Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 59 - Nanous: The Rigged Gamble

"Do you guys gamble here?" Lee asked

"Hmm, we have a gambling hall near the square" the Xiao answered.

"Splendid, this can be our way of settling the matter. Seiichi, has your whore and you outfit, so when he returns you can settle on a game and play for what you feel you own." Lee spoke slammed another cup of the premium elderberry wine.

The young masters knitted their brows but tried to compose themselves. They gambled all of the time, as long as they could pick the game, the mattered was all but settled. "Fine... that's acceptable". Moments of drink and conversation acted as a good deterrent for the enmities. And soon after Seiichi appeared by himself garbed in the Infernal testament. Seiichi was aware of everything that going on around and wasn't surprised to see the peculiar situation.

Walking to the table, Seiichi thanked the shopkeeper and called for his brothers. Not giving the slightest acknowledgement to the young masters at the table. This offended them though the woman couldn't help but reveal in the Seiichi's beauty and charming allure that surrounded his person. His presences was intoxicating.

Lee and Naruto paid their respects to the shop keeper and joined Seiichi as he walked to the shop door.

"Wait! I will not be disrespected and ignored by some small time punk, that travels were his ċȯċk takes him. So, turn the fuċk around and she me some goddamn respect!" The Ashikaga and Xiao young master erupted with chakra; Seiichi could tell they were late stage dantian formation. Though Seiichi could see they only opened 12 meridians before forming their dantian's and the concept of nadis was completely nonexistent. They were also lacking in body and soul cultivation.

Seiichi turned around and looked over the group of people. "Those women on the leash, are they yours" Seiichi asked

"Yes, they are, we can kill them now and no one will bat an eye. Why? Does their condition offend you?" Xiao boy replied.

"On the contrary. I like it. I want them and the women behind you. If I heard correctly, you'd like to settle this with a gamble? Well those are the stakes. Your women, for our outfits and a 1000 pounds of gold. You game?" Seiichi spoke blunt. Taking everyone aback.

"No not far. You see this one here" The Xiao boy grabbed a brown hair woman by her face. "She is the was my fathers consort. She tried to flee, when she was caught, she was given to me and the sister she gave me became my fiancée out of spite. If I lose them then I'll have to face the wraith of my father. 5000 pounds in gold or you give us everything you took today" he added

"Deal" Seiichi replied indifferent "And how about you, Ashikaga boy?"

"I want him" He pointed at Naruto.

"Deal" Seiichi replied again in different. "No pick a game. Shopkeeper bȧrė witness to its legitimacy and become our contract holder"

The shopkeeper nodded and retrieved a brush and scroll. The next few moments were spent drawing a contract, for the game . After the contract was signed by both parties. The women of that belong to the two young masters only sigh and felt pity for Seiichi.

"They game of choice is…Shogi!" The shopkeeper spoke and Seiichi wore a humorous smirk.

"The winner of the match will receive all benefits listed upon this ratified contract" The shopkeeper continued. And with a slight wink from Seiichi "The winner of the match is Seiichi Uzu!" in an instant and hour had gone by. The moment Seiichi laid eyes on the young masters. He had them under his control. Pulling the into the Tsukuyomi, Seiichi completed the game and won.

After that moment Seiichi and party went to the Ashikaga's and explained the situation. The clan head of the Ashikaga was infuriated but purchased the women for triple the price. All except the young master's fiancée. Seiichi refused to let her go. He searched her memories and discovered she was the heiress of the Ashikaga and even better alchemist than her sissy brother. Because of the contract there was nothing the Ashikaga clan head could do. The same thing happened at the Xiao clan, though Seiichi refused to sell the mother of the Xiao heiress as well.

During his dealing with the two clans, Seiichi discover that women on leashes were, for lack of better words, Political whores. They were wives, daughters, and sisters. That held some important and were kept as a show of might. Each woman represented a family, and with her being nȧkėd and in chains, walked like an animal, showed that a clan had suppressed another in nothing less than an overbearing manner.

Seiichi saw this an opportunity; the clans wanted the whores back. Seiichi sold at a two hundred percent markup. The clan heads wanted their daughters back, Seiichi asked for their treasury and the only compromise being their entire clan treasury and their heirs castrated. Tyrannical and disabling. Though Seiichi didn't care in the slightest. Though, another pressing task appeared in his mind.

"Let's make deal" Seiichi suggested and from that point, he formed a contract with the Xiao clan for fabrics and forging material. The same way he made a deal with Ashikaga for alchemy material and the seed of specific plants to start his own garden. And though things ended without bloodshed, the two clans had received a big blow. They had both lost a young talent with potential far beyond that of their Heirs and the Xiao clan head had lost his consort.

"Onii-san? Why didn't you give them back. They could cause trouble in the future and I don't think my mother would want to share you with them." Naruto gestured at the at the two young mistresses and the former Xiao consort.

"Its not like that Naruto; they are beauties. But they have talent that I wish to appraise and make use of. As far as their future problems, well we did come here to fuċk shit up, did we not?" Seiichi replied with an amused smile, stretching out his senses he locked on to a few individuals following him, most likely sent by the Ashikaga and the Xiao

"I think I want to take the city and use it to bring the Otsutsuki ancestor here. First, we establish ourselves in the slums, I have no knowledge of blacksmithing and my alchemy skills are fit for the higher realms, which means there are holes that need to be filled and these two young mistresses can help with that. Once we get a solid foothold. We start to take over the clans and work our way up to the big three and then topple the Otsutsuki"

"That sounds great and all Seiichi, but how will we manage to take over every clan?" Lee asked

"Kotoamatsukami. An ability that only we wield. Not even the Otsutsuki clan on this planet. They're merely a branch family in charge of the clans farming. Think of the war to come as training for the higher realm. Let's get back, we've been gone for a while."

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