For others.

Ye Chen's room rested for a whole day before appearing in front of everyone.

"As for that exaggeration?" Finally saw Ye Chen's Bai Luoyan, and said a little helplessly: "You didn't do anything in the ring." Hikari played games with your three pets. How can you be so tired that you don't want to get out of bed all day?

Ye Chen grabbed Bai Luoyan and asked in an advertising tone: "Senior sister, do you feel that sometimes time is particularly insufficient." "

Bai Luoyan:?

Ye Chen continued to bewitch: "I found a particularly happy place. Supreme happiness can be achieved. Is Senior Sister willing to join me?

The ghost knew what the hell went to Bai Luoyan at that moment: "Isn't this a little too fast?" I'm not ready, not ready. "

The two donkey lips are not to the horse's mouth.

But he can continue to talk.

Ye Chen hurriedly said, "What are you going to prepare?" I asked Master and my three pets to buy some snacks and spicy strips or something. Then download more than 100 movies. Let's do nothing for the next 20 days, just be happy and happy. "

20 days?" Bai Luoyan glanced at Ye Chen dumbfounded, and even looked up and down: "So long?" Wrong. You're not going to the secret realm anymore? The secret realm varies from person to person. There will be a lot of baby.

"Then of course go. But to be happy is to be happy. Ye Chen took Bai Luoyan's hand: "Senior sister, I'll show you something good."

Bai Luoyan's face turned red for a moment, and she looked around carefully: "It's not good in the living room, right?" It's too bright. Find a little more secret.

Ye Chen felt that what Senior Sister said was quite reasonable.

This rare treasure cannot be heard by those who care.

Although the bachelor villa is a villa, there are buildings next door.

"Then go to my bedroom." Ye Chen said and pulled Bai Luoyan upstairs.

Tang Xiaoyue, who was cooking, happened to see these two goods.

"What for?" Tang Xiaoyue was also curious.

She put the rice in her hand on the table. Tiptoed over.

Ye Chen pulled Bai Luoyan into his bedroom.

Then close the door.

After that, I felt that it was not enough.

Draw the curtains as well.

Bai Luoyan was standing at the door.

Between two fires.

Because I feel very shy.

I'm particularly sorry.

"Senior sister." Ye Chen's voice suddenly appeared behind Bai Luoyan. Startled Bai Luoyan.

Ye Chen took Bai Luoyan's hand, as if it was a guide, grabbed Bai Luoyan and pulled it in his direction.

Bai Luoyan's heart was pounding.

Don't dare to look at it at all.

Then Bai Luoyan found that in her hand, she touched something cold.

Wait a minute.

Something cold?

Bai Luoyan's eyes widened, what is unspeakable hidden about this Ye Chen...

She looked at the jade bracelet in her hand with a relatively good color, and looked confused: "This is what you want to show me?" That's it?

Tang Xiaoyue pushed the door open at this time.

"Bai Luoyan, what are you talking about? What's that? What are you two doing sneaky up on in the house? No

one expected Tang Xiaoyue to come in.

Ye Chen grabbed the jade bracelet in Bai Luoyan's hand and quickly showed it to his master: "Master, I found a particularly good place." There is a copy inside this bracelet, and this copy flows 10 times faster in time than the outside.

"You said that if I fish in this copy, watch TV, play games and chase dramas, one day of my stay here is equivalent to 10 days outside."

"Isn't that 10 times the pleasure? It's a great place to be happy.

Bai Luoyan: "... What do you mean by making us happy?

"How about that?" Ye Chen looked confused.

Bai Luoyan glared at him. And then blushed.

Tang Xiaoyue didn't know what kind of temper this junior sister and junior brother were having, and her mind was open: "If you use this copy of yours to superimpose that copy of your family's experience." What will happen? Will there be 10 days of effect in one day?

"Good fellow." Ye Chen sighed: "Your old man is folding buffs here."

"Try it, I'll find a hall of replicas that can be moved." We install it ourselves. Don't tell anyone about this. This is a secret place that can change the speed of time flow. It's a good place. Tang Xiaoyue quickly came back to her senses.

And this product is very popular.

Do what you say.

The storage bag was loaded into the mobile copy hall, and he directly followed Ye Chen to where Yang Guifei was.

Yang Guifei was still very happy when she saw Ye Chen: "San Lang, you are finally here." I have another batch of delicious honeydew melons here, all from the Western Regions. Come and taste it. "

Delicious honeydew melon.

Ye Chen let Yang Guifei pull him, and Xiao Na followed behind Ye Chen conscientiously.


Yang Guifei pulled Ye Chen to start.

A series of -1s appeared above Ye Chen's head.

Xiao Na gave Ye Chen a mouthful of milk every once in a while.

Although Ye Chen's blood volume has not changed at all.

But Cortana, this is very severe obsessive-compulsive disorder too.

Bai Luoyan and Tang Xiaoyue were the first to come back to this copy.

I'm curious to see anything.

Especially the two of them tasted Yang Guifei's melon.

The eyes are bright.

Bai Luoyan: "It's delicious."

Tang Xiaoyue: "Since the game came to reality, many realistic vegetables and fruits have mutated. Such a sweet melon, this is the first time I have eaten it.

Ye Chen felt that they were a little exaggerated: "Is it that exaggerated?" Does Cortana still eat often? "

The ability of three pets to snack is not to be underestimated.

"That's because you have money. Do you know how much a watermelon costs before the game comes to the limit time? A pound is up to 5 pieces. When it is cheap, 1 pound and 5 Mao. Bai Luoyan sighed and said.

"After the game came to the world. A lot of things have mutated. Watermelon is also not sweet at first. The sweetness was later cultivated by specialized cultivation professions. Bai Luoyan continued: "The kind of sweet watermelon cultivated later sells for up to 5,000 yuan per catty. The minimum is also from 1,000 yuan.

"What about such an exaggeration?" Ye Chen thought it was cheap, because Master and Bai Luoyan wanted to cook. So Ye Chen specially got a card for Master.

The three pets also have cards given by Ye Chen.

Specially buy them snacks to eat.

I didn't expect it to be so expensive.

Bai Luoyan looked at Ye Chen with a pained expression and smiled next to him: "You don't care about these little money." Seriously, from this melon, I think it's possible that this is a small world on its own, not a copy.

While they were talking, Yang Guifei was next to Ye Chen to feed.

Ye Chen really didn't refuse.

"Independent little world? Are you serious? Ye Chen asked curiously.

"80% of it." Tang Xiaoyue said on the side: "This world should have an independent or self-contained system, and this still needs to be explored."

Ye Chen was stunned.

It has never been said in this regard.

If there really is an independent or self-contained system, what is it? It's just a historical mess. It's still the kind of magic change.

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