Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 63 - The Cambion

The commotion between the envoy and Momoshiki shocked everyone. With that small distraction, Seiichi pulled Hinata, Ino, and Yakumo into his inner realm. Sending the rest of the team away, Seiichi activated his eyes and the world stopped. Like his ability world lock, Seiichi's eyes also had a similar technique although, reversed. Instead of pulling everyone into a genjutsu, Seiichi had control of reality itself, everything he did from this point, would be irrefutable. Though, if either of the two had a higher cultivation, they might have been able to resist.

Stepping to Momoshiki and the envoy. Seiichi tapped their heads and allowed them to move.

Using his visual prowess, Seiichi entrapped Momoshiki's mind , and took control of the envoy from Hinata.

Inspecting the two Otsutsuki men, Seiichi waited, he had control over his fortune telling eyes. But he wanted them to activate on their own, signaling a change in the future. Nothing. He didn't see anything.

Running through the mind of the envoy and Momoshiki. Seiichi had discovered Momoshiki's plan to go rouge and remove Naonus from the control of the main Otsutsuki clan


It finally happened, his eyes activated on their own and showed him a new vision. Naonus was covered in fire and carnage, some of his team laid dead while Izanami Marici hoovered over the planet. Taking control over the vision, Seiichi fell deep within himself.

'No, there has to be a way!' Seiichi ran through many scenarios in head, changing his future again and again. Until finally one vision ended in black.

'This is the one I choose.' Seiichi thought to himself. Focusing his attention back on Momoshiki, "pay attention to the Selkie and be patient in your endeavors" he said.

The only option was to control Momoshiki, not with an iron fist but, a soft one, nudging him to a path that Seiichi could take advantage of.

Looking at the Envoy, he said, "nothing more than inner disciple for my wives and keep the faculty from paying too much attention to them."

When Seiichi had first seen a vision of everyone's death, he had been analyzing it on his free time. He had fuċkėd with the Xiao and Ashikaga. But when he encountered the Selkie, for some reason, their involvement led to his team's total extinction. Everything was confusing but had become clear when Seiichi invaded Momoshiki's mind.

The rest of Green Horn week was anti climatic , from the moment that the envoy made his decision, the youth competitors were simply going through the motions. Even the combat tournament was a total flop. But it was the night of the tournament that the world gave Seiichi his first, fuċk you.

Pakura appeared while Seiichi was on the rough of his tailor shop, He laid there plugging people that he had meet of the course of the week, into the future he chose, to see if it would become any clearer. Unfortunately, nothing had changed.

"Seiichi…It's Yuri...her body wasn't strong enough, so…" Pakura took a deep breath, "The baby began to eat itself, to survive… Seiichi, it's killing her at the same rate it's killing itself."

"I watched her every day, Pakura, so which one of you is killing her?" Seiichi replied in a cold tone that made Pakura's body tense and her vision narrow.

"S-Seiichi, we would ne…"

"Leave!", Seiichi cut her off. He was hurt, heartbroken. He was finally going to have a child, although the chances of success were slim, there was still hope. From the moment Seiichi had found out Yuri was pregnant; he always had an eye on her and the child in her wȯmb. That's why it so hard for him to understand.

"What did I miss?" he muttered; Seiichi is what sports fans would call a clutch player. Under pressure was when he worked the best. Deciding to stay on the roof, he put all of his focus on Yuri and their child.

'Skynet. I can't see it, where is the breech? She was weak but stable, now she's suddenly falling apart. Her organs are dying, Sakura's healing abilities can't even revive them. Yet, the child looks strong, the development is coming along nicely and it's energy is stronger than it's ever been'

[Ding…Message From Escanor!]

[Open or Ignore]

'Open' he replied

A video appeared in front of Seiichi; the thumbnail was of Escanor wearing a sympathetic expression


"Fredrick, if you never see this, good. But if you're watching this, then you're about to go to a pretty dark place. As your creator, I made you flawed. I stripped a way your ability to have kids in your past life. For that, I am sorry. The pill recipe that I put in the system will help you keep the mother safe if you're still in the lower realms. Its my apology and thanks, for saving my life. When you gave me all of your karmic points, I advanced to a higher stage and was able to kill my enemy. Though, it gave birth to two more, I took something valuable from them. By the time you arrive, I hope you will have strong children that I can meet. And as they would most likely fight along side you, I would like you to fight along side me. Afterall, you are my last child. Stay strong, things will get better. No matter what situation you are in, or how much love you've lost. You keep fighting, you've always been a fighter. It's why I allowed you to go back time and time again without pushing for your karmic points. But I am not there anymore, when you die. You no longer meet me. So, keep fighting, or you may never be able to fight again.]

When the message ended, the world began to spin, and Seiichi felt sick, his throat became dry and his eyes hot. With labored breaths he heaved. Pakura saw the sudden change in Seiichi and appeared at his side to comfort him.

Seiichi was going through an emotional turmoil. So many emotions, he couldn't even tell his left from his right, let alone what he was feeling. But one thing was clear, he felt pain.

'Skynet, give me the best course of action'. Seiichi, for the first time since his past life, he had felt desperation.

'The survival of my child, you stupid fuċkɨnġ computer. What else?' he snapped

[Extracting the child would work, though it is months away from being fully developed. The seals aren't fully formed yet and the world will kill it the moment it leaves its mother's wȯmb. The best course of action, is to terminate the cambion and save the mother]

"No!" Seiichi's power burst forth in all of it's glory, sending Pakura flying into the distance. Activating his eyes, he pushed them to the limit "my eyes are supreme, I may not be the strongest man yet, But I know! I can save my child"


The sky rumbled and lightning struck. The next moment Seiichi stood in a room surrounded by his people. Yuri laid deathly pale on a bed, while Sakura and Karin gave her medical attention. With Seiichi's appearance everyone in the room beside Yuri began to choke under the weight of Seiichi's power. His Demonic chakra penetrated their bodies like a million needles.

"I will... Save my child " He muttered. Forming a knife hand, Seiichi cut Yuri open and took their child. As small underdeveloped fetus was now in the palm of his hand. While he gave it the energy to survive, Seiichi slowly began to calm down as he saw that his child still had a little heartbeat and was continuing to develop.

Sitting in a lotus position, Seiichi cradled the child and provided what ever it needed. As everyone saw the scene and the light leave Yuri's eyes. They all felt a sting in their ċhėst. Yuri had died with a weak smile on her face. Picking her body up from the bed, Hinata took her away. "I'll handle this. Please, take care of him" Hinata whispered to Ino on her way out.

"Hmm, Stupid girl, she really believes she's the only one that cares about him." Ino replied. Causing Hinata to smirk as she walked away.

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