Ye Chen's side.

The four people looked at the tree of wisdom for a while.

The other party did not react for a long time.

Ye Chen was full of disappointment: "Forget it, cut it as firewood." "

Wait a minute!" The Tree of Wisdom exclaimed anxiously, "Right away." I'm coming soon. "

There was a sudden flush on the dry bark, and it felt as if the whole tree had been cooked.

On the bare trunk, a green leaf suddenly grew.

But there is only one piece.

On that green leaf, small white flowers soon bloomed.

The flower decays rapidly, and then bears a red fruit. But this fruit is only the size of peanut rice.

The tree of wisdom exerted the power of flooding, the entire trunk was red, and the whole tree kept shaking, but the face on the trunk was rippling.

Finally, the whole tree stiffened for about three seconds or so. The fruit that was originally the size of peanut rice "poofed" and suddenly grew from the size of peanut rice to the size of a ping-pong ball.

The face on the trunk let out a satisfied "ah", and then the whole tree became wrinkled.

Ye Chen was speechless: "Why is the expression of being washed over?"

The other three: "..."

Originally, Ye Chen wanted to taste the taste of this wisdom fruit.

But now look at what that tree looks like.


Very disgusted.

Ye Chen threw an appraisal technique over.

[Fruit of Wisdom (Small)]:

The fruit of wisdom that has just ripened. Each one can permanently increase spiritual power by 5 points.

If you feed the tree of wisdom with resources. The fruit that is born is greater, and the spiritual power is added.

"Zhan Rong, you come to taste." Ye Chen plucked the red fruit and turned to Zhan Rong and said.

Zhan Rong's expression was even more disgusted than Ye Chen: "Just taste it, brother." I am a combat profession in the Department of Physics. I think this should be given to Deng Dahai. Summoners need spiritual power just as much as mages.

Deng Dahai's face was ugly. I immediately wanted to tear the teleportation charm.

In fact, looking at the tree alone and struggling to hold out a fruit, that's all fine.

The key is Ye Chen's complaint.

Now I don't think the tree is serious.

"Try it." Even Lan Lan said, "You are the most suitable among us."

Deng Dahai took the wisdom fruit from Ye Chen's hand with an ugly look, and then stuffed it into his mouth with his eyes closed, and then suddenly widened his eyes: "Delicious." It's so sweet. Boss, my spiritual power has increased by 5 points or permanently. "

Pay for it." Ye Chen took out the watch issued by the school: "1,000 battlefield points, thank you." "

Every college is given out a watch when they enroll, and it's easy to add friends and trade and transfer money with each other.

Deng Dahai: "..."

He didn't talk nonsense, and transferred money directly.

On the battlefield, there are also such props that can add attributes, but they are all added by one point or two, plus 5 points in one breath, and only sell 1,000 points. It's cheap.

And if there is no leaf dust, this tree of wisdom will ask them for a lot of resources, and then half of the fruit will not bear fruit.

Which is like Ye Chen's empty gloves white wolf.

"Good job." Ye Chen praised: "You just said that you are the tree of wisdom and can lead us to find the inheritance of your master, then go quickly."

Ye Chen said, climbed up the bare trunk of the Tree of Wisdom, found a comfortable position and lay down.

The place where he lay happened to be the only leaf blocking Ye Chen's line of sight.

So Ye Chen directly picked it off.

"That's the only leaf I have!! The Tree of Wisdom was furious: "I've been bald for so long, and I finally took out the last bit of nutrients and bore a fruit, this is my only leaf!"

Ye Chen's face was expressionless, and he stretched out his hand: "Have you ever seen a sandbag-sized fist?" "

The tree of wisdom is seconds.

"So what... Bald is bald, no big deal. How many years have I been bald here? Since my master returned to Chaos, there has been no one to take care of me. Speaking of this tree of wisdom is also a little sad: "But outsiders. Can you go down and walk on your own?

"Can't." Ye Chen said lazily: "This location is very good, you first take me to find the place where your master inherits." Tell me when you arrive. Saying

that, Ye Chen yawned.

It really looked like I was going to fall asleep.

The Tree of Wisdom silently put an identification technique on Ye Chen.

And then more silence.

Although it cannot see the specific properties of Ye Chen. Its identification level is not that high.

But the basic one can still be identified.

[Outsider, Ye Chen]:

Special and extremely powerful. It is best not to provoke easily. Easy to hang.

On the desert.

A bare tree is rushing with its own roots.

Although the tree is bare, it grows quite large. A person sleeps in the most central canopy position.

Above the huge root system, hang the other three.

Zhan Rong, they didn't dare to sit directly on the canopy of this tree like Ye Chen.

They only dared to hang on the branch next to the wisdom tree, try to fit the tree as much as possible, and step on the huge root system of this tree.

The tree of wisdom was crying and hurrying, and did not dare to cry particularly loudly, Ye Chen could kill 90% of its blood with a slap:

"Hehehehe, I want to go home to find Mama, there are people outside bullying the tree, hehehehehehe

After all, Deng Dahai is a summoner with a summoning beast: "It's so pitiful. Zhan

Rong thought about Ye Chen: "This tree still has some value, turn back and tell the boss, pull this tree, bring it back to the bachelor villa, raise it casually, even if it doesn't bear fruit, the blossom is very beautiful."

Ye Chen closed his eyes, as if he was talking in a dream, and as if following Zhan Rong's words, he continued: "Light blossoms do not bear fruit, there is a fart." When

the wisdom tree heard Ye Chen's words, he was stunned for a moment.

Then I ran faster while crying.

This tree is a tendon.

I didn't think of finding some dangerous place to get rid of these 4 pendants hanging on my body.

Instead, according to what Ye Chen said, he directly found his master's inheritance underground palace.

"Arrived." The angry Tree of Wisdom threw all three other pendants on his body.

Don't look at this tree, just now in the desert storm, in fact, it is very stable, not to mention Ye Chen, the other three pendants are hung on the body of that tree and fell asleep.

Although Deng Dahai fell asleep, he rolled over when he fell, but he was fine.

Lan Lan needless to say, nothing hurts her.

Only Zhan Rong was sturdy and fell a big butt.

Then Zhan Rong turned around and saw that the tree stretched out a small branch with a flattering face, and gently poked Ye Chen: "Outsider, I brought you here!" "

It's a double standard.

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