Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 60 - Naonus: Might of the Infernal Seed

When Seiichi arrived back at his newly purchased tailor shop. The place was spotless and refurbished. Everything that belong to the previous owner was taken out and the place was ready for new merchandise to be moved in. But oddly enough, the shop was empty. " Lee, Naruto, go and find everyone" Seiichi ordered.

Activating their eyes, they located all of the lady's and Orochimaru a couple of blocks down from the shop. With an exact location the two stepped off.

"As for you three, what are your names?" Seiichi asked as he leapt on to the shop counter and took a seat.

"I am Kiyoshi Ashikaga" The raven-haired girl spoke

"I am Xiao Mai, and this is my daughter Xiao Xuefeng" The Mature brown-haired woman spoke

"Hmm, if Xuefeng can't speak for herself, that's going to be a problem. There's no place for timidness in this world. Mai'er, I don't need you. It's a courtesy to your daughter. She'll teach me blacksmithing and Kiyoshi, you will help me with alchemy. There are materials that need identifying and categorizing. Your rooms will be upstairs, go clean and your clothes will be brought to you."

The three woman performed a deep bow and spoke in unison before taking their leave, "Yes, My Lord."

Seiichi closed his eyes and feigned meditation for a moment. 'Skynet it's been a while'

'As dry as ever, I see. Anyway, I have cultivated to a high level. There is more to go, but am I strong enough to learn the requirements for ascension?'

[…. Your strength is feasible… If you want to ascend, you must step past the world gate. There are many around this universe, like secret doors built for anyone talented enough to find them.]

'Is that all?'

[Yes, Seiichi. That is all the knowledge given to me by Escanor]

'Fine, it'll do. Scan the memories of the cube elders for any knowledge on tailoring.'

[.....Tailoring is not a skill possessed by any of the three cube elders.]

'okay. One last thing, do you have any information about what the next universe could be?'

[No, Seiichi]

When Seiichi finished conversating with Skynet, the ladies and Orochimaru had returned triumphant. When Seiichi was having his conflicts. So were they. The boss of the whore that Naruto and Fu had taken as theirs, had come looking. Without finding a common ground and refusing to pay for her. The ladies castrated the boss and took over his operation.

Days later, Seiichi and the gang began to get the shop together and manage the newly acquired whores. Restructuring the two businesses to operate more efficiently, it didn't take long for the group to be ready for business once again. The whore houses and tailor shop became places to cease the mind of the peoples in the slum.

Kiyoshi spent her time creating a compendium of all the herbs, roots, and other material that could be used in alchemy. Xuefeng did the same for forging materials. Mai was put to work in the Tailor shop and had a similar job to that of the young servant Yuri, until Xuefeng completed the compendium and started her weapons and Armor shop.

With the business running fine and the slums slowly falling under the control of Seiichi. He started to practice the basics of blacksmithing from Xuefeng, and slowly began to help her out of her shell. Unlike Kiyoshi, Xuefeng's brother enjoyed playing with women and ȧsserting his dominance causing the poor girl a bit of mental trauma. It was a good thing that she was eighteen, this gave her time to heal before all of her young years had passed her by.

When Seiichi wasn't practicing in the forge, he accompanied Kiyoshi looking over the compendiums that she created, many of the herbs in the compendium could be found in Seiichi's Sage garden . some had been tested by him and other he hadn't gotten to due to the war and traveling to the celestial realm. Although one thing stuck out above the rest, The Black Amethyst Lotus attached to the culm of a jade bamboo.

"Black Amethyst Lotus, Jade reforming bamboo." Seiichi muttered

"Yes, its used for people who suffer from soul damage and mental damage. So far only the core of the bamboo can be used. Everything else is just to fragile of a material or just downright useless" Kiyoshi informed Seiichi as she continued recording her knowledge. Satisfied with her work so far, Seiichi gave her some materials to begin her pill creations.

