Ye Chen's side harvested a total of 25 large lizards.

Their skins are colorful.

It seems to be dyed specifically.

That's it for the male lizard. With a height of two meters, the skin of this covered body can be taken off and made into various bags.

In Ye Chen's real world, there were people who specially turned into bag workers.

Don't look at this life profession, it sounds a bit.

But substantively. It's really profitable.

Those poor demons on the battlefield were taken away by high-level female players, and most of the skin on their bodies became bags.

There are also many male players who make the skins of these demons into armor and the like.

But it costs more. Because the skin is only the main part, there are many other materials that are more difficult to get. Relatively speaking, people prefer the equipment that explodes directly in the dungeon.

Male lizards have more skin on their bodies. There is not so much skin on the female lizard. The upper body of those female lizards is human, but they are ugly.

Their faces are highly similar to those of lizards.

They all have golden eyes, or vertical pupils, and they feel goosebumps when they look at each other.

Ye Chen was also startled when he saw the first female lizard come out naked.

But fortunately, the defense tower is powerful.

Soon the female lizard fell to the ground.

Then he was pickpocketed and cramped by Xiaobai and Cortana.

They are now becoming more and more skilled.

"Should we go inside the Dragon God Altar?" Ye Chen felt that this door seemed to be about to dissipate, moreover, it used to come in seven or eight minutes, but now he felt that there would be no more.

They have been waiting for a full ten minutes.

None of the remaining lizards came out.

Cortana nodded: "Then we have to go in and explore."

Xiao Bai also said on the side: "After we go in, I will put the key away, and then I can use this key to come out again." "

That being the case.

Ye Chen didn't say much.

With two pets, he entered the Dragon God Altar.

Open the door.

Just see a hall.

The hall is full of tables.

There were originally many snacks on this table, but now all that has been eaten is left.

And there are no people in this hall. Half a lizard can't be seen.

Just now, one after another should be the lizards in this hall.

And this hall looks quaint and elegant, which is not something these lizardmen can have. After all, their aesthetics are very strange, and you can feel it from the strange color matching of each of them.

The walls of the hall are carved with real dragon patterns.

It is the kind of divine dragon pattern that Ye Chen saw in the myths and legends of the Xia Kingdom, which is particularly beautiful.

The left half of the hall is even entirely in relief. The content of the relief is a real dragon.

There is a staircase at the right corner.

At this time, the entire hall was empty.

So Ye Chen, they searched here.

Finally they went up the stairs at the right bend, and eventually they saw a woman sitting on a throne upstairs.

It was a female lizard.

However, this female lizard is covered in snow-white body.

The upper body is also the same as that of humans.

Except for that lizard-looking face. Just looking at the other party's snow-white lizard tail, it is actually quite good-looking.

"This must be very good if it is made into a bag!" Xiao Bai was extremely excited.

As soon as Ye Chen came in, he directly summoned the defense tower.

Now the range of the defense tower can be far away.

Even if Ye Chen was a defensive tower built at the entrance of the stairs.

It is also able to hit the queen lizard on the throne.

The queen lizard was particularly angry when she saw them: "It's you! You actually smell of my people! Although a bit yummy. Speaking

of this, the queen lizard's face was a little confused.

However, Xiaobai had a smile on his face: "You also like to eat the meat roasted by your own compatriots?"

She said.

From his arms, he took out a lizard foot that had been roasted, and it was estimated that the goods had long been hidden in the storage bag.

I have to say that although this thing is ugly, the meat quality is called a fragrant.

That's very different from a lizard in the real world.

Probably because these lizards have all received blessings from the dragon god.

So their meat quality has changed, and it is not poisonous.

The one Ye Chen ate outside before was called a fragrant.

They are full.

That's why I came in and tried my luck.

The queen lizard saw the lizard's foot that had been roasted beyond recognition, and kept screaming.

Just said the last two sentences.

Ye Chen's big hammer came towards him.

The queen lizard was fixed in place.

The defensive towers hit one by one.

The queen lizards couldn't move.

Because vertigo is constantly refreshing.

Xiao Bai quickly took out a recliner.

Ye Chen lay on it.

Xiaobai on the left feeds Ye Chen.

Cortana on the right fanned Ye Chen.

The three did not continue to shoot.

And what the queen lizard thought in her heart was that when this vertigo was over, she would kill all three people in front of her.

Ye Chen was not idle when he lay on the chair. Open the System Store this time.

Then he saw a very strange thing in the system mall.

[Look at my 72 changes]:

The price is 200,000 salted fish points, and the time limit is 5% off.

Like Goku, it has 72 transformations that can make enemies or himself become what they want, lasting 24 hours and CD time of one minute. No consumption. Unrecognizable.

Isn't this thing a good thing to kill people and cross goods?

In the future, Ye Chen will directly become someone else's appearance when he does bad things.

And it sells cheaply.

Ye Chen swept it directly.

So he found that he had an extra 72-change skill in his skill column.

I thought that I would be able to kill the queen lizard if I was stable.

But I didn't expect that when the queen lizard's health dropped to 90%, the queen lizard suddenly exploded.

Her body glowed red.

"She's immune!" Xiaobai was taken aback.

The red light on the queen lizard resembles a fury. And in this furious situation, there is no way to be controlled.

Neither Cortana nor Xiaobai expected that the queen lizard would be immune at this time.

She pounced directly.

Ye Chen first threw a [Hammer Strike].

Although causing harm.

But no vertigo was caused.

"You give me death!" The queen lizard roared unwillingly and pounced in the direction of Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen did not hide this time.

Does he want to see his physique, or how hard is the damage transfer bottom?

The higher the physique, the thicker the blood, but at the same time, the defense will increase.

Physique affects blood volume and defense.

The queen lizard is close at hand.

Xiao Bai quickly blocked in front of Ye Chen.

But was pushed aside by Ye Chen.

The queen lizard directly slaughtered in front of Ye Chen's eyes. Her fingertips condensed red light.

The red light of her fingertips touched Ye Chen.

Then a big green word appeared on Ye Chen's head.


Queen Lizard: ???

Ye Chen threw an identification technique along the way.

This queen lizard is also a master-level boss. Level up to 72.

Does it hurt just that?

Mandatory deduction of a little blood?

End of immunization.

The queen lizard was stunned again.

Finally, three minutes later, the queen lizard was unlucky enough to trigger a fatal blow, and she completely fell to the ground, unable to move.

She has 10 storage bags on her.

Ye Chen: Got rich.

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