Sebastian Smith didn't have a good life. He was born into a family which was extremely poor, because of a massive debt that they have not repayed, nor will they ever be able to. His family consisted of his mother, father and 2 twin sister.

Even though they were poor they were always smiling around him. When Sebastian learned of the reason for why they were poor he decided to study hard and get a good job in the future.

While he was in high school he applied as a waiter at a local diner for minimum wage. In his high school years he didn't have many friend maybe 3 or 4. He also never had a girlfriend, because he thought that it wasn't necessary.

Most of his time was spent studying and this also made it possible for him to get a scholarship for a college near the capital. In college he was able to keep a 4.5GPA.

In his second year of college when he was walking home he felt a sharp pain and then everything went black. When he woke up he tried to move but noticed that he couldn't.

He looked down and saw that his arms and legs were tied to a chair. "Well, well, well look who's finnaly awake. Did you have a nice dream?" said a man dressed in a suit and wore sunglasses even though he was indoors. "Who are you? Where am I?" asked Sebastian still confused we he was tied up. "Don't worry about it kid. The only thing you need to know is that you're not gonna like what's about to happen." he said with a sadistic grin on his face.

"And what's gonna hap…" before Sebastian could finish his sentence the man stomped on his groin. Sebastian screamed loudly but it wasn't the end. As soon as he started screaming the man punched him in the face and broke Sebastians nose. The punch left Sebastian half unconscious.

"Now be a good boy and wait here I'll be right back." said the man as he left the room. A couple of minutes later the man came back with a knife and Sebastian saw it was very sharp. The second thing that the man had was rusty saw which hadn't been cleaned in a long time maybe even years. And finaly the last thing that Sebastian saw the man bring in was a sledgehammer.

At this point Sebastian didn't know what to do he knew that he couldn't escape as the rope was very thick. While his brain was in overdrive about how to get out of this situation the man came closer to him with the knife in hand. "Hm? Which ear should I cut of?" asked the man. Sebastian got scared before he could even respond the man grabed his ear and started cutting it off very slowly.

The man was enjoying every second of hearing Sebastian scream. This went on for half an hour as the man was doing it very slowly. When he was done Sebastians throat was sore and he couldn't scream any more. The man decided to step it up a notch as that wasn't enough for him.

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He picked up the sledgehammer and swung it full force on Sebastians left arm. Sebastian thought that he couldn't scream anymore but the man proved him wrong as right now he screamed even more loudly than before. The man swung the sledgehammer on his left hand 3 more times before he moved on to his right hand. He did this repeatedly for 4 more times.

When he stopped he had a sadistic grin from ear to ear. "Now didn't that make you more feel better?" he asked with his grin getting even wider. Sebastian just looked at him with hatred in his eyes. "Oh? You're still not broken? Well this is getting better and better!!" The man swung the sledgehammer one more time but this time he didn't aim for his hands and went for groin.

Screams echoed in the room and Sebastian even thought that he was going to die just from that one blow. After he couldn't scream anymore he passed out. "Eh?" the man was suprised. "Did he die? No can't be, he's still brething. Well that was fun, I'll see ya tommorow kid!" said the man as he left the room. The next day it was even worse as the man cut of both his legs with that rusty saw and even made Sebastian infected.

This went on for a week before it all changed. As the man walked into the room there were 2 big burly bodyguards behind him. When Sebastian saw who the burly men were carrying, his whole world fell apart.

"Hey kid I got bored since you started screaming less. So I brought your family to play with us!" said the man in a suit. The bodyguards threw his parents and sisters on the ground. "So to make you break again I decided that the best way to do that is to make you watch as my bodyguards **** your mother and sisters. Oh and we don't need you anymore." the man said coldly and took out a pistol and shot Sebastians father in the head.

His body went limp and he fell on the floor, blood fowing from his body. His mother and sisters were screaming while Sebastian couldn't scream anymore and he could only cry.

The bodyguards took off their clothes and started raping his sisters and mother while the man was holding Sebastians head and forcing his eyes open. This continued for a few hours until the women passed out.

When they were done the man took out his pistol and shot them in the head. Sebastian didn't know what to do anymore. He watched as his family, which he loved and they loved him back, be killed right in front of his eyes. 'Why? Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?' he thought. 'What's the point to live anymore? Fuck it. I don't care anymore. I'll just commit suicide! I would rather die by my own hands that having to be tortured anymore and then killed.' Sebastian bit his tongue, his body went limp and after a few seconds he died.

The man was pissed. "What the fuck kid!!!! Motherfucker!! I was planing on playing with you a bit more!! Damn it!!" the man screamed as he flipped the table and the chair in which Sebastians corpse was sitting. When the man calmed down he turned to his bodyguards and said "Dispose of the bodies, I dont want to see them anymore." "Yes, sir!" replied the men and quickly went to dispose of the bodies.

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