Journey Through The Magical World

2 Reincarnation and The new world

In the deep abyss where nothing resides, stood 2 men. One looked to be in his 20's while the other looked like he was in his 80's.

When the young man finally opened his eyes the older man spoke "So, you finally decided to wake up, huh?" These words left the young man who is Sebastian confused. "What do you mean finally? How long was I asleep?" "About 2 years." replied the old man.

Sebastian was looking around and saw that they were the only one's there. "Ok. I'm guessing you're God, what do you want?" God was confused. "Are you not gonna question why you're here?" Sebastian replied like he was talking to an idiot "You do realise that I commited suicide, right? Did you think I would be so stupid, that I wouldn't know where I am? So what do you want with me?"

Both went quiet for a second before God replied "Yeah, sorry. It's just people usually don't react like you did. Anyway I saw your life and I felt bad for you. So I decided to reincarnate you and also grant you five wishes." "And who said I wanted your pity, huh? But fine, tell me where I'm going to so I can plan what my wishes are." said Sebastian a bit annoyed.

"You'll be reincarnated in a world with magic named Naavis. There are 5 continents, the west continent Iyira where the Elves (the arrogant ones) reside, the east continent Aefeon where the beastmen reside, the north continent Cranoa where the Dwarfs reside, the south continent Gresin where the Demons reside and lastly the centrao continent Eoroa where the Humans reside. The powers are ranked from F to SS the same for Warriors and Magicians. The monsters are ranked Harmful, which can be killed by 1 E-rank adventurers, Dangerous which can be killed by 2 C-rank adventurers, Disaster which can be killed by 3 A-rank adventurers and finally Apocalypse which can only be killed by a party of 3 S-rank and 2 SS-rank adventurers."

"Ok, give some time to think of my wishes." God agreed and after a few minutes Sebastian said "I'm ready. For my first wish I want to have affinity with space and time magic. For my second wish I want a status panel like in games, but I only want it to show my stats and nothing else. For my third wish I want good talent for everything, not amazing or horrible but also not average. Fourt wish I want Alucards bloodline. And for my final wish I want to change my appearance for this new world."

"Hm? Well for Alucards bloodline I can only give you his immortality, is that alright?" asked God. Sebastian thought about it and said that thats fine aswell. The next second a screen appeared in front of Sebastian, which looked like the character customization screen in every RPG ever created. Sebastian gave himself short black hair, cold blue eyes with a chiseled face and a lean body. His face looked very cold but handsome aswell. He decided that he didn't want to be to handsome, but just handsome enough. His height was set to 193cm (6 foot 4 inches).

When everything was done God looked and Sebastian and said "Well, that's that. You ready?" Sebastian looked at God and just said "Do it." As soon as Sebastian said that he fell asleep.

When he woke up he saw that he was in the middle of a forest. "Typical." said Sebastian while he was looking around. 'First I gotta find some food and water. Then I'll go looking for a cave to spend the night in.' He tried to listen if he could hear any running water and to his luck there was a river 100 meters (328 feet) away.

When he was walking to there he decided to take a look at his stats. 'Stats' when he thought about seeing his stats a black window with white letters appeared.

[Name: Sebastian Smith

Age: Immortal

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Health: 100/100

Mana: 250/250

Strenght: 10 (normal adult is 10)

Vitality: 10

Defense: 10

Agility: 10

Intellegence: 25]

[Affinities: Time and Space]

[Bloodline: Alucard ]

[Skills: None]

'Well lets see if the stats do the same thing or if there's anything new.'

[Strenght: indicates how much explosive power one has]

[Vitality: indicates how much damage one can take before dying]

[Defense: indicates how much damage one can nullify]

[Agility: indicates one's movement speed and reaction speed]

[Intellegence: indicates how much mana one has and one's thinking power]

'Still the same, huh?' As he got closer to the river he saw that someone was bathing. He decided to nit desturb them and just go farther down the river. When he got to a big rock he sat crossleged on it and started trying out his magic. 'So let's see what I can even do with it right now.' He clicked on affinity and screen changed it only showed the description of the affinities.

[Time: Able to stop time for a certain duration. Current max is 10 seconds. Able to stop time for longer duration with higher understanding of time.]

[Space: Able to store things in a pocket dimension. Current max is 1cubic meters. Able to create portal and teleport to any location that have been visited before. Pocket dimension increases with higher understanding of space.]

'Ok, self explanatory. Let me first check out Time.'

After a few minutes of trying he finaly got it to work. When it time started to move again he tried to use it again, but it didn't work. 'Oh, se there is a cool down time. Well I hope it's not to long.'

He kept trying to activate it but it only worked half an hour later. 'Hmm, I wonder if I could just slow down time and not completely stop it?' He tried for an hour when it finnaly worked. He was able to slow down time so it moved at only half the speed. Next he tried Space. He first tried to open his pocket dimension, he noticed that in it were two things a cool looking Assassin's Creed type rope which was all black and the other thing was an ordinary sword you can get anywhere.

'Cool, I always liked how these robes looked. Maybe I'll ask a blacksmith to make me some hiden blades. And last but not least let's try teleporting, but to where?' After some thinking he decided to go back to a fruit tree saw earlier as he was getting hungry. When he had his fill he starded looking for a cave. After half an hour of searching he spoted a cave that looked like noone was living in. The next day all he did was to train his body and reflexes.

~Time skip 1 month~

After a month of Spartan training he noticed that it's way harder to inprove than he first thought. 'So let's see a months worth of practice.' He brought up his stats and noticed some changes.

[Name: Sebastian Smith

Age: Immortal

Health: 160/160

Mana: 250/250

Strenght: 23 (normal adult is 10)

Vitality: 16

Defense: 15

Agility: 14

Intellegence: 25]

[Affinities: Time and Space]

[Bloodline: Alucard ]

[Skills: Swordsmanship {Beginner}]

"Not bad!" he said happily. In this one month he was also explored a third of the forest. He found out that in this forest only exist Harmful level monsters and some Dangerous level monsters. When he was still looking at his stats he suddenly heard a growl from some nearby bushes. As soon as he turned around he was shocked with what he saw.

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