Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 7 - Leaving Uzushiogakure

Seiichi continued to practice through the night, to iron out the flaws in his movements. The next morning at the break of dawn. Seiichi had put his next plan in motion. With the knowledge gained from the three magic cube elders. Seiichi decided to teach everyone low grade body conditioning techniques. It incorporated insane exercises designed to break down the body and rebuild it with chakra. It was conditioning technique because it only raised the physical strength of the body. It also didn't follow the cultivation path of Body transformation from the martial world.

He had created gravity seals to place on everyone to intensify their training. Strengthening their bodies and increase their speed, He wanted them faster than any shinobi they would come across.

For the next year and a half, Seiichi and the Clan spent their time sparing and going through hellish training. During this time, Seiichi planted the concept of battle arrays in her head as a support system causing Akira to lock herself in her room for a month creating a new way to use Fuinjustu as a support class in team battle, enhancing allied shinobi abilities

Once Akira arrived from Isolation due to multiple failures Seiichi decided it was time to go. The group had enough skills to protect themselves and he wanted time to properly ȧssimilate into the Konoha politics to make his moves for the future.

"Kirito, Kaiya, Karin, Go train I need to speak to the elders"-Seiichi

After the three left the room. Seiichi pulled out the Uzumaki royal seal.

"Akira this is yours , it's the royal Uzumaki seal. It will get us into Konoha, when we get there you will seize the property of Kushina and Mito Uzumaki under royal decree. Adopting her son. As for Mito's property we will offer an ultimatum. Tsunade Senju upholds the deal between our clans or have every Uzumaki ȧsset seized including the Jutsus Mito helped create with the second Hokage."-Seiichi

"What about the other noble clans my lord?"-Saito

"I have something the Hyuga would want. And I know just how to get the Uchiha on board. The only flaw in the plan is Akira, however that can be fixed, if you can create a mind linking seal on the way, so that our thoughts can become one and I could feed you the right answers" Seiichi

" That brings up the next question, Lord Seiichi. Will we be one clan or two"- Akira

"We will be two. That allows me to become a clan leader and opens up room to execute my plans. However, that also relies on you. You must introduce me as the Uzu clan patriarch regardless of age to show unwavering commitment to traditions strengthening the argument of seizing Uzumaki property based on clan law"-Seiichi

"as far as the offering to the village, I'll handle that. Once in, we work on rebuilding. And finding lost Uzumaki clansmen and with that lost seal none of them will challenge your rule. Pack up. We leave in three hours"-Seiichi

While packing everyone changed clothes into Uzumaki shinobi gear. Being the Konoha shinobi share the same symbol it shouldn't give the group to much trouble. All of the Uzu wore blades on their backs. Kaiya wore two. Little did the group know she would soon become known as the sword demoness of the Uzu. Storing everything in Storage scrolls, Seiichi then put the storage scrolls in his inner world.

Days later, arriving at the port Seiichi transformed once again into his older self .

"I have a few things to check on. Don't hide the red hair. If some comes at you for being an Uzumaki. Kill without mercy. Its needed for the plan"- Seiichi

After Seiichi finished, he used the body flicker technique and disappeared, reappearing in front of a common whore house.

Walking in Seiichi's looks naturally attracted the attention of many whores, due to his incubus nature although sealed, the natural alluring charm remained. Attention that he gladly accepted.

"Do you know a whore by the name of Yuri"-Seiichi

"What do you want that whore for? When you have a beauty like me ready to be used like the perfect little toy" answered a blonde-haired beauty as she ran her hand over Seiichi's ċhėst

"She and I have business and the first one to bring her to me gets 7 pounds of gold. Now go fetch, whores"- Seiichi

The whores looked at each other. Before disappearing from the whore house. Hours passed before a brunette woman with large firm brėȧst , standing at 5'8 with flawless porcelain skin walked into the whore house.

"Oh, my lord, it's been so long . I thought I would never see you again"-Yuri

"Is that all the faith you have in me? Have you finished the task I've ȧssigned you?"- Seiichi

"Yes, my lord, the land thinks there's now a bounty on Uzumaki heads, I have found four good whores that could be considered top notch kunoichi if they were properly trained and not whore by profession hehe. "-Yuri

"Haha that's funny, so have you gotten word from Santoshi? And what of the information I asked you to gather?"- Seiichi

"I wasn't sure about that Santoshi guy at first, but I verified his intelligence myself. And it's all in this scroll. The other intelligence you've requested is in this scroll" Said Yuri while handing Seiichi two nice sized black and red scrolls.

"Good work. Now I need you to infiltrate the hidden leaf village. As whores and do the exact same thing there. However, this time, build a deeper network and your target is shinobi villages and their movements. And I need hands on a bingo book asap"-Seiichi

"Yes, my lord. Will that be all?"-Yuri

[*ding* Note: Ask about former pirate captain]

'ehh dismiss note for another time'

"Have you heard of another whore named Kasumi?"-Seiichi

"Of course, She's quite skilled in her work. Why do you ask my lord?"-Yuri

"She will be your partner in Konoha. Find her and tell her to meet me at the northern edge of the city. I leave tonight. Take some girls with you. If Kasumi refuses kill her." Before Yuri could say anything, Seiichi flickered away once again.

Yuri was at a loss for words, she had been an intelligence gatherer, but in the matter of moments she had been promoted to an ȧssassin. She just couldn't do it. Then she remembered how Seiichi flickered away. This was as much a test for her as it was for Kasumi. Yuri then decided to harden herself and carry out her task.

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