Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 6 - Restrictions of the lower realms

Not that far away in Uzushiogakure, Saito was collecting Storage and sealing scrolls, along with weapons, and shinobi and noble clothes unique to Uzushiogakure. He knew exactly what Seiichi meant by things that could be useful. In one noble house he even found the Uzumaki royal seal.

While collecting stuff. His daughter Kaiya finally spoke her mind

"Father, Why Forsake our family name and lively hood to follow a stranger?"

"Haha Naïve, can't you see the potential. Don't you know what made Uzushiogakure so powerful and feared? Of course, you don't, you're just a child. They were different from most shinobi villages. They thought about more than just the next kill. They wanted to build something real. The Uzumaki was the only Royal shinobi family. The head was both Kage and Daimyo. Their Fuinjustu was

unparalleled. And now the new royals have Dojustu never seen before that feels like it can seal away Gods. And based off what I saw. It was gifted to them by Lord Seiichi"-Saito

"Just follow father, he knows what he's doing"- Kirito

Kaiya asked no more questions after that, as they continued to scavenge for more stuff. And Soon went to meet back up with Seiichi to present their findings.

As Saito and his family were looking for Seiichi, he was exploring the Uzumaki temple. Pushing the doors open, due to damage they feel off the hinges. Walking into the temple cautiously. Seiichi could see the walls lined with more Oni mask and the bodies of dead priest and priestess. They all wore Shinigami outfits while the ones closest to the shrine wore more ceremonial like garbs.

Walking deeper into the Temple, stepping over the dead, Seiichi felt as if the Oni mask were watching him.

'System how far is the hidden room?'

[In the next room sir]

Entering the next room. Seiichi saw what looked like the head Priest's quarter. Walking to the back wall where the Head priest's seat was located. Seiichi sat done and the chair and faced the door he had just walked through

'the chair is nailed to the ground, there is no floor trigger'

Turning around and scrutinizing the painting of the death god. Seiichi noticed the blade in the death gods hand

'reaper death blade'

Approaching the painting Seiichi ran his fingers over the death blade painting and directly at the tip of the blade was a slit almost like a keyhole. Walking back into the shrine room Seiichi found the body of the head priest , and took two identical daggers from the body and returned to the death gods painting

Looking at both blades one had the kanji symbol for life and the other death. Taking the death blade Seiichi used it as a key, only for it to unlock another keyhole that was located in the eyes of the death god.

Finally, after the last lock the head priests chair slide back revealing a staircase that lead down to a room resembling the one the Uchiha's had for their stone tablet except this room was different. This room had painting along the wall telling a story

A Story of the Uzumaki clan and its introduction to the death God and the reaper death blade. Utterly useless. Leaving the room Seiichi took the reaper death blade from the wall and left the temple.

As Seiichi walked out the temple, he was greeted by his new clan elder Saito. Who had a smile worth a thousand words.

"haha what did you find Saito?"-Seiichi

"Uzumaki weapons, clothes, scrolls, and a royal seal my lord."-Saito

"Nice, teach your kids basic ninja skills for now, wear the Uzumaki Shinobi gear to train. And find a place to settle, we're going to be here for a while"-Seiichi

And Like that Time went by, Saito taught his children basic chakra control, Taijutsu and kenjutsu. Seiichi Also joined in on their training as he was new to the world and need practice. His transformation technique was actually due to his body creation skill. And after letting Akira in on the secret Seiichi began to move around in his three-year-old body, this way everyone could get used to it and Seiichi could carry out his plans in the future.

Akira and Karin continued to learn the clans Fuinjustu which didn't take long considering their new perks of being a pure blooded Uzumaki. Fuinjustu came easy to them. So, they focused in application and experimenting while teaching the rest of the group Fuinjustu and joining the ninja training. During the night Akira and Karin practiced how to handle themselves as noble lady from scrolls left behind.

