[Notice: Equipment Master Liu Hanhan has left Shuguang Academy. 】【Notice

: Enchantment Master Wang Duoyu has left Ivy Academy. The

Enchanter Master is a special life profession that specializes in enchanting equipment, and it is also quite profitable. Because they can develop special skills and special attributes for each piece of equipment.

Everyone has a low probability of encountering good skills. Skill scrolls are also very expensive. But Enchanter Masters can add one more skill to their equipment.

Everyone loves.

[Notice: Gem Master Lin Tearing Onion has left Beaulong Academy. Gem

Master is also one of the special kinds of life occupations. Moreover, this Lin Tearing Onion has raised his life and occupation to the level of Tianzun.

The better the equipment, the more holes can be punched.

A high-level gem master can make perfect, beautiful, and more numerous holes as possible.

For example, the gold level is level 40 to 50 equipment, which can punch 5 holes. Some not-so-good gem masters may waste a hole.

But this one can keep 5 holes intact. And many of the gems in the copies he processed were out of print.

He has a gem synthesis skill. It is possible to combine gemstones that are unique in the world.

These one-of-a-kind gemstones usually have high stats and even carry some skills. However, most of them are passive skills.

That's right, this one is also one of the selling points of Beaulieu Academy.

The result also ran.

The dean of Beaulong Academy directly sent a message to this Lin Tearing Onion: "You are all Tianzun, what do you have to run?" Could it be that upgrades can still impress you?

Lin Tearing: "Because other special professions have gone, we are all in the same courtyard, and we can study a lot of things." "

People in special life occupations. In a way. They are all scientific madmen.

They come together.

Research equipment and props.

They thought it was interesting.

In addition to these three faculties.

There are also many colleges that have lost their special life professionals.

And these people. Often one of the selling points of their admissions.

For example, Yue Lan, the fashion master of Qingfeng Academy.

The clothes made by fashion masters belong to the fashion category. It can be exactly the same as what people wear in the real world.

But the only difference is that these clothes come with a variety of attributes and equipment.

But it's not equipment.

It is equivalent to an extra set of equipment, and you can also find those enchanted masters and gem masters to enchant and play gems.

A lot of people like it.

There is also Maple Leaf Academy's blacksmith master Wang Smith.

Although the equipment master Liu Hanhan can create a full range of equipment.

But some people have specialized occupations.

Master Blacksmith specializes in weapons.

The weapon he shot was 50%, or even 100%, higher than Liu Hanhan's overall stats.

But he is specialized. And the production capacity is low.

It takes at least two or three weeks to customize a weapon.

Liu Hanhan can produce several pieces a day.

These special classes of life occupations have been the hallmark of every college.

But all these signs ran away.

Even the students ran a lot.

At the high-level meeting of Shengjing University, there was a quarrel over this matter.

In the end, the principal could only discuss with Ye Chen and come up with a compromise plan.

That is to limit the number of students and teachers.

The final number of trainees was set at 50,000.

The number of teachers was finally set at 5,000.

If there is a very special hidden occupation or life occupation, you can add it infinitely. But if it's not particularly special, it won't be added again.

Moreover, the principal also said that even if they are not from the Dust Star Academy, as long as they are students of Shengjing Academy, they can enter the experience copy after giving battlefield points.

It's just that you don't enjoy the discount.

And there is no difference.

Not to mention.

Now the copy of experience that Ye Chen has made is so old and the people who queue up every day.

The orders for the experience copy are scheduled for next year.

It's only been a week.

"Ye Chen Xiaoyou." Now the principal's attitude towards Ye Chen is called a respectful one, and after the meeting, the principal goes straight to Ye Chen.

Then I saw Ye Chen, lying on the sofa playing games without any image.

If only he usually saw which student did this. The head hammered him.

But I saw Ye Chen.

The principal was full of spring light and smiled: "Let's see when you are free, and make a few more copies of experience?" Now the orders are scheduled for next year. How else to brush it?

Ye Chen glanced at him lazily.

Before he spoke, the principal knew what Ye Chen was going to say: "I know you're tired... It's not that tiring, right? "

[Ding-dong.] Detecting that the host was too lazy to move, the system was very impressed, activated five times salted fish points, and congratulated the host for obtaining 20,000 salted fish points.

Ye Chen replied lazily: "Actually, it's not very tired. But very tiring. Headmaster. Do you say that humans should brush copies like this? "

Headmaster: ???

Ye Chen continued to brainwash: "In the past, they brushed copies, and they were all quite passionate teams to go to copies. Now that I've come up with such a copy of experience, they all know to rely on me now. "

I'm simply a Terran sinner. They are now a lot less motivated to brush the copy, so I'd rather cancel this experience copy.

Ye Chen said and planned to stand up.

The principal was taken aback: "Don't don't. You are not a sinner, you say, what conditions do you want? "

Why are you still talking about canceling the experience copy?

Obviously, the principal came to ask Ye Chen to get more copies of experience.

Ye Chen is a salted fish without dreams, and he turned over: "I don't know what conditions I want." Tell me about what conditions you have? The

headmaster thought for a moment. Suddenly it passed: "I have a granddaughter... Show you the photos.

Ye Chen was very curious.

Then I heard the principal and Ye Chen commenting on the photo of their

granddaughter: "My granddaughter looks good, right?" What about the school flower of our junior year at Shengjing University?

Ye Chen: "It's okay." Principal

: "How is this okay?" How nice this is.

Ye Chen: "A little better looking than my master." "

The two were chatting.

Tang Xiaoyue's voice came from behind the two of them: "Ye Chen, what did you just say?"

Ye Chen's speed of changing his words was called a fast: "I said Master, you are a little better looking than his granddaughter." This principal looks crooked, and his granddaughter must be good looking and can't see where to go. "

Headmaster: ... Dog thief, you didn't say that just now.

Bai Luoyan looked at the principal with a serious face: "I heard everything you said just now." I think Ye Chen is right. Experience copies really allow people to brush up on experience very quickly. But it's too cumbersome to make.

"Also, if people are dependent on copies of experience, I think it's also very bad."

"You have to know that everything that falls in the quest belongs to us. There are a lot of materials that are very rare. Everything that comes out once in a few years has been brushed by us.

"How many people around the world have to worry about Ye Chen, and how many people hate him?" Have you thought about this? "

That makes sense.

The principal was stunned for a while.

But soon someone helped them solve the problem.

Because of this. The state struck.

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