"Now that it's been established, it's a separate world. Then next. One thing is particularly important. Tang Xiaoyue looked at Ye Chen seriously.

Ye Chen also thought that there was something big deal, and also said with a serious face: "Master, you say." I will definitely do it.

"In this world, we don't know anyone else. Just know the Yang Guifei you mentioned. Tang Xiaoyue lowered her voice: "You two have to sign a contract."

"What contract?" How do I sign a contract? Ye Chen looked confused.

Tang Xiaoyue explained on the side: "Not all copies are killed indiscriminately after people enter. There are some quests that have autonomous NPCs in them, and we negotiate with NPCs to get the right to enter the quest.

"Small worlds are generally played like this. You have to brush the favorability of NPCs.

"I think that Yang Guifei still has a bit of a good impression of you. There is a play, you go and ask her, is there any task for you to do? "

In the world where Bai Luoyan is, I haven't heard of Yang Guifei at all. So. She understood it with the idea of the simplest copy NPC.

"No, no, no." Tang Xiaoyue put her hand on Ye Chen's shoulder: "I have a book written by a master, called "The Book of Love", I think you need it very much.

Ye Chen had a black line: "Shouldn't it be called so-and-so heaven?"

"Ah, you see." Tang Xiaoyue coughed: "It's that series anyway." You look more. I think there is only one way to break Yang Guifei.

"What way?" Even Bai Luoyan was curious.

After all, it was also the first time she had encountered the small world.

Few people like this private world are willing to make it public.

She also never communicated with NPCs.

Tang Xiaoyue's voice was even smaller, and Ye Chen and Bai Luoyan involuntarily approached her. I only heard Tang Xiaoyue whisper: "This matter can only rely on yourself." Se, temptation.

Bai Luoyan was stunned.

Ye Chen was choked by Tang Xiaoyue's serious appearance and coughed.

"Master is not like this, is it?" Bai Luoyan rounded her eyes: "Is there no other way?" "

Yes." Tang Xiaoyue looked very amused: "But it's not suitable for him." Too much trouble. He I don't know yet? He is a prodigal son, and this method is most suitable for him. Also the easiest.

When Tang Xiaoyue said this, she reached out and patted Ye Chen's shoulder: "It's up to you." When

she pushed Ye Chen out.

Ye Chen was afraid that she would suddenly come out with a sentence: Go, Pikachu.

However, he really went to find Yang Guifei as Tang Xiaoyue said.

But not by seduction.

Ye Chen was straight to the point: "I know that you are the owner of this copy, or the master of this small world. Sign a contract with me and I can find a way to keep you young forever and never have to suck someone else's life again.

"But if you don't want to sign with me." Then I'll kill you. "Ye Chen was carrying a pig-killing knife with no attributes and was murderous—he had bought it specifically in order to eat demon beast meat in the replica before.

Yang Guifei looked at the pig-killing knife on the table.

He looked at Ye Chen again.

A particularly bright smile was piled on her face, and her voice was hoarse, which could sweeten people's hearts: "San Lang, I naturally belong to you, and from the moment I met you, I liked you." So let's sign the contract. Ye

Chen was very satisfied with the results of his persuasion of NPCs.

[System]: 6666

Ye Chen has such confidence. It was because I brushed a Resident Yan Dan in the system mall in the morning.

Just 200,000 salted fish points.

After using it, you can let your body and face stay in the best time forever.

Yang Guifei is very sensible.

The contract taken out is a master-servant contract.

Ye Chen brushed and signed with the other party.

Then Ye Chen found that there was one more item in his pet pen.

This must be Yang Guifei. But that pet bar says special pets.

Of course, this Yang Guifei still has no attribute value.

Ye Chen also handed over Zhu Yan Dan as promised.

Yang Guifei's face was full of joy: "I didn't expect San Lang to have such a good thing, why didn't you take it out and give it to others earlier?"

"I have a couple of people here who are annoying. Always come to my house to bully our little girl. Is there anything the host can do to help solve it?

Ye Chen quietly listened to Yang Guifei's statement.

After that, he found that he had an extra task in the upper left corner.

No wonder it's a special pet.

It's still an NPC at the end of the day. Specifically tasked.

"I have a way for you to solve it. But it's always good to want me to shoot. "There is nothing on the task panel. Ye Chen asked directly.

"San Lang, you're dead." Yang Guifei smiled shyly and took out something from the cabinet in the back: "This is my most important treasure." Give it to you. "

That thing was in a black box.

I don't know what's going on inside.

This woman's favorite baby should not be a hairpin, right?

Ye Chen originally wanted to open it.

Yang Guifei hid back.

Easy dodge. She smiled softly: "How can the master help me solve this problem?" "

It's simple." Ye Chen waved his hand, and the pavilion where Yang Guifei lived suddenly had 4 more defense towers outside: "This defense tower can identify bad guys." Those bad guys will be killed directly if they want to get closer.

After Ye Chen finished this, he found that his task panel showed completion.

Yang Guifei also put the black box in front of her: "Take a look."

Ye Chen opened the black box.

There was a black metal ball inside.

Ye Chen threw an identification technique over.

Time Manager (Incomplete):

You can adjust the time flow rate, but only slowly.

You can adjust the time in a space up to 10 times.

One day outside is equivalent to 10 days in this space.

Fixable. Upgradeable. Can grow.

When Ye Chen put this into the storage bag, he also glanced at it in passing, and there was another broken piece of equipment in the storage bag.

【Dragon God Scepter (broken)].

"I got these two good-looking equipment, and they all turned out to be tattered." Ye Chen couldn't help but complain.

【System】: "Friendly reminder, it can be repaired." And the period of invalidity is already very awesome. This is a quasi-artifact.

Ye Chen took the time manager and asked the system: "Check the materials you need." [

System]: "100 salted fish points are charged." "

Collect it, collect it." 100 is a hair.

[System]: "The required material has been generated.

Then Ye Chen took out a list of elders from the system space.

There are some things that can be obtained in reality.

Some things can only be exchanged for salted fish points.

"It's really a very powerful quasi-artifact." Ye Chen praised and said to Yang Guifei: "Thank you." But you don't need it here?

"I can stay young now." This is not needed. Yang Guifei was very happy: "I just ask the master to come and accompany me often." We're still interesting here.

"I'll accompany you when I'm done doing things outside." You'll have to be my guide then. Show me here. Ye Chen said quickly.

Because in the next two days, he had to prepare for the secret realm. It is true that the time spent here is relatively small.

However, before they left, they took a lot of fruit with them.

There are also some snacks that have already been prepared.

Ye Chen found that although Yang Guifei was not a combat professional, she was a full-fledged life profession.

Because the dim sum she makes has attribute bonuses.

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