Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 20 - Killing Intent

"What took you so long, Naruto?"

"haha" Naruto put on a big idiotic smile, striking his signature pose. "Well, you see. I was kind of getting my ȧss kicked and then the Kurama's chakra came out. I completed the mission, but I passed out afterwards" He explained

The group just shook their head "No one told you to go after a Chunin. We are all strong Naruto, but with out the battle experience, we are severely lacking. If a punch from you turns boulders into dust, it still won't matter if you can't land the punch. Taijutsu, genjutsu, ninjutsu. A perfect balance of the three arts is what make ninjas deadly on the battlefield." Seiichi explained to the boy hoping he would understand

"Sorry Seiichi, I just got excited about my first mission" Said Naruto

Ino eybrows furrowed and she looked at Naruto " Why didn't you just realese a gravity seal and kill him with speed?"


Naruto Palmed his face for his idiocy,

"Naruto, next you battle just go all out my man. Just make sure you keep your seals on in friendly matches" Seiichi couldn't help but sigh,

After the graduation Seiichi planed on opening all of their chakra points. Their bodies were ready to handle the pressure. And Naruto needed it the most, open chakras will reduce the pressure of Kurama's chakra. Right now, it was forcing itself through all of Naruto's chakra points. It made him stronger but had long term effects. Almost like Rock Lee when he opens his inner gates.

Walking to the Uzumaki Compound the team turned in their targets for other ninjas to cash in the reward. When nature pulled his 'Target' out of storage scroll, five heads popped.

"Yeah, this guy was small time hot shot. His team followed him when he went rouge. That's what made it so tiresome."

"hahaha, Good, I thought the years of training might have went to waste" Seiichi laughed, and patted Naruto's should

"Show off" Ino and Hinata felt a little salty, when Naruto received Seiichi's praise. They had ben personally taught by Seiichi, Ino could destroy minds and Hinata could manifest a full body White Tiger. The next time the hunt a shinobi from the bingo book, they committed themselves to hunting a squad of Jonin to put Naruto in his place.

It was the day of the graduation. And they were all running late. The Ceremony was a breeze, the Hokage handed out head bands and said some kind words. Genin pictures were taken the next day and teams were ȧssigned.

As everyone filed into the classroom. And found their seats. Iruka sensei stood in front of the class with his hands on his hɨps and a proud smile across his face

"As of today, you all have become full fledged Ninjas. However, you are still Genin. The tough parts are still to come! " Iruka sensei was enthusiastic and excited for his student to finally step into the world of the shinobi

"From here on, you'll be in a squad of four and carry out your missions under your Jonin teachers." He added.

The news of a four-man squad confused a lot of people. The basic formations that they had learned throughout their years at the academy was always based on three-man squads. However, this small change didn't shock Seiichi. With Tsunade back in the leaf village. The Hokage did his best for her to stay and his first plan to do so, involved him putting her long sought-after policy in place for the upcoming rookie Genins.

"Yes, four-man squads" Iruka could sense the confusion in his students, " Each squad will now have a medical ninja to support the team. With that being said, all those interested in medical ninjutsu please raise your hands." Iruka began to write down names of interested students

"Raise your hands." Seiichi whispered. Karin, Kaiya, and Kirito all raised their hands along with Seiichi.

Nodding his head in satisfaction, Iruka adjusted teams accordingly. Looking up from his clipboard, "Now for your ȧssignment!"

"Team Six. Hattori Hanzo, Akechi Mitshudie, Hyuga Jubei, and Uzu Kirito"

"Next is Team Seven. Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Karin, Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke"

Sakura threw her arms up in an excited childish fashion. And Naruto just shook his head. He had really come to despise the backwards twisted girl. She liked guy who ignored her entire existence, although he could be loud and overzealous at some point, she showed nothing but unprovoked aggression towards him. And for a book smart, borderline noncombatant, she was far to haughty.

"Next is Team Eight. Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, and Uzu Kaiya"

Hinata slightly frowned, but quickly adjusted.

"Next is Team Ten. Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Choji, and Uzu Seiichi"

Ino turns to face Hinata and gives her silent wink. Causing the veins surrounding Hinata's Byakugan to bulge.

"Okay! Those are the squads. In the afternoon, you'll meet your new Jonin teachers. Until then class dismissed."

Iruka left soon after completing the ȧssignments, followed by the class, until only a small group remained

"Ahhh, I wanted to be in Kiba's team, imagine how kick ȧss our team would be!" Naruto blurted out

"Don't think too much about it, Naruto. At least you The Uzumaki dojutsu and the Sharingan on your team" Kiba replied with a little envy

"There's nothing special about the Sharingan, Kiba. Now relief yourself of envy " Hinata sneered with a cold voice.

"Say that again" Sasuke activated his Sharingan and Hinata activated her Byakugan in kind.

"Hyuga do not repeat themselves" Hinata emitted a typhoon of killing intent. Shaking Sasuke to his core.

Seiichi knew it was too early for Sasuke to be belittled. Placing a hand on Hinata's shoulder, Seiichi attempted to calm her down

"Everyone should relax, Go get some food. It's a good day to eat under the sun, How about Hinata?" Seiichi flashed a smile. Hinata looked aback at Sasuke and then left the classroom. The rest of the small group followed suite and went to enjoy their lunches.

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