More time passed, the group cultivated during their free time and silently took full control of the slums, working their way into the low class. Sporadically, the Xiao and Ashikaga clans did their best to kill Seiichi and his group while attempting to kidnap their young mistresses. Yet, they always ended up with their heads being returned to the clans with notes demanding compensation, further enraging the clans.

With a mass number of civilians under their control, Seiichi and his people had become practically invisible and controlled the flow of information in the slums. Because of this, the Xiao and Ashikaga had decided to team up and plan out a way to strike and kill Seiichi once in for all by sending their elders at the core formation stage.

Currently, Seiichi and his people were at the Dantian formation stage, which required three expansions. Each expansion allowed the cultivator to hold more energy. The next stage, Core formation. Core Formation condensed all of the energy in a person into a dense spherical core of power. One wrong step and the cultivator risked explosion. The last Stage was Core Tempering. This stage included six transformations of the core, and each transformation was the literal definition of heaven and earth. , lead, bronze, silver, gold, platinum, and diamond were the six transformations. With each core transformation a new body level is achieve doubling the cultivator's attributes.

When Seiichi had first entered the Naruto verse, he had never expected them to be such a power scale in the higher realms. But with his new knowledge he now so the Kaguya incident on earth as mere child's play.

Although, Seiichi and his people were 'weak' based on the cultivation stage. Their foundation was unshakable and reinforced by methods unknown to the Narutoverse. Most of the people in the city believed there to be only 12 meridians. Chakra points aren't required to be open to progress. Body conditioning is replaced with pills and the Nadis is a concept never even thought od in the Narutoverese. Leaving many people with shallow foundations, making Seiichi and his team, cultivators without equals in the same stage. Though, Seiichi believed they could also jump fight a stage above with difficulties.

Further taunting the clans. Seiichi had personally used Kotoamatsukami on a high end business owner to host a party for Green Horn Week, that started at the first of the next month. Seiichi made it a point to invite the big three clans of Avon and the ruling Otsutsuki clan. Seeing the Xiao and Ashikaga accept, the Selkie followed suit and the Otsutsuki outright rejected Seiichi's invite.


The first of the month had come in no time at all. Seeing that all of their affairs were in order. Seiichi took his ladies to the tailor shop in the higher class distract. He had dresses reserved for his women, if they were still there, and he planned to enjoy the start of Green Horn Week while exploring the many delicacies of the city.

The sound of bells ringing called the shopkeeper from the back as Seiichi and his women entered the shop. "Hey, Shopkeeper. How has business been? I hope I didn't cause to much trouble for you" Seiichi exclaimed with a big smile.

"Young Master Seiichi. You didn't cause anything I couldn't handle. But I think you should talk to my servant girl Yuri and we should start talking purchase fees" the shopkeeper replied

The women wore confused faces, though Seiichi seemed to understand were the shopkeeper was insinuating. Seiichi figured that his use of Yuri only brought trouble from the Ashikaga and as a result depreciated her value. Little did Seiichi know how far off he actually was. "Shopkeeper Take me to her. And then take care of my wives, only the best." Seiichi spoke

Nodding his head, the shopkeeper then clapped, and attendants appeared with the shopkeeper's best work. The women's eyes began to sparkle, Hinata, however, kept a straight face repressing her excitement. Seiichi pulled her close from behind then whispered in her ear "Smiling, does not make you weak nor does the expression of emotions. You wanted to exceed my expectations, but letting the Demonic Yin Harvesting Technique butcher that beautiful personality of yours, isn't the way. Be cold and callous to the world, but you are here with your sisters and you are alive. So, enjoy your time, you always be slaughter queen." Seiichi kissed her neck and she became shade red "My demoness, I love your smile and the sparkle in your eyes that always comes with it. Id like to see that more often" Seiichi added then continued to shower her in affection, twisting her mood.

"Tons" Seiichi kissed her a forehead "And that goes for the rest of you" Seiichi spoke to his women and and gave some affection to each of the before he took his leave.

