Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 36 - Series of calculated events

-January 64ME-

Seiichi left Konoha and returned to the Capital city to check on Akira's progress. When he arrived. Akira laid in the bed, resting her injuries

"All those your wounds, and you've accomplished what?" Seiichi asked

" the Jutsu and his life, are mine." She weekly mutter. Seiichi looked at the table next to her bed with a smile. Walking closer to Akira, Seiichi's demonic chakra began to swirl. Wrapping a hand around her throat. Akira's eyes only showed acceptance. Pushing out his demonic chakra. Seal was created around her neck and demonic chakra wrecked her body. already in weak state, Akira lost consciousness.

The next day, Seiichi repeated the process on Hinata, Ino, and Yakumo. Although Yakumo still had the lead, the power accumulating within the girls was robust and intoxicating to Seiichi. The number of vɨrġɨn they harvested had far surpassed one hundred and Demonism lined the aura. Like Yakumo, the extreme yin accumulation made Ino and Hinata more ŀustful and unruly in his presences.

The next Day Naruto arrived with Fu, Jiraiya, the hero water and root cuttings. Leaving Fu in the main hall. Seiichi walked Jiraiya and Naruto to Akira's room to tell them about her tough mission her horrible condition. But when they arrived. Akira was on her feet perfectly healthy. Confused, they were.

Seiichi took the moment to use world lock. And put a hand on each of their ċhėst placing his new slave seal on them. The duo doubled over in excruciating pain. The key to Seiichi's success was emotion. The entire time his emotions remained utterly neutral. When the slave seal locked. Seiichi immediately rewrote their minds.

Inside Naruto's soul realm, Kurama was furious. Just as he was starting to like the boy. Naruto had to get him self enslaved. And there was nothing Kurama could do about it. The next thing Seiichi did was open all of the chakra points in Naruto, Ino, and Hinata. Forcing them into closed door cultivation for months, in a sealed room. When their chakra erupted it was all demonic. Even Naruto's chakra was mix between his chakra and Kurama's. but with well conditioned bodies, they could handle it.


The Rinha was successfully retrieved. And taken to the myriad Realm, where Seiichi slaughtered them all and added them to the blood harvesting pools. Their bodies were place with the rest of the corpse being preserved. While Seiichi was practicing his alchemist skills based on the memories from body cultivation cube elder, Iwa was attacking Konoha. When the battle was over. Seiichi ended his shadow clone, receive all of his chakra and experience. He was only a step away from meeting the requirements to use the creation rebirth seal… In the Hokage's office, Lady Tsunade rested with her head on the desk, she was beyond exhausted.

"Lady Tsunade can we talk?" Seiichi asked in usually calm and mild paced voice. Although this time Tsunade sense something was different. It wasn't the demonic chakra, a technique to hide something so simple was easily found in the memories of the cube elders. What Tsunade sensed was sorrow, pain.

"What's wrong Seiichi?" She asked concerned for her student.

"I think you should seal the room for this…It's …it's about…Nawaki, your brother, Lady Tsunade"


In that moment, her heartbeat rocked her whole body, it felt like she was free falling from the heavens and the gravity was intent on burying her in the earth. Her mind was spinning, and she couldn't get it to stop.

"Anbu leave us" she finally said. When the anbu were gone she activated the seal on the Hokage's office. After a moment Seiichi activated world lock and threw two kunai's killing Root Anbu.

"Now, we can talk" he said as walked to Lady Tsunade's side. Grabbing her hand, Seiichi held it tight. "Orochimaru is public enemy number one. The Uzumaki and Uzu have been tasked with finding his hide outs…Recently we discovered an old facility, here, in Konoha"

Lady Tsunade could feel what was about to come and her breaths became heavier and more struggled. Placing his hand on her ċhėst, Seiichi began to take deep steady breaths to calm her down " Breath sensei, it's okay. It will all be okay. He's alive"

It was like time stopped, Tsunade had been told the impossible, and then she remembered Orochimaru's offer of resurrecting him. Suddenly, pain had ȧssaulted and abused Tsunade' s body. , a torrent of demonic chakra collided with her ċhėst, invading her body, enslaving it. Her mind was the last to go.

"My sweet Tsunade, you belong to me now." He whispered in her ear. "This is what I want you to do…"


After that day in the Hokage's office. Sasuke's recapture was forgotten, Konoha silently took over Takigakure and started infiltrating capital cities of other nations, Seiichi wanted to replace all the Daimyo's with their Princesses. Next, the Strength of a hundred Seal and all its derived Jutsu like the Creation rebirth Justus, were handed over to Seiichi, and the kunoichi leading the Iwa invasion was handed over to Seiichi as well. Tsunade was then ordered to take Sakura as student, as this time around she had opted to stay weak and sulk in her sorrows of being abandoned. But Seiichi felt their was a reason Lee Jun-Fan's Incarnate was attracted to her, So Tsunade was to train her just in case.

After a few days of handling all of the moving parts, Seiichi stood in the Myriad realm placing a seal on Karin and the Iwa kunoichi that was spiting image of Pakura of the scorch release. When the seal was completed, Karin was happy. Here mother had sent her a message, telling her that Seiichi might be giving her a gift soon and to be happy she was worthy enough for such an honor.

Although Izumi, the Iwa kunoichi, was devastated, Seiichi fuċkėd her mind and took every Iwa secret she had before he rewired her mind, subduing her completely . Seiichi then gave them both the Demonic Yin harvesting Technique to cultivate. Taking them both to the capital city. There Seiichi opened Karin's chakra points and started her on a path of cultivation.

