Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 37 - Acquiring The Byakugan, The Akatsuki Moves

'You must be the Hokage during this meeting. But you will not speak, your presence here today is to showcase what I offer and to make my deception appear honest. '

'Yes, my Lord, what should do if spoken to?'

'I'll supply you with an answer that suits my goals. Now let's get to it'

After a short mental exchange. Seiichi and Tsunade were led to the main hall of the Hyuga clan. Greeted by the Hyuga elders of the main and branch family, Seiichi and Tsunade personally greeted them all.

A little confused by Tsunade's presences, Seiichi went ahead and told them that she was vital to that he would be offering today. Without anymore initial questions. The group found their seat, after tea was served. Hiashi started the meeting as the Hyuga head.

"Lord Seiichi, It has been a long time. Even when I betrothed my eldest daughter to you, you neglected to pay our clan any attention. Now you are here baring gifts, but I can't help but feel, that my clan misidentify your fangs as present of good will. So please, enlighten us on the nature of your visit, today"

Hiashi spoke clear and true to his position as Hyuga head. He felt the need to protect his entire clan but also dreamed of day when the Hyuga would step out of the shadow of the warring period. Though, seeing the changes in his once kind and gentle daughter. He felt apprehensive about dealing with Seiichi, who he felt was a shadow demon who could even blot out the sun.

With a warm smile, Seiichi exhaled " I apologies for my long absence Lord Hiashi. Tsunade Sensei has been working me to the bone. In the throes of training I frequently lose my self in adrenaline. What can I say, the power of youth is strong in this one…

With that being said, how could I ever bȧrė fangs at my family. Hinata is my Fiancée after all. Isn't it the duty of a clansman to work in the favor of his clan and not in opposition. When I first arrived in the hidden leaf village. The Hyuga was always my main goal. I improve your gentle fist, align our two clans through marriage…And then I evolve your Byakugan"

"Huh?!" Every Hyuga was shocked by Seiichi's word. But Hiashi still couldn't help but feel conflicted. Rightly so.

"Hmm so the rumors are true. The Uzu/Uzumaki have away of purifying the bloodlines?" The first elder asked

"Yes, and I'm willing to share that method you. If you are willing to deal" Seiichi replied

"Hmm, he speaks bullshit. How do we know that he tells the truth" a Hyuga elder interjected

And all eyes feel on Seiichi. Nodding his head. Tsunade stood up and slapped her palms together. A wood cage lined the wall of the main hall, locking everyone. Shocked covered everyone's face.

"wood release…" the gasped in unison. They all knew that Tsunade didn't in here Hashirama's skill. But here she was in front of them, perform a wood release Jutsu.

"Do you see now. I have the power to take your clan to the next level, for a small price of course. With the Uchiha gone and the means to evolve you Byakugan. The Hyuga clan will once again sit at the summit of the world and be come thee great Dojutsu. And as long as you make good on your pas=rt of the deal. The Hyuga and Uzu will always be, family" Seiichi enticed, but he didn't try hard. In the back of his mind, if all else failed…Kill.

Hiashi weighed his options and thought about all the things that Seiichi could possibly ask for. In mid thought. His father and brother spoke on his behave. "If Lord Seiichi's price is reasonable. I don't see why family can't do business that benefits everyone" Hizashi spoke first

"And if my granddaughter could see you as man worth trusting, why should cast her out by driving wedge between our two clans" the first elder added. It was Hizashi's and father's plan to revitalize the Hyuga clan from the start. At first it was through new techniques. But when they saw the newly purified Naruto. The remembered Seiichi's words the night of the Uzumaki welcome banquet.

'Who said the Byakugan couldn't evolve?'

Even if it meant Putting Hizashi in the family head seat, the clan came first, and it was one thing the father and son duo agreed on.

"Haha well said Uncle" Seiichi replied with a smile "In this bag is 200 blood line purification pills. It will evolve your eyes to what is none as Tensigan. A dojutsu with unbelievable potential... and all I want in return, is the Hyuga branch family. You purify your line, become one family and never have to scum to anyone's terms but your own. One sacrifice, to end all sacrifices. And to make it better. Every elder of the branch family in this room, is exempt from the acquisition and the next Hokage will be a Hyuga"

The deal was enticing, they could taste power and glory at the tip of their fingers. The Hyuga, have always fought along side the Senju, like the Uzumaki. The three clan were always tethered through a familial bond long forgotten. Over time the Hyuga feel to the sideline and became the fan that sustained the fire. The backbone of the hidden leaf. And the only thing they got in return was a declining family. And a target for persecution. To protect themselves the even put seal on their own people because the Senju refused to fight a war against clans the hunted the Hyuga. Yet, the Hyuga was always the first clan to come to the Senju's aid.

