[Sir, it's now time to start Phase two. As you know the 50% blood purification has been ready, However, Now I have a 40,30, 20, 10, and 5 percent level pills. I have also completed the task of DNA isolation. By combing your past knowledge of genetics and Fuinjustu]

"haha good, then let's head back to the clan." Seiichi vanished

Seiichi had opened and strengthen 6 meridians so far and was currently working on his 7th . But the more he opened and strengthen the harder the next meridian was to open. His combat strength was now on the level of a Jonin, estimating that he should be Kage level by the time he opened and strengthened his 7th Meridian. From this point on Seiichi knew he would need Hinata's help. Hopefully she wont die on the mission or he would have to train another Hyuga.

Arriving at the Uzumaki compound, Seiichi called for all the Uzumaki and Uzu. There was now a total of 310 Uzumaki clansmen and 326 Uzu clansmen with varying Kekkei Genkei, When the Clans were finally gathered, Seiichi introduce the opportunity of a lifetime.

"Good morning every, it's been awhile since I have addressed you all. From the start you have all be living peacefully. You go to the academy or you train here at the compound. Everyone has requirements they must meet. However now, I need more from you all. I will like to introduce a clan merit system. Missions will be handed out at the main building. Completion of said mission will earn you contribution points. Anything you do, to bring benefits to the clan can be judge and contribution points will be issued out accordingly.

At the end of every month the top three individuals will receive rewards and a higher position in the clan. Elders are prohibited from competing. At the end of the year, the top two shinobi will undergo a blood purification ceremony. Strengthening your bloodlines, making you a more powerful shinobi." Seiichi informed everyone; this news caused ripples through the clans. Everyone heard of the bloodline upgrade some of the Uzumaki elders had already received one. They were more than eager to compete for such an opportunity.

"Lady Akira, if you will" Seiichi gestured to the stage to take over instructing the clan. Leaving the stage, Seiichi entered the main building, into the war room. The elders of the Uzu and Uzumaki clans sat around a massive table. Opening the door, everyone rose to their feet. Slave seals and promise of power and glory was all that was need to commanded respect and loyalty. The greed of mortals was a fatal thing.

"You may be seated" Seiichi waved his hand as he walked to his seat. Overlooking the massive table. After a moment Kasumi, Santoshi, and Yurii entered the war room followed by Akira. Taking their seat at the table. Seiichi quietly looked over all them, like chess pieces on a board. The illusion of power was mighty thing. And now with six meridians open and strengthened and the might of his body, he could suppress the entire room of Jonin individuals.

Giving Akira a slight nod she started the meeting. "The floor is now open. Starting with the first Uzumaki elder. Report" Akira spoke with a commanding voice. All under Seiichi didn't deserve her respect. Especially those subdued by slave seals.

"Yes, Lady Akira. I've been tasked with the whereabouts of Danzo Shimura. His status has remained the same. He still attempts to use his root organization to infiltrate the compound. And we equally attempt to locate the root headquarters to no avail…"

"First elder, cease all attempts to locate the Root headquarters, keep an eye on Danzo , Focus on your Grandson's progress. Who's next" Seiichi spoke out in a firm decisive tone

"Third elder of the Uzu clan Sir, the village hidden in the mist has been infiltered as instructed. We are currently in the process of locating the Kaguya clan remains."

"Second elder of Uzumaki clan, the village hidden in the stars are under surveillance. We have an eye out for young talent, but the primary mission is completely under control"

"First elder of the Uzu…"

"Stop, Saito. We will speak privately. Santoshi, Kasumi, and Yurii. Join us." As Seiichi rose from his seat every elder in the hall shot up from their seats, as to not show disrespect .

In the private chambers Saito told Seiichi about the location of the Creation Rebirth Ninja Arts. They were in a place that no shinobi no matter their rank, would try to infiltrate. On the person of Tsunade Senju. Seduction was always an option, but Tsunade was as damaged as they come.

"I have a way to get it. The courtesans and the Syndicate? Have you ȧssimilated with the other villages?" Seiichi asked

"Yes, Lord Seiichi" They replied in unison

"Good, I graduate the academy this year. Stop looking for random Kekkei Genkei. Here is a list of your targets." Seiichi handed them each a small scroll.

When they read the list , they couldn't believe their eyes. It would be the most dangerous mission ever given to them.

"It seems you are all finished reading. Locate the Chinoike, Kurama, Rinha, and a clan that can naturally absorb nature energy. I need you to locate the Land of ancients and the temples of the ancient world, that brings us back to you Saito. All Uzu clan member will retire from their Shinobi occupation and the Uzu clan will start an archeologist company, after you kill the Daimyo and put his daughter on the throne. When this happens, our clans will take up her protection and relocate to the capital city. Allowing us to move freely. The deadline is 2 years. Take your time and do things right." Seiichi looked at his people for the moment and could see the pressure weighing down on them.

Any questions?" Seiichi asked

"Lord Seiichi, What about the Kaguya clan and the hidden star village?" Saito asked

"Take the Kaguya clan as soon as they are located. We will all go to the hidden star village together." Seiichi replied

When the meeting was over, Seiichi had officially activated Phase two. His biggest concern was Danzo, though beside attempting to infiltrate the compound. Danzo had been very quiet. Seiichi practiced his Taijutsu some more and worked on opening his 7th meridians while he waited for graduation. After a few months went by Kaiya and Kirito were the first to return with heads of their targets. Next was Karin followed by Hinata and Ino.

Naruto had changed a lot in this reality, but he was still a hyper-active, go getting ninja whenever he could be. And his friendship with Kiba didn't help it at all. Naruto had decided to go after a rouge chunin from the land of wind.

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