As days turned into weeks and weeks to months. The children including Seiichi became batter ninjas and polished their Taijutsu. With Akira's help. Her eyes work out the flaws in everyone's movements. Akira experimented with her visual prowess and discovered her eyes could also seal time, break genjutsu that Saito performed. Seal chakra, her dojustu was basically sage eyes it allowed her to see the laws of the world which allowed her to seal anything at and below her level and understand how things worked down to its basic mechanics so that she could counter and master. Over time those eyes will evolve until she could seal the heavens and beyond. A true Fuinjustu Master/ law sage. Even becoming an elemental sage would be a cake walk.

With access to all Uzumaki Fuinjustu and ninjutsu. The Uzumaki Taijutsu Reaper's Death Dance . Was quickly learned, its consisted of the most direct kill techniques and indirect strikes that eventually lead to death. And the destruction of bones, While the footwork was swift and agile. The body had to be flexible it greatly resembled Silat and Filipino martial arts from Seiichi's home world.

Karin took to the Eddy Fist. That was like a dance of chaos that required speed and destructive strikes. She incorporated her adamantine chains in her Taijutsu to also make it a long-distance art

Kaiya and Kirito Exceled in ninjutsu and genjutsu with their good chakra control. And took to the sword with ease.

After 6 months went by Seiichi decided to practice the martial Art, he received to cultivate his essence. What he saw shocked him. It was the full art Ba Gua Zhang and as he began to move through the forms, he could feel his chakra circulate and nourish his body and chakra supply. As Seiichi moved through forms, he became more fluent. It became a dance of celestials as the azure dragon manifested in his aura, followed the white tiger, vermillion bird, lastly a black tortoise intertwined with a snake. Every step and strike projected great power but, Seiichi never tired

However, Seiichi felt something was wrong, so he went through more techniques. Finally finishing at the Tayi fire dragon palm.

'System, what's wrong with that cultivation technique'

[nothing sir, you've had a taste of the energy from the true Martial world during your creation. The technique cultivates energy, this worlds energy is just too weak to satisfy you. However, it will give you the power you need to bring this world to heel.]

'hmm, I guess. So, what does that mean for my blood line?'

"The primordial incubus, father of all Incubi and Succubi. He was not the purest member of his family but the power of his blood toppled universes. And he gave birth to a mighty race."

'If he gave birth to a race, how is he not the purest of his family. What gave birth to the primordial incubus?'

[Lord Escanor, has not gifted me that information. But I can tell you that 'Primordial' in the lord Escanor's world just means 'the oldest' or 'progenitor'. Hence, the father of the incubus and suċċubus race, first of his kind. But more importantly, you were doped Sir, but for your good]

Seiichi began to get annoyed 'Explain, now'

[Lord Escanor, sealed you from fully awakening your Physique and Bloodline in lower realms. He did those so that you can fight your way from the bottom to top as you requested, also if you fully awaken in these lower realms the energy will destroy everything]

'Whatever so be it. What about the cube?'

[The cube requires lots of blood, the sacrifice must be powerful. Or because of the influence of your demonic being, innocent. Which also seems to be the most practical since, the world doesn't have the power to house the cube anyway]

Seiichi thought for a moment 'innocent blood it is. '

Not that far away Akira and Saito watched Seiichi as he cultivated. Putting down her cup of tea.

"What is that technique your young master is practicing? Its powerful and beyond the level of my sage eyes can explain to me?"-Akira

"So, there's things even yours can't see, my lady?"-Saito

"No, you've got it wrong, my eyes can see, but I am blind. It simply means I'm not strong enough to comprehend, what I'm seeing. Its why my eyes seem stronger than my daughters"-Akira

"Haha such power. Well, as the Uzumaki head why don't you just command his secrets to be revealed?"-Saito

"It would seem that way but, even you should know never bite the hand that feeds. We both have a part to play. And asking to many questions might deviate from that part, resulting in consequences I'm not strong enough to comprehend, lord Saito"-Akira

"I understand my lady"-Saito

Returning to their tea, they both imagined what the future held for them after leaving Uzushiogakure, Following Seiichi both unaware of the truth about each other's and Seiichi's true identity.

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