Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 62 - Green Horn Week Pt.2

After youth competitors of Green Horn week were introduced, the Host of the day's events spoke to the crowd in a very jubilant, charismatic tone. Welcoming them to the appraisal ceremony.

"Each competitor will undergo three tests today! A test of strength, speed, and cultivation… It's quite simple ladies and gentlemen. Hit the target, it measures your strength. Run the gauntlet, your time will be recorded. And finally, the competitors will be inspected with the legendary Byakugan. A visual prowess only held by the great Otsutsuki clan!"

The crowd cheered and clapped. Some people must be wondering why Hinata wasn't called out for her Byakugan. It's quite simple, her Byakugan didn't show. She now had deep blackish-purple eyes and like everyone else on her team. She could deactivate her eyes at will.

When the appraisal finally began, one after another, the competitors stepped forward to deliver on massive blow, with all force they could muster. On at target the sat in the middle of a gigantic pillar.

10,000 jin

8,000 jin

11,000 jin

One after another, competitors had their strengths measured

"Asuma Ashikaga!" the host called, and the crowd went silent waiting for the results of the young master from the Ashikaga clan

Stepping forward with a big ċhėst and his chin up. Taking a fighting stance, Asuma channeled all of his energy into his blow.

His fist struck the target. And Seiichi raised an eyebrow as he confirmed his suspicions.

"20,000 Jin!" The host exclaimed and the crowd went wild.

"Xiao Fei!" The young master of the Xiao clan was the next one to step forward.

Bam! " 21,000 Jin!" the crowd cheered once again.

"Seiichi, their chakra reserves do not match their strength" Lee spoke in a low tone

"I see, the difference between those boys and the rest is they have all 20 meridians open. It must be a well-kept secret from clans of lower standards. And because of their pills, the mustn't have advanced in medical ninjutsu and haven't developed a chakra enhancing technique." He replied

"Hmm, that should explain why he hadn't seen a Doctor around. Should we stay the course, or just attack upfront?" Naruto joined the conversation

"Haha, my love. Brash as always. Don't you remember Onii-san's words? We should always conduct ourselves as shinobis. It's what we are and because of that. When we strike, people die. Although their foundation is weak, and certain privileges have hindered progress. Something tells me that there are still experts we can't allow to live. So, when we strike, complete slaughter is the only outcome we can afford" Fu spoke in Seiichi's place, with a small on her face and hugging Naruto's left arm.

"Thank you, Fu. And with that being said. We will stay the course, though, we will need to make a few changes. Our enemy knows we are here. This is their home and they have the majority of the power. All we have is the slums and half of the lower class. So, we have to ȧssume that they gave the order to their youths to act like lambs to catch the wolves. But the shepherds themselves are the traps."

"Exactly. We must remain vigilant and redouble our effort while reinforcing our defenses."

"Hmm" the group replied in unison as the real show began

'My beloveds, I want you all to destroy the pillar. Do your best' Seiichi sent a mental message.

"Everyone prepare to perform a soul attack formation. If it is one thing we know for sure, its soul cultivation isn't even a concept here" Seiichi order as the host called "Hinata Jigoku"

When everyone looked at Hinata, beside her beauty, they focused on her horns, eyes, and black diamond on her forehead. They were even more eye-catching than her voluptuous brėȧst and plump ȧss. As her blue in the wind created by Karin for a dramatic effect. Hinata channeled all of her power. The diamond in the middle of her forehead. Morphed into facial marking and her chakra erupted along with a power they had the people had never felt before.

Momoshiki and the Otsutsuki elders frowned, the new exactly what the energy she emitted was. Natural energy, they had tasted it before in the chakra fruits they devoured once every few thousand years if they got the blessings of the progenitor.

A massive white chakra tiger formed behind Hinata, once again shocking the crowd. "Haa!" she cried out as she did a quick flash step appearing before the pillar and turning it to rubble.

As the crowd stared flabbergasted. The sound of a single man's applause reverberated throughout the city. This man was Enma Otsutsuki. And envoy from Cosmic Academy. He appeared from thin air, then turned back time to reconstruct the pillar. Many all except the Jigoku and the Otsutsuki were aware of his presence.

