Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 493: The demon king sees the monkey

【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Human world!

At the foot of the two mountains.

Not long ago, Jiang Long, who was appointed as the chief caretaker of the Five Elements Mountain, directly moved a chair and sat opposite Sun Wukong, drinking the fairy wine and eating the spiritual fruit.

But this Venerable Dragon Subduing is very happy, but Sun Wukong, who is being crushed under the Five Elements Mountain, is not happy at all.

"This fellow daoist doesn't even give him a bite of food, isn't that a bit too much?"

"Eat copper **** when you're hungry all day long, and drink copper juice when you're thirsty. Don't talk about anything else, let me give my grandson a flat peach first."

Since the ancestor Bodhi left the Five Elements Mountain, Monkey King has restored his former style.

But then again, although Sun Wukong has recovered his former style, the food of the past has not recovered, on the contrary he has fallen to the bottom.

"Monkey King!"

"This fairy wine is really good, but it's a pity that you can't drink it now."

"Our leader said, if you want to drink immortal wine and eat flat peaches with your hands, I'm afraid you will really be ruined by His Majesty in the sky."

While drinking the immortal wine, Jianglong flirted with this Monkey King who had gained quite a reputation in the thirty-three heavens.

In fact, after so many days of getting along, he could feel that Monkey King is too shrewd. If he hadn't been prepared, he would have been completely fooled by Monkey King.

The Dao on the Five Elements Mountain is running around, and it is not just an existence that is so easy to break. He doesn't think that Monkey King can run out.

Sun Wukong stared at Jianglong viciously, but he was trapped in a small space, and he couldn't do anything except stare blankly.

"Where is who?"

"Get out soon."

"If you don't get out, don't blame me for turning my face and denying people."

Jianglong, who was drinking the fairy wine, said cursingly while watching the black mist rising in the distance.

On top of this weak energy, he sensed the energy of the Heavenly Demon Realm. Although the Heavenly Demon Realm has not been active in the heavens and worlds for a long time, the immortals who have experienced the great battle back then are very clear about it. The harm brought by the Heavenly Demon Realm.

What if the extraterrestrial demons were allowed to have fun in the heavens and worlds? That was a real catastrophe.

Just like the wars that took place in the western land in the past, it was because of the demon ancestor Rahu, so the ancestral line of the western land has been completely cut off.

Is it even possible to fix it?

Chaos Heavenly Demon King, looking at Jianglong who was struggling to persevere under his own way, said: "It's just a pity to be a venerable Jianglong from the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect. But it is extremely difficult.”

I heard that in the West there is a set of things called 800 sects. Very well suppressed their Heavenly Demon King's development in the Heavenly Demon Realm, but if he really wants to fight, he is a chaotic one-day demon, and he can fight dozens of numbers. This is the realm of eight hundred disciples taught by the West.


Not long after.

This, among the many disciples of the Western Sect's eight hundred sects, the most famous Master Jianglong, fainted on the ground for some reason at this moment.

Then the black mist swept across the entire Wuxing Mountain, and even Monkey King, who had been uttering wild words there, fainted and became unconscious.

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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

Sun Wukong is going to be enchanted.

Among the heavens and worlds, there are actually many practitioners who want to watch Monkey King become enchanted.


The coast of the East China Sea.

Above the blue sky of Huaguoshan Paradise.

Flying to the mountain, there is a Taoist temple.

Under the congenital lunar laurel tree, a cloud mirror hangs high, and the picture above the cloud mirror is the picture of Monkey King being dizzy by the Chaos Demon King.

Su Xuan looked at the hanging cloud mirror, and said: "This time, I really want to thank Uncle Nuwa, if Uncle Nuwa hadn't removed the barrier of that Demon Ancestor Luohu without anyone noticing, I'm afraid we won't be here until Now, it is not clear what happened under the Five Elements Mountain."

Demon ancestor Luohu, after all, was an existence that could compete with his master ancestor, Hongjun ancestor in the past. Even if he lost, it was not something that a practitioner of the Daluo Jinxian realm like him could pry at will. exist.

"The Point Guard Is Here"

However, he was also very curious. The leader of Styx played such a big role, and it seemed that he really wanted the eight hundred sects of the Western Church to pay a heavy price.

Nuwa looked at the cloud mirror and said: "Heavenly Demon Refining Heart Tribulation, if the monkey can pass this level, it will naturally see the sky through the clouds and mist, but if it can't escape, it can only be regarded as the monkey's luck." It's too bad."

The monkey used to be a piece of heaven-replenishing stone in her hand. Although there are many pieces of sky-replenishing stones, Sun Wukong is the one with the most creations among the many sky-replenishing stones.

In the final analysis, it was the monkey who had intelligence and deceived him by fishing in the water, so it was no longer the God-Mending Stone, so naturally it had nothing to do with her.

Su Xuan looked at Nuwa, and said, "But Master Nuwa, compared to the demonic catastrophe that the monkey is going through, I am more worried about how to go on Journey to the West. This is not a child's play. A pat on the head can decide.

I always feel that the intensity of the catastrophe this time may far exceed the previous catastrophe of the Conferred Gods. "

Old Wu is also the words book written by the former Prime Minister of the Monster Race Bai Ze, if there is one sentence out of ten sentences, it is considered But Su Xuan can tell that some young immortals are typing in the words book The process described in , I want to try my luck, but in the end I just touched my nose.

Anyway, in this doomed problem, whoever dares to believe that big **** Bai Ze is waiting to be cheated to death!

Mo Shanshan said calmly: "Don't worry about that, I have already arranged for Long Ji to coordinate with the immortals of the Three Religions regarding the catastrophe of the Journey to the West, and try to teach those domineering people from the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect a painful lesson."

With the gradual retreat of Taoism, the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect have once again branched out. Unlike the eight hundred sects of the Western Sect who used to use the banner of heresy, this time they have uncharacteristically played the name of the right way of heaven and earth.

"My mountain is better!"

Su Xuan looked at his family, and said with a slight smile: "This time we will definitely not get involved in the disaster of Journey to the West again. This time we are just playing the chess pieces on the chessboard in the name of hundreds of millions of onlookers."

The real layout has always been outside the chess game. Before entering the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian's cultivation, he has no ability to overturn the chessboard, so naturally he cannot execute the chess.

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【Journey to the heavens starting from Jiangye】【】

After all, practitioners in the Da Luo Jinxian realm are still ants, and this is just a big ants.

Then Su Xuan and Mo Shanshan went to the world hand in hand again.

Nuwa sat on the spot, tasting the immortal wine, and said, "I'm so tired of being together every day, don't I get tired of being crooked?"



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