Although he said that he wanted to sell all these dragon god stones.

But in fact, Ye Chen was still placed in the lizard's storage bag and did not move.

This stuff is weird.

Go back and let Master study the research utility. Just treating it as an experience potion seems a bit wasteful.

"See if there is Neidan. Actually, this is a lizard demon, right? Ye Chen looked at the pink lizard with black polka dots over and over several times: "It's a pity that it looks too ugly." Otherwise, it should be possible to be a mount.

Xiao Bai immediately said next to him: "This is just a pioneer, I just checked the information about the lizardmen."

Apparently Xiaobai entered prophet mode again: "It is said that their boss is very beautiful. Can be used as a mount.

Ye Chen immediately became interested: "Really? Then first dig out the inner dan of this lizard, and I don't know if the meat of this ankylosaurus is delicious.

Cortana volunteered: "Boss, I brought all the props for the barbecue." I knew that there was such a day, so I learned how to cook with the master and sister early on, and my cooking skills are still quite good.

Ye Chen greatly appreciated: "This is a good pet." Give me a barbecue to eat.

Xiao Bai snorted coldly.

I don't know when Cortana learned to cook.

This angelic beast does not tell itself any secrets.

Don't even tell yourself the secret of getting bigger.

Or the information that Xiaobai went to check himself.

At this time, Xiao Bai walked behind Ye Chen and took out a large chair from his storage bag.

There was also a furry tiger skin on top of the recliner. At a glance, it was ripped off the body of which tiger demon.

"Master, you lie on this deck chair. I'll cut fruit for you to eat. I can also give you a massage. Xiao Bai quickly exerted his effect.

She is also useful.

Ye Chen lay comfortably on the recliner, Xiaobai beat his back and rubbed his shoulders, and personally fed the fruit that had been cut.

"The sun is a little bigger." Ye Chen narrowed his eyes.

Xiao Bai quickly cast a spell and moved Ye Chen and the recliner to the experience hut.

This guy kept flipping his hands upside down, and said to Ye Chen excitedly: "Boss, this door will not disappear within an hour, if the pioneer they sent does not respond for a long time, they will send the second one over."

Ye Chen was very satisfied: "Isn't that Huluwa saving grandfather, come and cut one by one?"

"Yes." Xiaobai said with excitement on his face: "Let's just wait outside, master, the speed and frequency of my fan like this did not affect you, right?"

"Well, not bad." Ye Chen found a drama and projected it on the wall.

Xiao Bai also followed.

Cortana's conscientious roast.

A particularly perfect scene.

Except for the lizard skin next to it that had just peeled off intact pink with polka dots.

Everything looks so good.


Dragon God Altar.

The real divine dragon has fallen into a deep sleep.

And because of the lack of resources.

It is estimated that it will not wake up for thousands of years.

And the offering that was supposed to be given to the divine dragon.

Occupies the magpie's nest by a group of lizardman doves.

They ate pots full of pots.

He even named himself a dragon god.

I've almost forgotten what I looked like.

"Why hasn't Xiaofan come back yet? How much is Tianjiao this time? A large brown lizard said angrily.

"Could it be that the goods are still planning to bring people from outside to our Dragon God Altar? You know, people from outside haven't entered us for hundreds of years. "A black lizard holds the head of a Grandmaster-level Terran in his hand.

This cargo pried open the other party's heavenly spirit cover with an ugly, claw.

The most favorite thing that the big lizard eats is the brains of high-level Terrans.

This is also what the stupid Terrans willingly offered to them.

"Then we will prepare a feast to welcome those Tianjiao. This time I said okay, my son is going to play in the world. An aunt with a strong upper body said.

Inside the world of the tutara lizard. Male lizards are colorful lizards. And the female lizards are all beauties with upper body Terrans and lower body lizard tails.

It is precisely because the female lizard can be semi-humanoid that the status of the female lizard is higher than that of the male lizard.

They have also always been ruled by the Queen Lizard.

"It's my daughter's turn to respond, right? I heard that those stupid Terran foods are quite good. At least stronger than here. A blue-green lizard said with a look of excitement.

"In other words, Xiao Fan has been gone for too long. Ah Huang, or you go out and see what the situation is. The god who had just spoken couldn't help but point to a pale yellow lizard in the corner and said.

The pale yellow lizard's face was a little confused, his age was relatively small for the other lizards in the Dragon God Altar, he had just come of age.

"Let you go, you will go." The blue lizard said quickly, "This is a good opportunity to get in touch with the outside world." Don't blame Ami for not giving you that opportunity. You don't want this kind of luck, I want it.

"Then I'll go out and take a look." The pale yellow lizard stood up and opened the portal not far away.


"So fragrant." The pale yellow lizard who had just opened the door had no idea what was happening, he didn't have any weapons in his hand, but the moment he opened the door, he smelled an indescribable smell.

This scent is captivating.

The pale yellow lizard did not hold back and sighed.

But he didn't have time to say that.

Lizards that have just come out of the portal will have an invincible shield on them.

But soon this invincible shield disappeared.

The pale yellow lizard, this time it was shorter than the pink lizard just now.

It took less than 10 seconds to get a fatal blow.

Fell to the ground with a bang.

"Why is this one so skinny?" Ye Chen looked disgusted.

However, the two pets next to him did not dislike it at all.

"This color is so rare." Cortana praised from the bottom of her heart.

Xiaobai also quickly rushed forward to examine it carefully: "If this kind of leather is made into leather boots, it seems to be quite good." "

It's better to be baggy." Cortana has now grown into a beautiful girl who cures all diseases.

"Not bad, collect it first." Xiaobai is very excited, killing people and crossing this kind of thing, as long as he passes the first psychological defense, he will be cool in the future: "But he is so poor." There was nothing in the storage bag. Neidan is also so young, just an adult.

"He doesn't have anything similar to the Dragon God Scepter in his hand yet. It should be an inconspicuous little spot, how was it sent? Cortana asked in confusion.

"No matter, let's wait for the next one. Wait a while to chop off this one's hand and take it to bake. Xiaobai's saliva is about to flow down: "Not old, the meat quality must be tender." "

Ye Chen: ...

Listen to what you have to say.

How cruel.

[System]: It seems that you came up with the idea, right?

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