Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 33 - Land of Ancestors

"Shadow clone Jutsu"


A clone of Seiichi appeared in front of him " I need you her to study under lady Tsunade. That is your only job, If the girls come pestering. Then you can indulge slightly. But training is the main concern. And that thing is coming up. Make sure you get the job done please"

"Yes, Boss"

Seiichi and Akira stood in a barren plain. Looking at a tunnel entrance that lead deep into the earth. "Are you sure it was good idea to come by ourselves" Akira asked

"Yes, I think together, we can handle anything the waits for us in that tunnel" Seiichi replied. In his full ȧduŀt form Seiichi's hair blew in the wind as he observed the land of ancestors. A great tree stump sat in the middle of the land surrounded by mountain.

[*Ding* Look for Uzushio Sejikin in the Land of Ancestors]

'I acknowledge the reminder. Alert me again after I handle my business in that tunnel' Seiichi mentally replied to SkyNet

[Yes, Seiichi. Reminder rescheduled]

"Akira, once these last few task are complete. You can have your life back. Just make sure the clans finish their task. And everything we created will be yours. When I'm gone" Seiichi spoke in a soft voice

"And what makes you think I want you gone. Who will I be if you aren't here. Your kindness makes me Empress, allowed me to remain a mother, I still breath because you found me and reforged me into something great. Seiichi, I have no purpose besides serving you. My children can take care of them selves now. Your needs are my only responsibility. Leave and you strip my life of meaning." Akira replied in a solemn tone. She had been watching Seiichi. She had observed his care with Yakumo and the other girls. Fattening them like pigs. Even her daughter was one of these pigs. Yet she remained thin and neglected.

This meant that she was nothing more than an ant in the grand scheme of things. And she felt she deserved more. She didn't hate Seiichi because of the obvious neglects , she hated herself for growing older by the day, she hated herself for not tapping into her potential when she was younger. She hated herself giving birth to a woman who's shadow she was destined to live in. Empress Uzumaki, that status became more worthless the closer Seiichi got to his goal. To stay relevant, she even submitted herself to a slave seal.

"The only option is to join me, when this is over. Would you take that spot from your daughter?" Seiichi asked curious about the answer. He never told Akira his end game or about the higher realm. But she was a smart and she could feel he didn't plan to stay in one place for ever.

"So, you are taking her" She asked a rhetorical question. "where will you go, when you leave here?"

"Is that information relevant to your decision?" He retorted

"No, and yes I will take her spot if you'll have me." Akira answered and clear, decided voice

"good, the only problem is, you can't practice the technique I need you to. But, in two months I plan to give those in my inner circle a new slave seal. Created by me, for those who serve me, even after death. If you can find and kill Hiruko, a missing ninja. I'll have spot for you, if and only if, you manage to bring back his Chimera technique as well." She offered his deal in a indifferent tone. Akira's eyes went wide and her body move in a flash. She had brought head to feet to pay homage to Seiichi for his gracious offer.

"Get up. You can handle that after we finish here. And if those people don't return with the Rinha. You can kill them and add them to the blood pools"

"Yes, Lord Seiichi" She replied with a sincere smile.

Stepping off the cliff side. Seiichi and Akira traveled to the tunnel entrance at full speed. When they arrived at the tunnel. In the spot they previously stood, Black Zestu now stood watching them with a frown on his face.

"she is their descendant. Descendant of traitors. They can not be allowed to leave " Multiple white Zetsus appeared behind him.

"We'll stop them"

Down at the tunnel entrance Akira and Seiichi felt their presence "Leave them, this place has been uninhabited for a reason. Those things are the reason that recon team bȧrėly made it back. I'll tell you their story another time." Seiichi new Zetsu ran the land of ancestors. It was the still the site of the god tree roots. When Kaguya was sealed in the moon. The roots that imprisoned the ancient people feel back into the earth. Those roots held unimaginable power for the average human. Naturally Zetsu protected them and used them to keep Madara alive when he was on the brink of death.

"Are you sure" Akira asked

"Yes, come, I need your eyes to break the seal." Seiichi led the way into the tunnel. After a long hike. Seiichi and Akira arrived at the gates of the Sage Garden. They weren't actual gates. It was layers of Fuinjutsu barricading the entrance, it looked absolutely over whelming.

Akira began to activate her sage eyes to comprehend the mysteries of the Fuinjutsu. Taking in as much as she could. She fell to the ground and began to meditate on what she had learned. Unfortunately, it was leagues above her current abilities. 2 weeks passed before Akira opened her eyes again. Looking around she realized that Seiichi was near the tunnel entrance. White Zetsu had been trying to enter the tunnel to kill them. As a result, Seiichi had been battling them so Akira could comprehend in peace.

"Seiichi! Come back.!" Akira shouted as Seiichi's hell destroyed the head of Zetsu . Hearing Akira shout for him. Seiichi kick off another Zetsu and jumped high in the area. "Demon Illusion Arts: world lock!"

Seiichi erupted with demonic chakra that engulf the ȧssaulting Zetsus. World lock was a simple illusion technique to pull targets into a basic illusion world that could be manipulated by Seiichi. It wasn't meant to destroy the army; it was meant to give Seiichi a brief moment to reenter the tunnel.

Now at Akira's side. Akira cut her palm and directly manipulated the chakra forming a seal similar to the one on the sage garden. "Legacy Lock" slapping her hand against the cave wall. The seal closed of the tunnel entrance.

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