Ye Chen woke up.

What I saw was a wilderness.

However, there is a small teleportation array on the ground of this wilderness.

The wisdom tree became particularly flattering, and said like a dogleg: "This outsider, we have arrived at the entrance of my master's inheritance underground palace. It's just that I have to tell you beforehand.

"When you go in, everyone sees a different picture. This is the legacy of our masters.

"You were the first to arrive here now. Others have not even passed the peripheral trials.

Ye Chen's face was full of confusion: "There are still trials around you." Where is it? "

Tree of Wisdom: Where do you not have points in your heart?

"As you say. The picture is different after everyone enters. The encounter is also different. What if you don't pass the trials inside? Lan Lan changed the subject.

Tree of Wisdom: "My master has set up a total of three levels of trials, and the first layer of trials is the periphery. Everyone on the periphery sees differently, and the trials on the periphery will determine whether they can find the entrance and whether they are qualified to inherit?

"When they find the entrance, enter the inner trial, and if they pass, move on to the next step." If not. Will get some small gifts and then quit. "

In this way, everyone understands.

"Then don't be stunned. The reason why the teacher asked us to team up was because peripheral trials could be dangerous. Now everyone has passed. Let's go inside one by one. Ye Chen made a decision.

Lan Lan solemnly walked in front of Ye Chen: "Thank you." "

What's the use of Xie?" Ye Chen replied smoothly: "Why don't you change your clothes and give me a dance?"

Lan Lan blushed and said like a mosquito gnat: "Yes."

"You promised. Then don't regret it. I'm going to see the maid outfit. White silk! Ye Chen said quickly.

Lan Lan stomped her foot: "I'm leaving." He


She really entered the teleportation array of the underground palace.

Ye Chen looked confused: "Did you promise or not?"

Zhan Rong always thought that Lan Lan was a man, and when he heard Ye Chen's words, he coughed: "Boss, when did you add this bad taste?" I'm not a woman.

Ye Chen glanced at him, and there was a black line: "Roll, roll." "

I really can't imagine what Zhan Rong's big waist and round body will look like in women's clothes?

"Okay." Zhan Rong rolled roundly.

Because Zhan Rong was Ye Chen's dead party before he changed jobs. The fee is waived.

Deng Dahai stepped forward twistedly.

Ye Chen handed over the watch.

Deng Dahai reacted quickly. Directly hit 10,000 battlefield points.

Don't look at the 10,000 battlefield points are few. For ordinary students like Deng Dahai. Already a lot.

"Boss Ye, if you want to lead the team to the next copy or something in the future, you must call me. I will give as many points as you want, and I will go out and borrow them. Deng Dahai swore an oath.

In fact, Ye Chen didn't know how long he hadn't looked at his points account.

It's all astronomical now.

After all, every day, Ye Chen can get benefits.

"Can you still borrow money from this thing?" Ye Chen heard about it for the first time.

Deng Dahai was a little embarrassed: "It's like this when it really doesn't work."

Finally, he bowed in the direction of Ye Chen.

Then entered that teleportation array.

In the end, only Ye Chen and the tree of wisdom remained.

Ye Chen found that when he and Zhan Rong were talking, the Tree of Wisdom actually quietly moved out.

It looks like it's going to run.

Ye Chen smiled and looked at the bare tree: "What about you?" Do you just follow me in like this or into my storage bag? "

Your storage bag can hold live things?" The Tree of Wisdom asked smoothly.

"Premium storage bags do. I have enough pets, and you're not the kind of pet you can fight. I'll bring you back and give you a different environment. Ye Chen opened the road of brainwashing: "Aren't you asking for resources?" Going back is a resource.

"Think about it. Anyway, give you up to 10 seconds. If not, I still lack some firewood. "

Firewood again.

Isn't that a threat?

Isn't it powerful?

Catch a tree and bully.

What a hero and a good man.

The inner drama of the tree of wisdom is quite adequate.

But the body is still more honest.

The tree quickly grew smaller, and finally it was only the size of a slap: "Boss, you take me away." There is nothing in this broken desert. I am the first divine tree of the Three Realms, and I planted it in this bird place after turning around our master. He didn't care about me when he died..."

the tree was very talking.

Ye Chen couldn't listen anymore.

Before the goods were finished, they threw the other party into the high-grade storage bag.

The high-grade storage bag can hold live animals.

And if it is an ingredient, it will ensure freshness.

Therefore, Ye Chen's high-grade storage bag contains all the food.

The Tree of Wisdom entered Ye Chen's high-grade storage bag.

When I saw the food in one place, my face was full of confusion.

"Who the hell is this?" The Tree of Wisdom looked tangled.

After Ye Chen finished dealing with the Tree of Wisdom, he directly entered the teleportation array.

The world swirled.

Ye Chen found himself in a particularly elegant room.

There was a woman bathing with her back to herself.

The woman's hair was scattered. But this room is an antique room.

The large bed next to it is also the kind of carved wood bed of ancient times.

Women still use large wooden barrels that can only be seen on ancient television.

She was still humming a song in her mouth.

Doesn't look like a player.

Ye Chen lost an identification technique.

Nothing is shown.

But this identification technique alarmed the woman.

The woman turned her head.

Ye Chen went up and kicked it.

It's so ugly. A mustache grew on her red face. I couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, but there was a constriction on the chin and a long hair on the top of the room.

The facial features are extremely incongruous, the kind that can make people have nightmares at a glance.

How can a Yan control like Ye Chen endure it?

Seeing Ye Chen kicking over.

The woman opened her mouth, and the teeth in her mouth were three layers and three layers outside, like a harvester, and the woman's mouth was not the size of a normal person.

Opening his mouth like a big shark, he bit towards Ye Chen fiercely.

Ye Chen smashed a punch on the woman's face. He then discovered that the woman's lower body was fishtail, which was a ... Ugly mermaid?

"Monsters?" That half-human, half-fish made Ye Chen die with one punch, without any drops, and no experience tips.

The whole room looked strange, and he came out of the room.

It's very lively outside.

When a fellow saw him, he immediately said, "Young Master, why are you still here?" Go change your clothes. Today is your big day.

"You called me?" Ye Chen frowned.

"That's right, it's called you." The guy was respectful: "Let's go." If it's late, it's a delay. "

Ye Chen tried to summon a pet. No.

Try summoning a defense tower. Nor can it.

Even here I can't even use the storage bag.

As for skills. It doesn't work either.

"How does it feel like a script kill." Ye Chen thought of going with the guy first, and the guy took him to the room and changed his clothes first.

"Why is there a half-human, half-fish in that room I just came out of?" Ye Chen asked the guy.

The guy smiled: "This is the half-demon used to cook today, and it tastes good." Young Master, hurry up and get dressed. "

The man's smile is a little strange.

Ye Chen tried to contact the system: "What kind of situation is the system now?" "

[System]: "System accessing..."

This thing is also blocked?

Is the person who made this "script kill" so awesome?

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