Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 17 - First stage completion

"Naruto, what is your malfunction?" Seiichi sked Naruto one day after an intense spar.

"What do you mean Lord Seiichi?" breathing heavily, Naruto answered pretty confused. Seiichi just shook his head and took Naruto for a walk.

"Why do you like Sakura so much? Seiichi asked

"Haha she's pretty and smart" He replied stupidly. And Seiichi immediately retorted "Well if that's the case be a man and take her"

"But she's all Sasuke this and Sasuke that. How do I get her to notice me?" He asked a little dejected.

"First, straighten up your back when you see her, keep it strong. Make sure your chin is level and never let it drop. And never shy away from eye contact. It gives the impression of confidence even if you don't have any." Seiichi looked to his right after speaking, Naruto was scribbling notes with enthusiasm. Seiichi couldn't help but chuckle at the sight

"The next time you see her. Walk up to her, don't sprint like an idiot. Remember. cool, calm, and collected. Speak at a moderate pace and calm tone. You don't need to scream at her. And when you finally ask her out for Ramen. Which I know you will. She might go all Super Saiyan and try to punch your lights out. You need to demolish her, do not let her punch your lights out. And finally, when everything is over, ignore her, forever. Then come sit with us. Smile, speak, have fun. "

Seiichi finished and saw Naruto looking at him flabbergasted

"Lord Seiichi, I can't just beat her up and what the hell is Super Saiyan?" He asked.

Seiichi simply nodded his head in affirmation

"You are a shinobi, she a kunoichi. Kick her ȧss. Or you can dodge her attack. But the next time you let her belittle you, I'll kick your ȧss into next week. " Seiichi sent a death stare at him. and Naruto straightened up. "Super Saiyan is like an angry battle God. And you can stop calling me Lord Seiichi. Seiichi is just fine for now." He added

The next day at the academy, Naruto did just as he was told. As soon as he entered the classroom. Sakura had facial expression that yelled 'not again'. Naruto walked over with a steady pace and took a seat next to her. He didn't scream or act a fool. He didn't slobber or drop his jaw. The boy was a fast learner. The way Naruto acted, kind of surprised the rest of the class.

Striking up a conversation, Sakura was still apprehensive and focused all of her attention at the door. For the first time, Naruto started to realize that this girl didn't like him, one bit. Most of the interaction before was fast paced and adrenaline filled. He didn't really analysis the situation to the degree he was supposed to. Looking back at Seiichi. Seiichi nodded for him to keep going. Seiichi knew the canon story. But anything was possible for that knucklehead, if he played it right.

Returning a nod to Seiichi, Naruto faced Sakura again. Only to find her staring at him a little annoyed. He told her she was pretty and smart; with each word she was growing more infuriated. Then finally he asked her to spend some time together after leaving the academy, she was nearly at her limit.


The door to classroom hit the wall making a soft sound. Turning to see who it was. Sakura was met with the sight of a stoic Sasuke, with an eyebrow raised. Turning back to Naruto, Sakura was furious. "Beat it, Naruto!" she threw a raging fist and Naruto just sighed. Catching her fist and locking up her arm, Naruto pulled her into an overhead toss, slamming her backside into the table startling her.

Rising from his seat, he silently went to sit next to Seiichi and the rest of the gang. However, he just couldn't bring himself to portray an unphased attitude. He would be lying if he said he wasn't hurt. Ino's caring nature couldn't help but show as she comforted Naruto. The rest of the class just stared dumbfounded by the entire situation, while Sakura laid her back side embarrassed.

Time went on after that. Seiichi continued to train with everyone in the forest. A year suddenly went by. Their bodies were becoming more tempered, and their combat form were becoming more distinguished. In 59 ME, Naruto's sensing abilities began to manifest as his body grew stronger. That's when he discovered Hinata Hyuga behind a tree spying on the group's training session. Naruto being Naruto Invited her to the training session. Although, Seiichi had different plans for her.

In 60 ME. The training group were little monsters. Fast, strong, agile. Their bodies were strong, but they needed to become stronger. Seiichi increased the intensity another few levels. By this point they all numerous gravity seal on them reaching 15-20 times the gravity, with Kaiya, Karin, and Kirito at 20x and Hinata being the weakest at 15x. Seiichi had also begun to teach Hinata the complete art of Ba Gua Zhang, and guided Ino in increasing her mental/soul power.

In the Myriad Realm, A shadow could be seen moving swiftly with out flaw on the summit of the mountain. His body was nothing but muscle and his long silver white hair, hung just below his posterior. Fuinjutsu tattoos covered both of his arms. They were gravity seals. He was currently at 100 times the normal gravity and his body had just reached the peak what chakra would allow. This boy was Seiichi Uzu, the original. For 2 years he had been training his body none stop, to reach this point.

[Sir, you are ready for the next stage. It will be the easiest and most painful experience you will ever go through in this world.]

"Thank you, Mark the chakra points." Seiichi order. Stripping himself nȧkėd. He stood tall and bȧrė for all to see. 670 chakra steel acupuncture needles floated and shot into Seiichi's body, entering his 670 chakra points unlocking them all. At first it was nothing , then the world seemed to stop.


Seiichi erupted greyish black chakra. And his body refined another step. Completely shocking Seiichi and the system. His bones broke, muscle shredded, his body was being utterly destroyed and rebuilt. Seiichi tried with all his might to take the lead, finally after 24 hours. He guided his chakra through his body. forcing the connection of all 20 meridians.

1..5…17...28...67...102 days went by, Seiichi finally opened his eyes and the needles burst forth from his body.

" thought I reached the peak of body conditioning, why did my body grow stronger after opening my chakra points."

[In all honesty, I have no idea sir.]

"Forget it for now. I should move on to the next step" Seiichi fell to the ground in lotus position and started circulating his chakra to take on the next stage.

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