Now with the opportunity to rise in power, the Senju and the Uchiha were all but dead. The Uzumaki had all but left the village. It was only right for the Hyuga to take control.

"Add in the full Ba Gua Zhang technique in your possession and you have yourself a deal" Hiashi caved

Seiichi stood up and walked over to Hiashi and held out his hand. "You. Have. Yourself. A deal…" the moment Hiashi's and Seiichi's hand collided. Demonic chakra surged from Seiichi engulfing Hiashi's body. The wood chair the Hyuga elders were sitting on, wrapped around their bodies.

"I will stay true to my deal, however, I can't have you lot getting to overzealous while I'm at the height of my game" Seiichi spoke out , while his demonic chakra formed a seal on Hiashi's ċhėst. Seiichi then went elder by elder placing seal on all of them.

When he was finished, Tsunade released them all and Seiichi threw the bag of bloodline purification Pills to Hiashi. "Now gather the clan" he ordered

Waiting for the clan to be gathered, Seiichi sipped on alcohol provided to him and discovered that could no longer get a buzz. This bothered Seiichi a great deal. But, for now he enjoyed the taste and decided to solve that problem another time

When the clan was finally gathered. Hiashi ordered everyone to freely Show their foreheads. Identifying the branch family, Seiichi pulled them all into the Myriad Realm. And before her left. He placed all the techniques derived from Ba Gua Zhang in their minds and took the Caged Bird Cursed Seal Jutsu from them.

Appearing in the Myriad realm, Seiichi looked at the confused Hyuga family and without saying world placed them all in his world lock genjutsu. Seiichi snaked his way into their minds and convinced them that their Byakugan was sin and that the cursed seal was a way to keep it from harming the world. Seiichi presented himself as a god and removed the cursed seal from their foreheads.

"I have freed you from you cage. Now you must free yourselves of sin." He whispers twisted their minds and one by one the plucked their eyes from their sockets. Seiichi looked at his work with indifference. And his eyes randomly found a familiar face "Natsu…Not you, I will give you to Hinata. If she gifts me your eyes than I will take them as a weeding gift. "

Natsu feel to her knees and paid Homage to Seiichi's God figure. Natsu was Hanabi's caretaker and close to Hinata's family. Seiichi thought maybe Hinata would like a maid. With all of the Byakugan collected , Seiichi drained them of blood and preserved their corpses.

The next few days, Seiichi took them slow and easy. Consolidating power. And overseeing the end of all active mission. With Akira in isolation, Seiichi handed out the months reward to the top three clansmen on the contribution board, adding on more Uzumaki with sage eyes to the fry. Seiichi then sent newly awakened dojutsu user to Saito to help him find ancient sites and seal them after raiding them. This was to take Kaguya's army of the field before the war even started.

Black Zetsu had started making his move as well. Seeing the ploy. The Akatsuki started hunting Jinchuriki in vigor. Yet Seiichi held fast and kept on schedule.


Jiraiya didn't mind, he liked Fu and agreed to the arrangement. Hinata had decided to keep Natsu. The two of them along with Ino had started to journey to every nation. Once their slave seals were placed on every Daimyo, they drew up an alliance treaty, that was to be signed by all of the nation. Seiichi got all of the shinobi village to launch a full-scale attack against the Akatsuki. He never expected them to win, but it did by him time. Shadow clones took his place and stayed in the daimyo places.

With phase 2 coming to a close, Seiichi decided to have Danzo killed and the Anbu disbanded, Danzo served no purpose. And instead of hunting Orochimaru. Seiichi decided to through an invitation up in the air.

For the rest of the rest of the year, Seiichi and people trained and cultivated. Seiichi prepared the bloodline for consumption and merged all of the dojustu to make one pair of eyes each. A Mangekyo Sharingan, Byakugan, Sage Eyes, and Ketsyurugan . The Shadow clone made to practice alchemy had started refining Meridian opening pills to help Seiichi after consuming the bloodlines. And Seiichi had finally formed the Strength of a Hundred Seals. When ever he was ready, Seiichi would create the most powerful Bloodline ever seen.


While Seiichi and his people were preparing for war. The shinobi world was fighting a war led by the still unidentified Madara Uchiha. But with the Shinobis allied it was proving a difficult feat acquiring the Jinchuriki.

"I need to regain my power now!" Madara exclaimed.

"Well, I have a way. But it will acquire a few things and some time. In one year's time. You will once again walk their earth stronger than you were before. And you will remake the world in your image bring irrefutable peace. " Zetsu replied

"Do what you must" Madara then closed his eyes and started to rest once more.

And like that the race for Orochimaru had begun.

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