Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 16 - Shadow clone Seiichi

Seiichi, Akira, and Saito appeared in the Myriad Realm moments after Danzo disappeared.

"Make sure you keep track of that man; he still has his uses. And he'll lead me to the prize that I'm searching for. You both did well today. But I need to get stronger. I'll start my training tomorrow. Check in every month and I'll send a Shadow clone to attend academy" Seiichi addressed them

"What about the Uchiha?" Saito asked with curiosity.

"Take them to my mountain side and kill the shinobi involved today" He ordered. Saito and Akira simple bowed their head and replied "Yes, Lord Seiichi"

They had lived in the world of the shinobi, the death of a few meant nothing to them. They were Lord Seiichi's investment. Assets to do with, as he pleased. And the moment Saito and Akira had vanished. Reappearing near the young shinobis. In one swift motion, Saito had killed them all with a simple kunai.

"Lord Seiichi would want their bodies, Put them with the rest, Elder Saito"

Saito bowed towards Lady Akira and vanished with the bodies of the young Shinobi. On the mountain side of the Myriad Realm, Large tanks stood 10 feet tall. Each tank had a clan symbol. Walking directly to the Uzumaki's tank, Saito tossed the bodies of the young shinobi's in. And did the same to the Uchiha corpse, in their perspective tank, after removing their Sharingan. The site of the area sent chills up Saito's spine. Seiichi was harvesting Kekkei Genki blood.

The next day Seiichi created a Shadow Clone and sent it to the academy in his place, while he started his own training consisting of intense body conditioning, Using the chakra in a similar way that essences is used in the martial world. Seiichi wanted to refine his body into an indestructible force, next was combat training in shinobi weapons and Taijutsu. He had to learn to control the power his body would have in the most efficient manner. And finally, his chakra pool.

"Okay, The Naruto verse has a chakra network. This network is a bit makeshift. If my knowledge is correct. The chakra network consist of 361 chakra points along the 12 major meridians. Eight of those chakra points are limiters. Known as the eight inner gates. However, I know there are 20 meridians and 670 points because some points are bilateral. Meaning there are 16 limiters instead of eight and this world only uses 12 meridians instead of 20. They only emit chakra from their extremities. System, do you have a solution?" Seiichi spoke his thought out loud to get them organized. He was a scientist. It was in his nature to improve what was or create something new entirely

[Sir, you forget the eight inner gates follow the 7 Major Chakras the give access to 72000 Nadis in the Hindu religion. Meaning this world is only using a very small fraction of its potential power. From the three Elders none of them came from the lower realms. Which means you must forge a path to unrivaled power. Rejoice in the fact, that the creator of this world combined two different systems of energy circulation into one. Produce something of unimaginable potential.]

The systems words left a lot for Seiichi to ponder. Recalling the shows that he watched in his previous life. This world lacked one thing that they need to reach new heights. A method to condition the body. A method that he had.

"Like I said the network was makeshift, but we will correct the fools mistake. System analyze my technique. First condition the body. until each reaches the highest level of purity chakra can refine. From that point I will open 670 chakra points, connect 20 meridians, open and then strengthen, connect with the 7200 nadis and converge it all at my Dantian forcing expansion. Are there any flaws?" Seiichi wanted to be the strongest possible being in this realm before moving own

[No, Sir. It would actually be the smartest way to go. Once the Dantian is expanded to it's limit. I recommend the eight inner gates, to complete breakthrough the limits of this world.}

"Good. 670 chakra points, 20 meridians, and 72000 nadis. Mark them all on my body and keep track of my progress. Alert me when my body is strong enough for such and endeavor."

[with your higher realm method of strengthening the body, 2 years at your current intensity would be a solid foundation. ]

"Then let's get started" Seiichi spoke and begun the cruelest and most effective training regimen he could find from the memories of Body transformation elder, from the magic cube. He never slept; chakra nourished his body. His combat training focused on nothing but the basics. He not only practiced the Uzumaki Taijutsu techniques but, he also practiced martial techniques inherited from the three cube elders, Seiichi want his foundation to be unshakable. And the only way to make that possible was for the basics to become second nature. It was impossible for Seiichi's body to reach a Martial world standard. But he was committed to cleansing and refining his body until he couldn't anymore.

In the hidden leaf village while the original Seiichi was training his heart out, the shadow Clone Seiichi was attending his first day at the Academy…

Boss asked to fill in for him while he trained himself to death. So naturally I couldn't refuse. Arriving at the Ninja academy was actually pretty cool. On the inside I was losing my damn mind. Walking through the halls I got my mind right for what was about to come. Boss had not only sent me here to study but, he also wanted me to lay the groundwork for his future plans. He planned to dominate this shit, and I was his main man.

