"My Lord, what is wrong with that guy?" Yakumo asked Seiichi

"I think he's finally found motivation. He's a very logical guy. A genius in fact. This allows him to drift through time with ease. He loves his peace, and he probably realized that peace has a coast. He became a shinobi so that he could do whatever he wanted. But the truth is only the strongest shinobi can live free. "

"So, is he giving up on being a Shinobi?"

"On the contrary, he's finally taking the title of shinobi seriously. His shoulders were square and his back strong. That is a sign of a man with conviction, not quitter. " Seiichi tapped Yakumo lightly on the ȧss when he was finished speaking about Shikamaru. "Its time get in position" Seiichi whispered in her ear.

Walking away from Seiichi, Yakumo made her way to the fire Daimyo still under the guise of a transformation Jutsu. With a little genjutsu to top it off, Yakumo too a seat right next to the Fire Daimyo.

"I see you've got yourself another concubine" the wind Daimyo commented.

"Haha, A man is not man if he can say no, to a beauty such as this"

"She is a rare jewel, indeed." The wind Daimyo flashed a lascivious smile "It's almost time to renegotiate or terms of alliance is not? How about we add her to the bet on the upcoming match. And…I'll lower the taxes on glass."

The fire Daimyo thought about it for a moment. "Deal" The two men shock on it. Though, Yakumo found the wind daimyo, infuriating .

The crowd once again waited for Sasuke to appear. The Kazekage gave him an extra 20 minutes to arrive and called for an intermission. During the intermission, Sasuke had arrived with Kakashi as falling leaves blew around the arena. Looking at the audience in the stand, half of them were gone. The leaf Jonin just shock their head, 'Kakashi…' they all thought in unison.

"Hahah! You thought you would have a bad ȧss moment" Naruto shouted from the box " Hurry up and get ready, you bum! The intermission is over in 5 minutes!"

Sasuke clenched his fist and blood began to boil. Activate his sharingan, Sasuke was spooked by what he saw. And Kakashi was equally surprised. Tapping Sasuke on the shoulder, Kakashi vanished and appeared in the stands.

"You're late, Kakashi..." Might Guy lightly scolded "Ahh, I don't care for your excuses. You could have ruined everything"

Kakashi looked around the stands, as they were filling up again. Counting the shinobi, Kakashi felt there weren't enough of them to protect everyone.

"Hmm, does the Hokage really think that this many Jonin, even with anbu here is enough to combat him? Kakashi asked

"The Hokage knows what he's doing" Guy replied

"Maybe. You can tell me Naruto then?"

"What about him? It's obviously an Uzumaki secret. How else could the blonde hair boy show up with white hair and a Uzumaki dojutsu reserved for those with the purest of Uzumaki blood. The Hokage has ordered us to act as if we don't notice. He plans to address the situation after the Chunin Exams." Guy replied a matter-of-factly

From that point everything happened, like the canon. Sakura worried about Sasuke and Kakashi reassured her. Gaara killed a few shinobi looking the rig the match for their boss. When the stands were filled once again. The match between Gaara and Sasuke began.

The fight went on virtually the same, though it was obvious that Sasuke had been training harder. He was faster than the canon, the punches he threw were heavier. The match between Gaara and Sasuke could go either way. Pound for pound the two young shinobi fought it out. Then Gaara suddenly locked himself in a sand dome. Sasuke took this opportunity to prepare for his new Jutsu.

"You only need to kill one" said Seiichi

"He dared to crave my body, which belongs to you." Yakumo answered then dropped the head onto the floor

"Commence the operation." Seiichi ordered.


Sending out streams of messages. The plan had started. While Konoha was under attack. Seiichi planned to seize the Capital City. The syndicate had begun slaughtering the palace guards. The courtesans that were under disguise as consorts begin to Assassinate any consort not of the courtesans, then the empress and her three younger children. Next were the Daimyo's bastards. Leaving Niitabe and Akihito as the only children with claim to the throne.

When the miasma and killing intent raised to a visible point the Anbu moved in to protect the Daimyo's family. Although Seiichi accounted for their uninvited arrival. The Anbu were met with force. Soon after Uzu clansmen joined the battle to fend them off, so that the syndicate could finish their mission.

The bells of the palace were finally rung, alerting the capital. Saito flickered into to the crowned Prince quarters and slit his throat, as the Syndicate broke through the walls and began to slaughter the advisers. Leaving none of them alive. Seiichi flickered into the quarters of Princess Niitabe and defended her against the attack on her life. When the Anbu finally arrived. At the moment Santoshi appeared behind the Elders of the Daimyo family kneeling in a line. Already in a stance, Santoshi unsheathed his blade and beheaded them, Leaving Princess Niitabe as the only possible heir in the Daimyo's family.

