Beaulieu Academy, high-rise, conference room.

There are 72 seats in the entire conference room. This was also deliberately set by the dean of Beaulieu Academy.

This is where the 72 Heavenly King and Heavenly Saint level professors in the school are sitting.

But now it's mostly empty.

The dean of Beaulong Academy sat in his seat with a black face: "How many people have proposed to withdraw this week?"

The vice dean's face was ugly: "Do you really want to say it?"

"I ask you!" The dean was furious.

"More than half." The vice dean coughed and hurriedly said: "Boss, you have to find a way, now even the teacher has retreated most of it." They all ran to Ye Chen's side.

"And not everyone joined Ye Chen's academy. The principal presides over that everyone has different conditions to complete in order to join.

"I now have a strong suspicion that this product is using this thing to brush the material." The materials brushed, he can trade with Ye Chen again.

"People in their academy have discounts on whether to buy materials or make copies."

The vice dean talked endlessly, and the more he spoke, the more he went up.

Don't say it yet.

These conditions are the vice president's heart.

If it weren't for the fact that Beaulieu Academy was their brainchild.

What the vice president wants to do most now is to pick and choose.

The dean pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head and looked at everyone and said, "From today onwards, all teachers must bring people down copies. "

Vice President: ???

Teachers: !!

Is this an idea that a person can come up with?

Ye Chen brought a copy, just throw his defense tower there.

And there is also a small room inside the quest that can increase the experience by 5 times.

Even the best practice room provided by the school is only three times.

Ye Chen was actually 5 times there.

Secondary classes can also add buffs to defense towers. Kill monsters faster.

How can they compare?

It is said that the damage of Ye Chen's defense tower is now terrifying.

Level 10 has already been mentioned.

[Tier 10 Defense Tower

] Attack: 95000 Defense: 95000 HP: 95000 Range: 7500 Meter


: [Damage Deepening]: When hitting the same target, the second hit is 150

% deeper than the first damage, and the maximum damage is increased to 1800


[Range True Eye]: Can see through any hidden skills that are in range.

[Must hit]: Ignore any dodges, as long as you have ever entered the range, you can hit. Ignore unselectability.

[Deceleration]: Each shell will slow down the target by 120%, if the target is decelerating, then after the second shell hits, it will cause a fixed effect. If the opponent is in a fixed state, the third shell will cause a stun effect when hit. Subsequent shells refresh the stun time.

[Stacking]: 10,000 defense towers can be stacked on the same building point.

[Identification]: It can automatically identify the enemy and friend camps, even if the opponent has camouflage, you can still see through

[Disperse]: you can shoot 2 shells at a time.

This is the detailed properties of that tower.

It's just that Ye Chen showed them only what the attack of the defense tower was?

If the defense tower eats Cortana's buff and Master's buff.

The attack power can even reach hundreds of thousands.

Not to mention all sorts of negative effects.

Brushing that ordinary Heavenly King level or Heavenly Saint level copy is very simple.

As long as the boss is not a special boss.

Because some special bosses can be invincible, can be immune, and have various controls.

There are even fields.

The copies that the Heavenly King level or the Heavenly Saint level can choose are even more.

They can opt for a copy that is relatively simple. Then select the Catastrophe level in the quest difficulty.

Brush method with leaf dust experience copy. It is equivalent to a single swipe for everyone.

Upgrading as fast as drinking water is like drinking water.

Ye Chen has also recruited countless students in that academy this week. If all the professors are willing to come, they only need to pass the level of the president.

Basically, all of them will become Ye Chen's academy people.

Many of these professors are overlords. I have accumulated a lot of points on the battlefield, and now I am worried about using them.


The dean of Beaulong Academy put forward such an idea, and then looked at everyone in the conference room seriously: "Everyone must bring the low-level students to the copy every day. "

The cadets of our academy cannot be reduced any less. It is better to disband it than to reduce it. Can't win the House Tournament a month later? The

dean felt that his idea was still feasible.

Although the enemy is full of state.

But they also have quite a few teachers on their side.

Many high-level students.

They can all bring freshmen.

In this case, the upgrade speed of their academy is not slower than Ye Chen's side?

After the dean said this, he looked at everyone: "What do you think?"

The vice dean raised his hand: "I decided... Quitting Beaulieu Academy. The

dean almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

The other teachers were also extremely sad.

With a serious face, he said the same thing as the vice dean: "I decided... Quitting Beaulieu Academy. "

Dean: ???


Dean: You have two arms???

The same scene is repeated in other academies.

Even intensified.

The teachers at the top simply withdrew, which is not a big deal.

The point is that the trainees retreat quickly.

Akebono Academy.

The deputy dean rummaged in the warehouse of the academy for a long time, and the dean was very puzzled, after all, this vice dean is usually quite salty, he is a life profession: [Equipment Master].

He used all the equipment of the students and teachers in the entire academy.

It can be said that the selling point of the entire Dawning Academy is here.

Life classes are the ability to craft equipment without rank.

Any level can be used.

Equipment without level is generally relatively high. It depends on the rarity of the material.

The dean kindly asked, "Old Liu, what are you looking for?" Could it be that someone asked you to fight rare equipment? "

Phoenix feather." Old Liu Tou did not return.

The dean repeated a few words: "This thing is a material from a copy of the Heavenly Saint level, and I remember that it seems to be released once in three years. We do have one in our warehouse. Could it be that you want to hit the Flame Pendant? "

Phoenix Feather can indeed make flame pendants. A favorite of fire mages, almost comparable to artifacts.

Lao Liu raised his head, looked at the dean, and said particularly bluntly: "I want to take this phoenix feather to join the Dust Star Academy." The principal said, as long as I bring the phoenix feather, I can enter. "

Dean: ???

Dean: "Old Liu, calm down!" I paid you three times when I first charged you, and I will pay you five times now. And what does that principal have? He also asked you for materials?

"I can give you the materials." You can stay here.

Lao Liu had already obtained the phoenix feather: "Can you give me the materials?" Then you just give me this. I retreated. "

The dean is numb.

How can this guy with tendons obey and only listen to half of it?

[Notice: Equipment Master Liu Hanhan has left Shuguang Academy. 】

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