Journey To the Heavens Starting From the Night

Vol 2 Chapter 494: The battle between Duobao and Tianma (1)

Under the Five Elements Mountain.

Black mist filled the air.

Just like another Heavenly Demon Realm, under the shroud of the Heavenly Demon Dao Law, even practitioners in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal will fall into the demonic way in an instant, and ordinary practitioners in the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal will not be able to enter it. Will be trapped in such a moment of time.

There is an incomparable longing for the heavenly demon realm that does not know where it exists. As long as it is an individual, there will always be some desires that cannot be touched.

The same is true for practitioners!

Even practitioners of the Daluo Jinxian Realm who have been certified once and for all are not exempt from vulgarity.

Let alone Monkey King, whose Dao heart is not very firm.

So in just a moment, Sun Wukong, who was crushed under the Five Elements Mountain, was immersed in the dream created by Chaos, the demon king.

Standing in the black mist caused by the law of the Great Dao of Heavenly Demon, Chaos, the Demon King of Heaven, looked at Sun Wukong, who was smiling, sometimes berserk, and sometimes laughed endlessly, and said, "How extraordinary do you think it is? I didn't expect this Dao Heart, the two Practitioners in the realm of the primordial spirit of the human race are inferior, and I don't know which practitioner in the realm of Daluo Jinxian taught the apprentice."

No matter for the practitioners or the heavenly demons outside the territory, a Taoist heart has long been tempered, and they are not afraid of those temptations that come from nowhere.

But this monkey is different, it's just a stubborn monkey!

"Monkey, when you wake up from the dream, you will return to the Heavenly Demon Realm with me, and you may have the opportunity to sit on the Heavenly Demon King's seat in the future."

Their beloved Demon Ancestor has already blocked many practitioners in the realm of Daluo Jinxian from spying on the Five Elements Mountain at this moment.

So this monkey, this time, must return to the Heavenly Demon Realm with him.

The Chaos Heavenly Demon King looked at Monkey King whose expression was gradually returning to normal, and said, "Let's go!"

The Chaos Heavenly Demon King swung his fist again. This is a great way to add a little force, a way to break all magic with one force, and directly smashed the Five Elements Mountain so that the ground shook.

In the past, practitioners in the Daluo Jinxian Realm who paid attention to the Five Elements Mountain could always find abnormalities at the first time. Unfortunately, this time everything changed with the help of Demon Ancestor Luohu.

As time went by, when the Marble Mountains were about to be uprooted.

far away.

Blossoming golden lotus flowers fell from the blue sky, and in just an instant, countless golden lotus flowers appeared within a radius of ten thousand miles of Wuxing Mountain.

As soon as the golden lotus collided with the black mist, it made a sizzling sound. The golden lotus was surrounded by a layer of fire in an instant, and then the fire burst into flames, and the entire Wuxing Mountain. Turned into a sea of ​​fire.

In an instant, the Heavenly Demon Dao Law, which was still overwhelming the sky and the sun just now, has already turned into nothingness under the burning of the golden lotus.

In the past and present within a radius of ten thousand miles, there is no remnant of the aura of the law of the Heavenly Demon Dao.

There is nothing like this to cleanse the universe.


A Buddha's gatha resounded throughout the ten thousand li radius of the Five Elements Mountain.

Chaos, the demon king of the sky, listened to the Buddha's light ringing in his ears, and frowned and looked at the monk who had been shrouded in the Buddha's light in the distance.

"Who was I then?"

"It turned out to be Dabao Daobao, the great disciple of Jiejiao in the past. Why is Duobao Dabao not enjoying blessings in Jiejiao now? Instead, he followed the example of those Western practitioners and began to like to kill demons." Are you exorcising?"

Even in the face of this famous Duobao Daoist, Chaos Demon King is not afraid at all. After all, this Duobao is no longer the old Duobao Daoist.

Master Duobao, the eldest disciple of Jiejiao, met him at the foot of the Five Elements Mountain, so he naturally retreated, but the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western sect, why he retreated after seeing it.

This moment.

Behind the Heavenly Demon King Chaos is not a Heavenly Demon King, but all the Heavenly Demon Kings who want to go to the West to teach eight hundred other sects to be unhappy.

Duobao's figure appeared in an instant.

It has already appeared on the top of the Five Elements Mountain. The top of the Five Elements Mountain that was turned upside down by Cihang earlier is extremely wide.

Duobao Tathagata stood on the Five Elements Mountain, condescendingly looked down at the innocent-looking but pitifully stupid Heavenly Demon King Chaos, and said, "Amitabha, so good, so good.

The benefactor of chaos became enlightened in the era when the ancient gods ruled the world. If the benefactor of chaos can turn around and follow me into the eight hundred sects of Western religion, it will be of great merit to understand the magic.

I don't know the benefactor of chaos, what do you think? "

This moment!

Treasure Tathagata in the body of the Buddha has already replaced the Dao law with a radius of ten thousand miles in every word and deed. To deal with the demons in the realm of demons, it is most appropriate to use Western methods.

After all, one thought becomes a demon, and one thought becomes a Buddha.

The Buddha and the Demon are all in one thought.

"I'm courting death!"

This Duobao Tathagata, who is now sitting on the seat of the master of the eight hundred sects of the Western religion, was able to meet his senior, and Chaos felt quite relieved.

After all, when the ancient gods ruled the world, most of them were ancient gods. When they saw him, they were greeted by innate spirit treasures.

The current Great Luo God Venerable!

It's really polite!

However, he doesn't like the tone of Duobao Tathagata's speech. It should be said that the entire Heavenly Demon Realm may not like Duobao Tathagata's tone of speech.

Chaos went straight to Duobao Tathagata standing on the Five Elements Mountain. A pair of fists were aimed at Duobao Tathagata's head. The terrifying law of the Heavenly Demon Dao was reflected between Chaos' fists.

Wherever the Heavenly Demon King Chaos has passed, it has been transformed into a Heavenly Demon Realm throughout the ages, and even if it is a long river of time and space, it cannot be changed.

Even the current Duobao Tathagata does not have the ability to restore it, or it should be said that Duobao Tathagata cannot come, the era when the ancient gods ruled the world.

This is the benefit of early enlightenment. The Heavenly Demon King Chaos, no matter how stupid he is, knows how to anchor himself at the moment of enlightenment, which is when the ancient gods rule the world.

But Daluo Jinxian realm practitioners in Taoism are indeed different. Taoist disciples of Duobao's generation, at best, sent their own anchors to Longhan Chujie.

In the past, the era when Taoist ancestors and demon ancestors competed.

Duobao Tathagata burst out with Buddhist sounds all over his body. He looked at the fists of the Heavenly Demon King Chaos, and time and space suddenly stagnated, and then returned to normal.

After going back and forth like this for an unknown number of times, the Heavenly Demon King Chaos fiercely smashed his fists on Duobao Tathagata's head.

This fist that came from countless time and space gathered here, even a practitioner in the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal and Golden Immortal, would have to be dragged into the realm of Heavenly Demon by him, becoming an extraterritorial Heavenly Demon.

But the imaginable scene of Duobao Tathagata being smashed away by his fist did not appear, only the Duobao Pagoda was full of treasures, and I don't know how many innate spiritual treasures, at the same time, the magic power knocked the demon king Chaos into the air The distance of tens of thousands of miles, just barely stopped.



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