Popping smoke, the syndicate flickered away, along with the courtesans, leaving nothing behind but a massacre. The Uzu with lava release laid waste to the palace. Everything was burned to the ground, Years of history and lineage reduced to ash. The treasure beneath the palace was taken to the myriad realm. It was needed to fund Land of Fire's restructuring.

Now outside of the palace grounds watching it all go up in flames. Seiichi had already placed a slave seal on the princess a day before. The seal was similar to the one the Uzumaki used. The difference was, that Niitabe was loyal only to Seiichi. Unfortunately, it wasn't connected to his incubus abilities. Placing her on her feet. Niitabe found her balance.

On this day, as the smoke of the Daimyo Palace blotted out the sun and the flames painted the sky red and orange, a new era was about to be ushered in. When Princess Niitabe got her balance anbu attacked Seiichi, intercepted by Saito , the anbu's kunai grazed Seiichi's throat drawing blood.

"How dare you! Attempt to ȧssassinate my protector and fiancée! Yet, you watched as my elders lost their heads! Leave the Capital City, and do not return unless you are accompanied by the Hokage" Princess Niitabe lashed out startling the Anbu. They were sent to observe the Uzu and in few months of their arrival the entire royal family was ȧssassinated, how could that possibly be coincidence.

Taking a bow, the anbu disappeared rushing back to report to the Hokage. When the Anbu reporting to the Hokage were out of range. Seiichi gathered a mass of demonic chakra and formed a mass illusion. The illusion branded itself into the hearts and minds of the people. Otogakure attacked and laid waste to the capital city. The Uzu clan and mercenaries protected them with their lives. Like Yakumo's Kekkei Genkai. Seiichi's illusions effected reality; it was an ability that he had as an incubus. Burning buildings down and civilians were slaughtered by illusionary shinobi.

Yakumo took on a similar appearance. Using genjutsu to look like a sound Shinobi, she ȧssassinated the fire and wind Daimyo. Orochimaru was begging to become the scapegoat, so Seiichi let him.

Ending the illusion, the Capital City was left in carnage. Facing the new fiancee, Seiichi started the next step of his plan, "Carry out the orders I've given you."

"Yes, my lord" Niitabe bowed and walked away with an Uzu escort.

"Saito, your job is finished here. Start completing the main task."


A week after the attack, The Third Hokage was put to rest. and the New Daimyo selected Tsunade Senju as the next Hokage. Shikamaru and Hinata were promoted to Chunin.

The reconstruction of the Capital City began. And the Uzu and Uzumaki clans relocated. Niitabe sent word to the land of Iron to reinstate Samurai as the Royal Guard, due to her lack of trust in Shinobi. Sparing no expenses, Niitabe burned through the royal treasury to to rebuild the city and restructured the Government. The Uzu and Uzumaki clan separated and became two separate noble clans under the Daimyo family.

Seiichi, Karin, Naruto, and Kaiya all remained in the hidden leaf village.

"Seiichi, Please take care of them" Akira sorrowfully spoke

In his ȧduŀt form Seiichi hugged Akira and promised he'll do everything in his power to keep them alive. " Just focus on the task at hand. A war is coming. and we need to be ready" he spoke to her in soft voice.

Karin replaced Naruto on team 7. Naruto had left early with Jiraiya to train. Before he left He kicked Gaara's ȧss and put a more complete seal on him. Giving Gaara back his sanity. Earning his eternal gratitude. Sasuke was steadily spinning out of control, with the help of Yakumo and the cursed mark.

Seiichi accepted the Hyuga's marriage proposal, but put the wedding on hold for the time being. Not knowing how the demonic yin harvesting would effect them. Seiichi gave it to Ino and Hinata anyway. With his plans moving full swing. Seiichi couldn't afford mishap. offered them the yin harvesting technique only if they accepted the slave seal. The two girls accepted on the condition that Seiichi never abandon them.

Months passed. By the mid-October, Seiichi was practicing medical ninjutsu with Tsunade full time. And the team sent to locate the Sage Garden had returned in a horrible state with only 3 out of the original twelve alive


"Lord Seiichi, The sage garden is exactly were you said it would. Its deep within the earth. and the gate is seal with complex Fuinjutsu, but it is their. What would like us to do?" The team leader reported

"Nothing. I'll take a team and handle it my self. These are the people I want. Tell them to meet at the location. when you deliver the message, Tell Lady Akira, I want your team to aid in the capture of the Rinha clan and she is to join me on mission" Seiichi order

"They found the Rinha?" The team leader asked astonished. He heard of their Kekkei Genkai and was eager to see it in action

"Yes, they have. Now go."

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