Tang Xiaoyue and Bai Luoyan did not expect it.

Ye Chen's speed of getting Yang Guifei was actually so fast.

Whether it was Tang Xiaoyue or Bai Luoyan.

I feel weird in my heart.

Seeing Ye Chen coming over with confidence.

Tang Xiaoyue coughed, and made a special joke: "Some people are very efficient." Sure enough, it's a veteran of the love scene.

Ye Chen's face was expressionless: "I told her directly, either sign a contract or die." She is a reasonable woman. Finally, choose to sign up. "

Tang Xiaoyue:"..." Bai

Luoyan: "..."This

independent world is very large.

There's still a lot to explore.

Especially when they leave at the end.

Tang Xiaoyue also found that the dim sum made by Yang Guifei had attribute bonuses.

"When the adversity is over, let's explore." Tang Xiaoyue was a little melancholy: "It's just that the copy hall can't be used inside." I can't open it.

Bai Luoyan was quite speechless next to her: "Master." You can't open a replica inside a replica. You're not afraid of space problems? "

Makes sense." Tang Xiaoyue whispered on the side, "I'll ask the mage of the Space Department when I turn back." Ye

Chen did not tell Master and Senior Sister about the broken time manager.

It's mutilated anyway.

Wait until it's fixed.

Two days later.

The secret realm opens.

This time, ten colleges and universities sent 20 people to explore.

Ten schools forcibly divided the 20 people into five teams.

Ye Chen is one of the squad leaders.

And in Ye Chen's team, they are probably acquaintances.

Zhan Rong, Lan Lan, Deng Dahai. Finally, there is Ye Chen himself.

Lan Lan wore the pseudo-artifact that Ye Chen had discarded that day. Because it was in the middle of a virtual battlefield.

Therefore, the pseudo-artifact that is shattered inside will not really hurt the pseudo-artifact.

Blue Blue can still be used.

"Looks more like a Smurf." When Ye Chen saw Lan Lan, he couldn't help but say.

"Brother." Because Lan Lan wore it like this, Zhan Rong thought that the other party was a man: "You don't usually wear it like this, right?" Wrap yourself up like a capsule. Do you really like blue? Zhan

Rong was asking Lan Lan.

Ye Chen whispered that the other party was a Smurf.

It was clear that Lan Lan heard it.

Involuntarily glanced in the direction of Ye Chen, the scene of that day made Lan Lan quickly lower his head. She blushed.

However, Ye Chen said loudly: "Oh, it's nothing, praise you for being white."

Lan Lan stomped her foot, furious.

Zhan Rong really felt that Ye Chen was going to look at his eyes: "Boss, he dresses like this, do you think he is white?" Then you said before that I was tanned.

"You're already black. Don't pestle in front of me, I'm afraid of ghosts. Ye Chen pushed Zhan Rong away.

Zhan Rong burst into tears: "Is it that exaggerated?" By the way, this time divide the 4 of us into a team. Who adds blood to me?

Ye Chen glanced back at him and threw him a few pastries made by Yang Guifei: "It should be fine if you eat this." Zhan

Rong glanced at it

: [Butterfly Cake]: The pastry made by Yang Guifei herself can restore 100 health points every 3 seconds. If the user's health is less than 50%. You can restore 200 health points per second. Duration: 24 hours.

Yang Guifei told Ye Chen that this was just a casual work.

It is possible that there is no upgraded version.

Just by virtue of Yang Guifei's hand.

Ye Chen will have more time to go to her in the future.

Yang Guifei also said that she could make more pastries.

Ye Chen was also quite curious.

"Dad, you really are my dad." Zhan Rong hugged in the direction of Ye Chen.

Don't underestimate these 100 HP points.

At 50%, it can recover 200 HP per second.

You must know that Zhan Rong is currently in his early 10,000s.

And he still has a lot of blood vials on his hands.

With this pastry, the recovery speed is faster.

"Let's go inside when we're ready." Ye Chen was forced to form a team by the Ten University Mansion, and he had to bring these three burdens with him.

"I heard that this secret realm was discovered recently." Deng Dahai was still a little scared when he saw Ye Chen. At the beginning, he was directly locked by Ye Chen's defense tower and killed in one move.

It still leaves a little shadow.

"What do you say?" Ye Chen was really interested.

Deng Dahai said on the side: "This secret realm was only recently discovered, and there are several Tianzun level and Heavenly Saint level bigwigs who have already cleaned up the entire secret realm.

"Hardly anything harmful was found." It is said that this secret place is a tomb of legendary existence in a certain replica world.

"That legend is looking for its own descendants." So what everyone encounters when they go in is different. The opportunities are not the same.

"But on a small scale, there can be danger." That's why the school let us team up.

"This secret realm is a secret realm for sending treasures. And it's only been around for a long time. Therefore, this secret realm is more likely to send better treasures.

"We are the chosen children chosen by the school. I will definitely be able to obtain the inheritance of that legendary level existence. "

Deng Dahai is quite confident.

He seemed to know a lot about this secret place.

Ye Chen, they came to the secret realm for the first time.

But Zhan Rong had an inexplicable confidence in Ye Chen: "You can pull it down." The existence of that legendary level must be a strong person. The eldest in my family is the strongest. In the end, I will definitely choose my boss.

Ye Chen frowned: "I have to see what kind of inheritance it is." It's useless to me, I don't want it. "

He's not a rag.

Collected two artifacts in a row.

There are still a bunch of repaired materials.

"The boss is mighty." Zhan Rong first said with admiration, and then said directly to Deng Dahai: "Did you see it?" Not all inheritances can enter my boss's eyes, garbage inheritance, we don't want it yet.

Deng Dahai did not dare to refute.

After all, the key question is that Ye Chen really has that strength.

"Let's go see first." Lan Lan had a headache. He actually got together with Ye Chen.

"Oops, you can talk. I thought you couldn't talk dressed like this." It's amazing. Ye Chen was really amazed.

That's why I think so.

But Lan Lan always felt that Ye Chen said this, as if he was referring to something not very healthy.

Lan Lan walked in the front with a cold face.

Zhan Rong was upset for Ye Chen: "What kind of attitude do you have?" Our boss is just curious about whether your clothes can really talk. I thought I was amazing.

Deng Dahai could see it.

In this squad.

Zhan Rong is Ye Chen's proper dogleg.

He followed behind Ye Chen with a smile and tears.

20 people entered the secret realm in batches.

Before Ye Chen left, the principal also instructed: "If you really encounter anything life-threatening, crush this teleportation talisman and come back."

"Where is life important, baby?" The principal broke his heart and sent a teleportation charm to everyone.

"The opening hours of the secret realm are 48 hours. In addition to us, there are some students from other countries who will come in. "

The big guys of the Heavenly Venerable and Heavenly Saint levels have already determined that this is a secret realm to find inheritance. Even if you don't get a legacy, you can get a baby.

"So high-level professionals across the globe are willing to give that opportunity to college students." For you are the future and the hope.

"Come on, professionals. I wish you good luck and good luck. The

principal said solemnly to Ye Chen before they left.

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