"Fantastic! It seems that the city of Avon is finally living up to its title as the capital of Naonus! Procced, we don't have all day" he spoke, and the host stammered to call out the next name, which caught the crowd off guard "Ino Jigoku!" 

"Sisters perhaps" people wondered

The next moments their ȧssumptions were confirmed when Ino's purple lotus morphed into face markings as well. And although smaller in quantity, she emitted the same energy signature as Hinata. Chakra and Natural energy.

In a single blow, she too destroyed the pillar.

"Yakumo Jigoku!"

"Another one" people exclaimed in the crowd, once the noticed the odd forehead marking that would later become the characteristic of the Jigoku.

In the booth were the Selkie, Xiao, and Ashikaga sat. the Patriarchs had recognized the forehead markings and wondered if they had anything to do with the three young men that had made fools of their children and stole their daughters.

"They have to be related, look at that girl's horns. They're just like his."

"Like who," Momoshiki asked

"The one we petitioned you about my lord. My son made a deal, with ȧssets he had no right to. And a man that looked like that girl there" The Xiao patriarch gesture to Hinata, who resembled Seiichi the most out of all his wives. " Claimed my consort and my daughter as his own. Without your intervention and the existence of a contract, we were reduced to more covert methods of retrieve what's ours"

"Hum Hum, well. The man has thwarted our every attempt. We currently have elders handling the issues, but it seems, the man has won the hearts of the commoners. Lured into traps, our elders have been getting picked off one by one"

Momoshiki's face contorted. " you have my permission to attack, and bring me that girl, while you're at it. Do be gentle, I will make her my Empress consort."

The clan Patriarchs rejoiced internally as the youth competitors ran the gauntlet. And to nobody's surprise. Hinata, Ino, and Yakumo appeared at the end with a single step. The next test was one of cultivation. Each contestant would push their energy into a crystal podium and evaluate the cultivation level. After they were tested, their foundations were examined with Byakugan of the Cosmic Academy envoy. He examined each of them. But was offended when he laid his eyes on the Jigoku.

"What is the meaning of this?! You dare hide your constitution from me when I've ordered you to submit?" the envoy erupt. Arrogance and entitlement was a natural trait of the Otsutsuki.

"Hahaha, we only submit to our husband, and do we dare? Of course, we do. And if we explained every secret held in our bodies to you, it will be a disrespect to our husband. you will still fail to understand, and he'll kill you in the end. Honestly Senior, you should be thanking us for blatant disregard of your status ." Ino Spoke. The crowd was slack-jawed, elders dumbfounded, and the envoy on the verge of self-destruction.

"To put my sister's words in a laymen's terms, you're simply…not…worthy" Yakumo added and the envoy's eyes went wide with rage and he's chakra explode killing the mortals beneath him and suppressing everyone in the city.

"Seiichi?" Lee spoke

"I know, initial core tempering. and he's merely an envoy. this just shows the difficulties of the higher cultivation stages" Seiichi replied observing the scene. And in that very moment, the world stopped and Hinata activated her eyes. A split second later. the world had resumed, and the envoy was calm, and all of the spectators were none the wiser.

Confused and Offended, Momoshiki's blood was boiling. While Ino and Yakumo addressed the elder, Hinata bore similar haughtiness to that of Kaguya. In her eyes, the envoy wasn't even worthy enough to address.

"Yes, my lord" the Xiao, Ashikaga, and Selkie replied. Then it felt as if a knife had been stabbed through their ears.

"Very Well, you three Jigoku Sisters will be my chosen. At the end of the week, I will escort you to the cosmic academy!" the envoy declared to all

"Bullshit! That is not!" Momoshiki exploded, but wasn't able to finish his protest


Two fingers were put through the ċhėst of Momoshiki, stopping his outburst and the envoy spoke words full of acrimony

"Stay in your lane with your shiny green hat and cozy lifestyle. The only reason you are in control is because my cousin is your fiancée. But she is not dead and if she ever returns, your power will belong to her again and whatever bastard children she has will be introduced as yours. Do you understand now, your status? You are nothing but a figure head, overstep again and Kaguya will have another fiancée managing her affairs."

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