Is this still involved in a conspiracy?

Ye Chen's face was dark: "I now think you are that conspiracy." "

Boss." Zhan Rong stomped his foot: "Can I still hurt you?" Didn't you notice that the clothes worn by these students around you were all combat uniforms and they were all weapons in their hands?

Ye Chen looked at Zhan Rong's eyes as if he were looking at a fool: "They are all combat professions, what is so strange about entering such a virtual freshman ceremony with a weapon in their hands?" "

Anyway, Ye Chen doesn't think it's strange.

"I heard that the boss is a representative of the new students, and he is going to give a speech in a moment, right? Wait for your speech to end. The principal will allow someone to challenge you. Zhan Rong simply said what he knew: "You can beat in groups." "

That's it?

What did Ye Chen think Zhan Rong was worried about?

He put his hand on Zhan Rong's shoulder: "Don't worry." They can't beat me. This

Ye Chen's voice was not small.

Although Zhan Rong specially pulled Ye Chen into the corner and whispered.

But there are also many new students in this corner.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, he immediately exploded:

"I saw that he was unhappy earlier. This time I will be angry at the freshman ceremony. He is also too arrogant.

"How great do you think you are?" The whole body attribute is only 3000. "

Can you see his whole body attributes?" His first trial is 4.5 times, the second trial is 5 times, is it really only 3000?

"How funny you guys are. How many of you do you have yourselves?

"If it's only 3,000, we have a chance." The principal said that it was possible to beat up in groups. Let's go together. Hit him.

"Anyway, it's a virtual battlefield, and you won't lose a piece of meat when you die."

"It's just, it's too arrogant. Hit him. "


The virtual battlefield is equivalent to a group of people logging into a game that simulates themselves with all attributes, in the game, dead a hundred and eighty times, really do not lose a piece of meat, and they have nothing to do.

These voices are still very small.

Don't dare to say it directly in front of Ye Chen.

However, Ye Chen could hear it clearly, and he was happy: "You don't have to speak so quietly." When the time comes, I want to PK my direct come.

"You can come together. I don't care. Anyway, the virtual battlefield is infinitely resurrected. I can pull a cushion back, that's a huh. Hearing

Ye Chen say this.

The voices of the people around them became much quieter.

Ye Chen looked like he didn't care.

During the previous military training, he did a lot of it.

These people want revenge and take revenge.

They can't beat themselves anyway.

Zhan Rong was worried: "Brother, you shouldn't have talked like that just now." "

Don't tell the truth?" Ye Chen laughed: "When they let me beat the head rat for a while, I couldn't tell who was who." Even beat you up. Zhan

Rong: "... Then don't worry, I will be far away from you. "

The freshman ceremony begins.

The first was the principal's speech.

Ye Chen was drowsy when the principal spoke.

Until the principal began to call his name: "Next, we have asked Ye Chen, the representative of the new students, to come on stage and say two words to us."

After that, the principal began to take the lead in applauding.

But those students in the audience have been poisoned by Ye Chen for a long time. Few applauded.

He was even ready to punch him.

However, there are still people who are quite willing to listen to Ye Chen and talk about how they cultivate.

After all, Ye Chen was by far the highest rank among all the freshmen.

40% of students have not yet passed the second trial.

Their grades are all around a dozen levels. Not even level 20 yet.

Someone passed the second trial.

But those people are only in their 20s.

Ye Chen is indeed the tallest ever among freshmen.

Many people wanted to hear how Ye Chen cultivated.

Wait for Ye Chen to stand on the podium.

The principal had a smile on his face: "May I ask how Ye Chen usually upgrades?" "

Just brush the copy." Ye Chen replied of course.

The principal encouraged him: "You can tell everyone about your daily life. How the hell do you usually live?

"Just say it all for a day?" Ye Chen asked rhetorically.

That's pretty much it.

The headmaster nodded beside him.

So Ye Chen really said. Then the more than 10,000 freshmen in the audience were silent:

"I do not seem to have morning every morning." I didn't go to bed until after four o'clock every morning. The

principal sighed next to him: "It's the first time I've seen a genius like you who is so diligent." Do you practice until 4:00 pm?

"Not really. It's usually playing games. Or chasing dramas. I go to sleep at 4:00 a.m., then wake up at 8:00 a.m. for breakfast and go back to sleep. "

Headmaster: .

. Freshman: ......

Then I slept until 12 noon. Eat another lunch. The next step is either playing games or watching movies. There is nothing to say. Life was uneventful. The

principal vomited blood a little: "Then when exactly did you level up?"

Ye Chen took it for granted: "Brush the copy."

"But you've been playing all day." The headmaster's eyes widened: "How else to brush the copy?"

"Oh, you don't know." Ye Chen said directly: "My profession is somewhat special, and I can summon many defense towers. So usually I'm a single swipe of the Catastrophe level copy.

"You don't know that a person has a lot of experience in swiping a copy." Every time I brush it, it's almost full. Ye

Chen didn't say anything about brushing the level with the hang-up doll.

After all, hanging up dolls are something inside the system.

Not necessarily anyone can understand.

Principal: "..." Freshmen: "


Suddenly envious of this profession.

Single-swipe copies do give you more experience.

The freshmen below were crying with envy.

But think about it.

Ye Chen is precisely because of the special nature of this profession.

That's why you can stimulate them like that during military training.

The more I think about it, the more angry I get.

With a smile on his face, the principal seemed to feel the anger of the students: "Next is a link that we are all watching, and it is also a tradition that has always been in our Shengjing University.

"That's all freshmen are eligible to challenge freshman representation." It can be 1-on-1 or a group fight.

"Even... You 10,000 can go together.

"Now please pick up the voting machines in your hands." Voting begins, and we will elect three restrictions on the representatives of new students.

Ye Chen looked confused: "What restrictions?" The

principal did not answer.

But a large screen appeared behind the two of them.

There are various conditions flashing rapidly on the big screen.

The freshmen took out the watch on their hands at this time, this is the communicator issued by the school, every student has it, Ye Chen just didn't bring it.

Because he thinks this thing is useless, at least today.

"The conditions have been chosen." The headmaster had the kindest smile on his face:

"The first condition, Ye Chen cannot use summoning skills such as defense towers when fighting."

"The second condition, Ye Chen cannot summon pets to join the battle when fighting."

"The third condition, this time Ye Chen will have three opportunities to be resurrected, all students can join the activity of this hunting freshman representative, and Ye Chen will be specially marked. Easy for you to find. Speaking

of this, Ye Chen's face darkened.

But the faces of the students were full of happy smiles. Each one is excited.

But then the principal said a word, which made the students fall silent: "If Ye Chen dies in this competition, there will be no punishment and no loss. But you more than 10,000 people, don't blame me for not giving you a chance, each of you only has one life, if you are killed by Ye Chen, then eliminated. "

The eliminator will give Ye Chen half of this semester's resources and half of the battlefield points."

"I'm going to give you 10 minutes to think about it. If you want to quit, you can go now. As

soon as the principal's words fell, the fastest one was Zhan Rong: "You are all stupid, really fight him?" Can't beat it! "

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