Using the slave seal, Seiichi directly transferred the cultivation method he was using, to Karin's mind. As for Izumi, she was nothing more than a vessel for Pakura of the Scorch. Sending her a way to start on yin harvest technique, Seiichi also gave her what she need to condition her body to eventually start cultivating. This way, when Pakura is resurrected, she will not be to far behind.


Everything was going smoothly, Beside Rock Lee, everyone Seiichi planned on taking to the higher realm was now under his control. Every clan that Seiichi had wanted had been captured beside Jugo's unknown clan and the Hyuga. But that could be corrected with Tsunade's presence and the help of a few bloodline pills.

With the Chimera technique in hand, Seiichi searched the memories of the three elders for bloodline absorption technique. He found one in the the legacy left behind by the body cultivator. He was human but, collected demonic techniques to bring himself power. One of those techniques was the Blood Subsumption Art.

The Blood Subsumption Art, devoured blood lines, tapped into their full potential, and integrated it with the cultivator. Seiichi planned on combing it with chimera technique in hopes of creating an entirely new blood line and Dojutsu. And with the Body of Uzushio Sejikin, he no longer had to kill Naruto to acquire the Sejikin Celestial Sage Physique, which was a win. Seiichi had actually grown to like Naruto.


With changes coming, Seiichi was Sure that Black Zetsu would try to speed things up before the Shinobi world united. In the Myriad realm again, Seiichi decided to start phase three a little early, after he personally finished phase two.

Seiichi prepared Two blood pools, one for the Hyuga and the other for the Senju. Placing a around 200 bloodline purification pills in a bag. Seiichi checked on everyone progress through the slave seal. Ino, Hinata, Naruto, Akira, and Karin was steadily bring the chakra under control. Izumi and Yakumo were also training diligently.

Jiraiya was was protecting and training Fu. and Tsunade was handling the ever changing political current.

"Tsunade, Send someone to find the body of Pakura of the Scorch Release" Seiichi sent a mental message directly to her.

the message shocked Tsunade, who was sitting in her office "My Lord, where are you?" she asked

"In another realm, now hurry and do as I ask. We have things to do you and I" Seiichi replied, then cut the connection

Tsunade thought about how big the machine had to be in order for Seiichi to send a mental message through another realm. How much chakra he probably needed was beyond insane. With every one accounted for, Seiichi Left a shadow clone to continue his alchemy practice until his skill was sufficient enough to refine the perfect pill for Rock Lee.

Stepping out of the Myriad Realm. Seiichi used a movement technique and crossed the Land with ease. Appearing in the land of bears. Appearing in the forest of Bears. Seiichi went to collect a few Black Amethyst Lotus for Ino. The last time they were in the land of bears, things went wrong and they didn't have chance to look for the flowers she had wanted. After find the first one, it was simple finding more. After Seiichi collected a small bouquet, he placed them in the Myriad realm and used his movement technique to reach Hoshigakure.

levitating of the hidden village, Seiichi changed the appearance of his face and proceeded to to raid the village. With his level of cultivation. it was all to easy to suppress them. In this reality, Naruto never went on the mission with team Guy, to protect the meteorite in Hoshigakure. though, things were bit more difficult, the meteorite wasn't destroyed in the process. Now a forbidden item. it was under constant guard by leaf and star shinobi.

Stepping into the building that housed the meteorite. Seiichi took it place it in a storage scroll. His next stop was the Hoshikage's office. Seiichi, stole the star the Mysterious Peacock Method. levitating over the village again. Seiichi looked down to be sure he didn't kill anyone. A war was coming and Shinobi would be needed.

Taking his leave in the direction of Takigakure. Seiichi used a massive amount of chakra to pull the Hero tree from the ground and place it in the Myriad Realm. Finding the village leader. Seiichi acquired all of the collected hero water before vanishing.


Back in the myriad realm, Seiichi then Summoned Tsunade and feed her a blood purification pill. Her life force and chakra began to grow immensely, her blood and chakra continued to purify, after a moment plants began sprouting around her, then a wood forest, finally a circle appeared around her diamond and formed sage marks on he face. And truth-seeking orbs revolved around her.

When the purification was over, Tsunade couldn't help but cry tears of joy. It wasn't public knowledge, but her Brother Nawaki, could use wood release and he was meant to carry on Hashirama' s legacy. When he died, Tsunade felt like a failure, she believed she wasn't talented enough to carry on her grandfather legacy. Now that she was able to use wood release and acquired the Senju traits, she felt that she could do them justice.

Seiichi had smile bright smile on his face "Sit" He commanded. " Feel no pain" he added. Pulling out a knife he began to fillet her her. "Heal" he commanded once more.

This process continued until Seiichi was satisfied with the amount of flesh that he had acquired. The next day after Tsunade checked in and left a shadow clone, Seiichi once again started his harvesting. He drained her of blood, over and over again, while collecting flesh. But she felt nothing. Seiichi wasn't interested in causing her unnecessary pain. Even the act of being used, was turned into pŀėȧsurė, She believed it was an honor to be used by her master in such a way. This continued for a months. to save chakra, Tsunade would end the shadow clone jutsu at night and only deploy it during working hours.

During the first month of gruesome harvesting, Seiichi's shadow clone had had finally refined the Physique Rebirth Pill. Under the guise of Dr. Watanabe, Seiichi put a slave seal on Rock Lee and then feed him the pill. Hours of deathly pain he endured, but Rock Lee made it through it. Transferring Lee Jun-Fan's legacy to him. Lee went of the retrain himself from the basic according to Lee Jun-Fan's teachings and cultivation method.


--March 64ME---

When Seiichi was satisfied with the amount of flesh and blood harvested from Tsunade. The two left the Myriad realm and ventured to the Hyuga Clan compound. A visit they had been awaiting for a long time...

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