Finally, inside the classroom, everything was to be expected. The traumatized and damaged Sasuke, Naruto was loud and unruly, Shikamaru was sleep and Kiba played with his puppy. Ino and Sakura were buŧŧing heads, literally. Shino did absolutely nothing while Choji stuffed his face. Hinata, with her shy and meek nature kept to herself. It was really hard to believe that these guys would grow up to lead the hidden leave village. Taking my seat in the back of the room . I found a spot next to Kirito who was red in the face and spaced out

"Kirito, what the hell is wrong with you?" I asked him with legitimate curiosity, awaiting an answer I look at Karin and Kaiya to fill me in

"He has a crush on the girl in the next class. She calls herself Tenten, and my brother is head of heels. We ran into her on the in the academy and he's been like this ever since" Kaiya explained everything with a more than amused smile. Kirito was always a calm and collected boy. To see him so stuck in emotion was amusing to her.

"Seriously Kirito? " I ask him only for him to give me sheepish smile. Young love, it's inevitable. Speaking of young love. "Karin..." I softly call for her attention "Call Naruto over, Family should stick together."

Karin squint in response to my words. Karin was a smart girl. It was easy to see I had ulterior motives. But no matter how hard she squinted, she would remain clueless, so she caved

"Hey Naruto, you can come sit with us" Karin called out grabbing Naruto's attention. As he walked to his seat next to Karin, Iruka Sensei entered the classroom. His lecture was pretty average compared to all of the valuable skills he could have taught his students. When his lecture was over, the class was taken to the training grounds to basic Taijutsu lessons. I could see why boss, sent me instead of coming himself. But, watching the class was rather educational. Out of all the rookie 9, Boss had his eyes on Ino Yamanaka and Hinata Hyuga. They both had their uses and if given the chance, could excel in the higher realms.

At the training ground everyone was given the instructions to partner up. I would like to say it wasn't so but, Naruto wen straight for Sasuke. This time around, things had to be different. Naruto was a powerhouse from the start and was purposely suppressed to give everyone else a chance to catch up. The problem is body, from the moment he was adopted, Akira has been teaching him basic ninja skills. Although, the real training was always meant for Boss to carry out. The current Naruto is leagues above the loudmouth dunderhead, that was Naruto in the canon. The downside was his body was too weak to handle the raging Chakra inside of his body. Because of this boss has given me another job. Reaching out grabbing Naruto by the head, I stopped him from wasting time with Sasuke, they were more or less at the same level right now, If Sasuke activated his Sharingan .

"Ahh Seiichi, what was that for?" He asked with contorted face while rubbing the lingering pain from his head

"What did you call me?" I ask him, Naruto eyes shoot open like a deer in head lights

"Lord Seiichi, that's what I said" He answered with nervous smile

"You'll be my partner from now" taking a step closer to him "and I'll be taking over for Akira, after school" I added

The Taijutsu lessons went smoothly, Sasuke was still portrayed as a stud, but he was beating up on someone other than Naruto. Kirito, Kaiya, and Karin all excelled above their sparing counter parts. Gaining many o's and aw's. Naruto and I however, looked as average as possible, though his form had improved immensely.

When the day at the academy was over, Karin, Kirito, Kaiya, Naruto and Ino, followed me to the forest. Ino was here because Karin invited her the two were fast friends. Deep in the forest, in a small clearing is where we set up our training post. Boss wanted everyone to push the limits of their bodies. While using a higher realm method to strength themselves. Karin, Kirito, and Kaiya were already on track, but they needed more conditioning if they wanted to fight the Gods in the future. Each one of them had their own training method.

Karin was to work on her seal incorporated Taijutsu, along with using her eyes to see and break through Jutsus. Her sparing partner would be Kirito, who was exceptional when it came to ninjutsu. This way the could both focus on honing their skills.

Next, Kaiya would start her training learning basic sword arts and nothing but, Boss wanted to turn her into a sword. He also wanted to see if sword intent was possible to cultivate in this realm. Ino's body was due for destruction and reconstruction, besides that, boss was curious to see if Ino could expand her mind through meditation and mental exercises. If she could succeed, even Madara Uchiha would have problems facing her. The soul wasn't strengthened in this realm, this made the Yamanaka Clan, the greatest potential threat to all shinobi. They just needed a skilled hand to shape them.

Finally, Naruto was going to have to receive the same training as Boss and I. This way he wouldn't become overly reliant on the shadow clone jutsu. The reason it was so perfect for him, was because it split his chakra in multiple parts, allowing him to gain control over his massive power. Placing a gravity seal on Ino and Naruto the team started their training. Every day after the academy they would meet up in the forest and do things to themselves that any sane person would never do. This sapped the energy from them for weeks, until Karin told them that chakra could potentially nourish their bodies. After days of following her method the energy returned to them all, allowing them to advance in their training due to the increase in endurance.

Things slowly changed at the academy, Naruto was no longer loud and fool hearty under Seiichi's guidance. Seiichi taught Naruto what it meant to be a man. Although physically the same age as Naruto, Seiichi presented himself as a father figure. It was exactly what Naruto needed. He know paid no attention to Sasuke, studied hard in class, and was beginning to analyses situations. Though, he was still the enthusiastic go getter, that feared none. Seiichi always liked that part of his personality. But he still seemed to falter in the presences of Sakura Haruno. He couldn't help but make a fool of himself and get his faced punched in.

The display always made Seiichi annoyed. He knew Naruto could destroy that pretentious little bitch if he wanted to. Making a fool of himself and being abused were to different things, Seiichi could only except the former in moderation, the latter was intolerable.

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