As Seiichi turned to follow the shopkeeper to see the servant Yuri. Pakura tugged his sleeve. "I would like to talk when you get back. Maybe a…date… tonight. I spoke with everyone and..." Pakura was stopped midsentence by Seiichi.

"A date sounds good, Pakura" Seiichi ċȧrėssed the side of her face with a smile and gave her one last kiss before heading up the shop staircase into the rooms above.

Seiichi was directed to the last door on the right. Knocking on the door, he waited for an answer. All he could hear in the room was a heartbeat but no movement. Waiting long enough, he used scorch release to melt the lock the doorknob off and pushed the door open.

"You know it's impolite to ignore people"

Yuri lifted her head from the bed and looked at Seiichi with eyes on fire. "My Lord?" she couldn't believe her eyes. Seiichi observed the servant girl and saw nothing amiss. Activating his eyes, Seiichi finally saw it. Yuri had a raging flame of Demonic Chakra and Natural energy in her body, apart from her own chakra.

Seeing Seiichi's eyes change, Yuri was happy to see a dojutsu that wasn't cataloged. Seiichi was becoming more special in her eyes by the second. "Do you see it, my Lord? Do you see the results of our union?" she asked a happy yet nervous smile. Yuri couldn't read Seiichi's reaction and just hoped he would be kinder than most men of high status.

[Alert* Seiichi, you have ɨmprėġnȧtėd a mortal. Although your primordial incubus bloodline is sealed. Your seed is beaming with your demonic excellence. She needs your immediate care. You can save her still but, the chance of that Cambion living is extremely slim.]

Skynet's message had caught Seiichi of guard. In his past life, he was never able to have children. So, when he noticed that Yuri was pregnant, he experienced a slurry of emotions, mostly excited. Though, Skynet's slammed the breaks on all of that. 'W-why would it not survive?' Seiichi asked

Receiving the impromptu alert. Seiichi returned to the current situation. Seiichi held out his hand with a smile, Yuri bounce from the bed and pranced to Seiichi grabbing his hand. Falling into his ċhėst, Yuri couldn't be happier that she wasn't being abandoned or swept under a rug. Seiichi held her close by her and stroked her as he could the soft whimpers. Seiichi now had another reason to ascend.

'Yakumo, take control of the shopkeeper. And send the servant men and women to the whore houses. Have them replaced with new fresher faces, with more experience' Seiichi had sent a mental message to Yakumo to handle the ceasing of the tailor shop. There was no way in hell, he was going to pay to take the mother of his child away.

Pulling Yuri into the Myriad realm. Seiichi got her a nice place on the mountain summit with him and told her what he had learned. Devastated about the news. Yuri resolved herself to carry Seiichi's first child term. Leaving Yuri for Natsu to care for, Seiichi returned to Naonus


Back in the tailor shop, the ladies danced new clothes without a care in the world. The shop was closed just for them after the shopkeeper had his taken over by Yakumo. When the ladies saw Seiichi walk back into the main shop, they appeared next to Seiichi attempting to pull him from the shop. However, before Seiichi left, He changed in to a black Sherwani.

Walking through the crowded street, Seiichi and his women gained a lot of attention. Stopping at at little shops and food place, they all enjoyed themselves as they slowly made their way to the city center.

"Seiichi, can we stop there!" Karin shouted over the noise of the crowd.

Looking the direction in which, she pointed, Seiichi smiled, identifying the shop of accessories. "haha Come!" Seiichi pulled her along and the rest of the ladies followed. Walking into the shop. It was occupied by a decent amount of people. Browsing through the accessories, Akira was the first to be a little shocked

"Seiichi, come here" She said, as Seiichi walked up behind her, she gestured to a necklace on the wall "What do you see?" She asked.

"What is enchanted?" Akira asked

"Nothing, these bracers have Fuinjutsu added to them to give them special abilities. It looks like these specific seals increase the durability of the bracers" he explained then looked around to see that many items in the shop had seals attached to them.

