Three days before the ceremony is about to begin.

Ye Chen was finally late and went to the dormitory to report.

Originally. He intends to live in his own villa. Usually, go to school and take a teleportation array and pass it over.

But Bai Luoyan said that it is best to live in the school, because there are more masters in the school.

Moreover, there is a huge protective shield outside Shengjing Academy. It's better than staying inside the villa.

Moreover, based on the battlefield points in Ye Chen's hands now, it would be very cost-effective to live in the bachelor villa of the school.

So Ye Chen went directly to the school and chose to live in a bachelor villa, and the dormitory manager was a sophomore, and Ye Chen's name was also thunderous.

"Did you really choose a bachelor villa?" The dormitory manager was very entangled and reminded: "The trading methods in the school are battlefield points, which is the principal's idea." Battlefield points are hard to come by. It can only be obtained if you go into battle and kill the demon. There is also the college entrance examination.

"But the battlefield points given by the college entrance examination are not much." I advise you to save a little. "

This dormitory manager obviously doesn't know how many points Ye Chen got in that bloody college entrance examination?

If he wanted to know, he would not be persuaded.

"The bachelor house inside the school costs 50 battlefield points per semester. What about your card? "Suguan Mari finished the formalities for Ye Chen.

This card was personally given to Ye Chen by the principal after the college entrance examination.

And when the dormitory manager brushed the points for Ye Chen, he saw Ye Chen's balance: "..." The dormitory manager's

face was a little ugly: "Did you buy the points with money?" "

Some families are particularly rich and can exchange money for battlefield points.

Recently, the market has been volatile and the war is tight. A battlefield point can be exchanged for 100,000 yuan, and there are still many big dog owners who directly buy a bunch of points after sending their children to school.

Although this price is already considered priceless, there are still people who sell it.

In real life, money is the most reliable.

"No, this is obtained on the college entrance examination." Ye Chen is serious.

This dormitory manager obviously didn't care much about this college entrance examination, but he heard that the mortality rate was particularly high: "How many points do you score in the college entrance examination?"

"More than 500 million, I forgot about it." Ye Chen dropped such a sentence, took the card and went to see his bachelor villa.

If you want to exchange it for money. A bachelor house for a semester costs 5 million. Indeed, only big dogs can afford to play.

What's more, many places in the school have to use battlefield points.

Such as eating.

For example, buying materials and equipment in the school's auction house.

Even the next quest requires battlefield points.

A small part of the copies in the school are all small battlefields. Points can be earned. It's just more dangerous.

Ye Chen was quite satisfied with his bachelor villa.

The villa is set over 2 floors.

Downstairs is the fitness area, home theater area, and a place to put computers. and the Hall of Replicas.

The bachelor house does not need to go to the school's replica building to huddle with other students. Queue up directly in the copy hall. Simple very.

Upstairs there is one bedroom and two spare rooms.

There is a bed in the bedroom, and an empty room is an empty room, which probably allows students to play freely.

Ye Chen released all three pets, and then handed the battlefield score card to Cortana: "Help me go out and buy bedding." There are also the usual toiletries. You can use your points to buy something to eat, or a nice little dress. Buy me some clothes too, don't forget.

Cortana's eyes lit up: "I must complete the task." "

Yet when the three pets were going out. Bai Luoyan was standing at the door and was about to knock.

"Why is Senior Sister here?" Ye Chen asked in confusion.

Bai Luoyan didn't speak, turned sideways, and a team of cleaning aunts walked in, about a dozen people.

"You guys clean the room." Bai Luoyan said to the cleaning aunt, and then turned to look at Ye Chen: "Is the freshman ceremony ready?"

"Ready for what?" Ye Chen looked indifferent: "That speech you said?" That's fine. It's all true colors. It doesn't matter.

Bai Luoyan's mouth opened. In the end, there was silence.

She wanted to see, how should Ye Chen deal with that situation if he really encountered it?

This was why Tang Xiaoyue did not remind Ye Chen.

Ye Chen didn't know anything.

Before the opening ceremony, I bought everything I wanted.

After school. Bai Luoyan couldn't come to accompany Ye Chen every day. Responsible for taking care of Ye Chen's living were the three pets.

Cortana's cooking skills have been perfected.

Xiaobai's massage skills are also at their peak.

As for Linglong... Because of his relatively strong strength, he was sent to do rough work. For example, carrying a gas tank or something, it is very effective.

However, Ye Chen never expected that the opening ceremony of Shengjing Academy was actually a virtual mode.

It was the virtual mode that Ye Chen opened when he and Bai Luoyan competed before.

Each student can enter virtual mode as long as they are near the quest hall.

Ye Chen: This is the first time that he has entered the virtual mode of the university system.

When he entered, there was a cold blue light that scanned his whole body.

"Are all properties exposed now?"

A mechanical electronic female voice asked.

However, Ye Chen, at the same time, received a prompt from the system:

[Dingdong. The host can hide its attributes with this skill 72. After all, your attributes are terrible. Makes


So Ye Chen directly changed his four-dimensional attributes with 72 transformations.

Now Ye Chen's four-dimensional attributes have become like this

: [Name]: Ye Chen [Occupation]: Construction Master (only)

[Level]: Silver 30 [Attributes]

: Strength: 3000 Agility: 3000 Physique: 3000 Spirit



Ye Chen's two trials are basically public. Many people know that he was originally 4.5 times the first trial. The 2nd Trial has 5 times the full stats.

Ye Chen used the basic attribute 10 and the growth coefficient 1.1 to calculate the approximate value.

Then I lazily changed all the attributes to 3000. Because after this calculation, it is almost this number.

Then Ye Chen entered the freshman ceremony.

On the virtual battlefield.

Shengjing Academy directly divided a particularly large site. It's like a square.

The square is full of first-year students.

Shengjing University enrolled a total of 13,444 freshmen, of which 8,722 passed the college entrance examination, the lowest number in history, and the rest were escorted or international students.

The square is full of freshmen. No head at a glance.

However, this virtual square looks no different from the real world square. Everyone is a projection of reality.

When he appeared, there was an extra vacuum next to Ye Chen, and many people hated their teeth:

"Ye Chen, the champion of the national college entrance examination, is here."

"This is it, during military training, nibbling watermelon next to me, clicking. Look, I call it angry.

"What are you? The instructor punished me for standing in a military posture for an hour. This product nibbled on seafood in my face for an hour. The scent is amazing. I drooled with envy, so in the evening I was fined by the instructor for another 4 hours.

"When we were in military training, we ate steamed buns and pickles every day on the battlefield. This guy eats big meals in front of us every day. I have long wanted to hit him.

"No national college entrance examination champion is so arrogant." So angry. "


As soon as Ye Chen appeared, he felt that he had made a lot of enemies.

But. He soon heard Zhan Rong's voice calling to himself: "Boss, you are here!" "

This goods rushed directly towards Ye Chen, looking like that, he wanted to directly throw himself into Ye Chen's arms. But it was avoided by Ye Chen.

"Boss." After getting closer, Zhan Rong lowered his voice: "You come with me." This freshman ceremony has a conspiracy about you. "

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