peaceful.

Ye Chen: ??? It doesn't seem like that's my wish.

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