With the help of Akira and Karin, the ladies all found things that they wanted. While Seiichi found and Item called linking rings. The rings were created to link slaves to their master. Or more so servants. There was one master ring that connected to multiple servant rings or slave collars. Allowing them to teleport to their master's side in an instant.

Seiichi liked the concept. The Incubus Slave Seal on the ladies allowed him to summon them to his side. But they couldn't just appear at his location by their own will. Looking around at the different styles. Seiicchi found a master ring that fit his taste.

"Excuse me" He called for the attention of the attendant. As she appeared, Seiichi's eyes swirld and the female attendant began to pluck a master ring and 6 servant rings to form a set. He then purchased a beautiful master ring fit for a woman and one servant ring.

As the attendant brought the last linking ring set to Seiichi. A thick, curvacoues woman with ginger hair and green eyes appeared. She was a prime beauty with porcelain skin and full lips, She was stood 5 feet and 11 inches tall. Though, she was still shorter than the 6'3" Seiichi.

Putting away the Linking ring sets, The ginger woman placed a hand on Seiichi shoulder stoping him. " I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could give me that linking ring set you just purchased" referring to the femininie master ring he bought.

"There are others. Im sure you can find something better" Seiichi replied. But soon he felt a sweet sent hit his nose and attack his body.

The ginger haired woman smiled sweetly at him as she waited for her scent to take over his senses. "I want that one. Its perfect. My first official toy, buys his mistress, her first linking ring set. You know, not many servants or slaves manage to form such intimate relations with their masters." The woman spoke in a haughty tone.

She stepped closer to Seiichi and used her hands to explore his body. Seiichi didn't resist and the woman took this as a sign of submission achieved by her entrapping scent. Thoroughly explore his body, the woman made her way into his pants, and stroked his flaccid ċȯċk. flabbergasted she was. Running her hands down the length of his rod, she never expected to encounter such a beautifully endowed man during her stroll in the city this day.

Admiring the size of Seiichi and his incubus charm. The woman's nature began to take over and she started to stroke him with more vigor gaining the attention of the other customers in the shop.

"Are you finished yet?" Seiichi asked, Startling her.

"I said are you finished?" he repeated himself and the woman became embarrassed, removing her hand from Seiichi's manhood. Pulling her servant to her, she stepped behind his back and pointed at Seiichi. "I didn't allow you to speak. Y-you she be my slave right now. Why didn't my scent work on you?" She asked

"Haaa, child's play. Let me tell you a little secret." Seiichi stepped closer and whispered "I am the demonic embodiment of ŀust. Touch me again, and I'll gut you like a fish and fuċk your remains." Seiichi sent demonic chakra into her body causing her to tense up. The woman's bodyguard felt the chakra and sent a palm at Seiichi's ċhėst.

Meeting the bodyguards palm, Seiichi shattered every bone in the man's arms and then snapped his neck. Leaving the timid girl standing alone in shock. "You aren't bold. Look at you. With out the special scent of yours. What nerve would you ever have to even approach me. Hmm, just a whore that hit the genetic lottery. Know your place." When Seiichi finished speaking Pakura appeared and sent a palm into the woman's ċhėst.


The ginger haired woman's body crash into the shop wall.

Seiichi and his ladies then took their leave without a worry in the world. After the little incident, news spread across the city like wildfire. A brown skinned man with white hair, golden eyes, and horns. Broke free the Selkie young mistress aphrodisiac technique and killed her bodyguard, while a woman from his harem. Casually turned her into a ragdoll. He even called her a common whore with no redeemable aspects.

The rumors began to get more and more outrageous as the day went on. The matriarch of the Selkie clan was beyond enraged. As she observed her daughter in bed, unconscious. The patriarch of the Ashikaga soon stepped in with a pill to save the girl. And from that point, Seiichi had gained one more enemy without even knowing it. That is until his fortune telling eyes activated and showed his and the deaths of all of his woman.

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