Journey To The True Martial World

Chapter 68 - The End Pt. 2

On Naonus, Hinata had finally absorbed the remainder of her ten tails and reached Gold Core Transformation. Now floating high above Naonus, Hinata watched as the Otsutsuki legion traveled across solar systems to wage war.

Turning to look at her family, Hinata got into the fighting spirit. Ready to defend until her last breath. As the Otsutsuki legion approached at high speed and Battle intent could be felt through space directed solely at Naonus.

"Hmm" Hinata sneered and activated her chakra mode.

Extending her hand and elegantly crafted spear appeared emitting tyrannical demonic energy.

"Eight trigrams: Celestial Connection"

Hinata's Zetteigan activated. And slowly but surely, every moon in her vicinity was tethered, creating a massive flower of life withing the eight trigrams formations. When the formation was complete, her power skyrocketed. Getting into a fighting stance, the Otsutsuki legion appeared before her.

"Step aside, girl! and surrender your life!" The elder shouted

Infusing her voice with chakra so that the elder could hear her in space, Hinata replied "I can't give you what belongs to my husband. But, I can step aside"

In a single breath, Hinata appeared at Naonus' moon. The elder's face contorted and the main soldiers began to sweat.

"You can go if you dare" were the last words she spoke.

Finding Hinata's existence extremely odd, the elder sent a Platoon down to Naonus. However, before they even reached Naonus' orbit - - they were slaughtered.

Looking over at Hinata, the elder saw the blood of his kin floating from Hinata's spear. She stared in return, her face blank and spear ready to kill again.

The elder was furious and waved his hand. "Another" he shouted and a platoon once again attempted to breach Naonus' orbit.

In the vacuum of space, not a sound was produced as Hinata moved to slaughter another platoon. Not a sound could be heard as their bodies were torn apart by her spear. The Otsutsuki Legion looked on in horror. Not because Hinata looked like a slaughter demon, but because even when they did not blink, they had yet to witness the actual slaughter of their kin.

Within the celestial connection formation, Hinata claimed dominion. It was her world and they were just dying in it. Space bent to her will and every move was absolute.

"Enough of these games!" The Otsutsuki elder shouted and advanced on Hinata's position. For the first time, the Legion saw Hinata's strike. She had appeared before the Elder, though, her blow was blocked to a halt.

With a smug smile on his face, the elder stared at Hinata "Just a girl with petty tricks..." he said

"128.." She grunted

Pushing her spear downward to break, she threw her shoulder into the elder's ċhėst knocking him back.

Before he could react, Hinata's chakra mode took on the appearance of a blazing sun. Her nose bleed and tears of blood cascaded down her cheek

"hmm" the elder grunted to activate his Byakugan but what immediately hit by a backlash that caused him to spit blood. Hinata had used her Zetteigan to restrict his dojutsu.

As the elder looked on in horror, an image of Hinata appeared before him and barrage of spear strikes penetrated his body. Each strike obliterating his chakra points. when the last spear entered the elder's body, Hinata shouted, "Spears!" and the elder's body burst into a blood mist that froze instantaneously when touched by space.

On Hinata's back was a black diamond. It was as black as the spacial void she resided in. It had first appeared on her hand and moved along her body as she killed Otsusuki clansmen. Now in its final resting place, the diamond began to take in all of the chakra, abilities, and souls of the clansmen she killed.

On the surface of Naonus, her family was undergoing a similar modification. After they killed their ten tails, who were in essence Otsutsuki clansmen. Unbeknownst to them, a similar mark had appeared on them. Moving from hands to their backs as well. The power of the Otsutsuki clansmen sacrificed to nourish the god trees were being accumulated in the diamond mark. But like the mark of a hundred seals, each one of their diamonds slowly morphed into their own unique brand. Adding another characteristic to the Jigoku family.

Back in space, Hinata had opened up on the Otsutsuki Legion and fought with every fiber in her body. By the dozens, she killed without remorse.

Systems away, The Otsutsuki progenitor watched Hinata's rampage with his son.

"She's going to kill an entire Legion. How is that even possible. She's only 25 years old!"

"Relax, Son." the progenitor spoke to the patriarch.

"Relax? How? What if there is more like her. If Momoshiki can make that thing submit, then how powerful has he gotten!"

"Momoshiki is on his death bed. There's another man in their calling the shots. He's the one stopping us from seeing Naonus and the one that commands that girl. Send another legion." The progenitor turned away and walked through a portal to appear in the depth of the Marici Compound

"Izanami, we have a problem," said the progenitor

"What is it Kyodai?" she replied

"The boy is making his move. He has a girl at the Golden Core Transformation. and I'm sure his power is leagues above hers. Yet, she is now slaughtering my legions and has killed my second son using a formation and techniques I've never seen before." he replied in haste

"Calm down. Can't you see it? that unruly bitch of a granddaughter of yours has discovered something on that small planet. And like the flap of a buŧŧerflies wings, Seiichi Uzu is the distant earthquake it produces." Izanami stood up from her seat and looked at Kyodai

" You should really be more involved with your family, Kyodai. But, if you want to win. Pull back, you troops. He intends to use the Otsutsuki's arrogance against you. Everything you did to create fear throughout the Cosmos is now the weapon of your demise. and the most deadly of those weapons are being stolen as we speak."

Izanami was a smart woman. calm, collected, and the most analytical. As she lived her life in peace she kept a close eye on all her enemies. And if she was a grunt looking to topple the Otsutsuki, she would do it the same way that Seiichi was.

Kyodai racked his brain for a moment then realized exactly what Izanami could've been referring to.

"The Karma Seal and God Tree..."

"Precisely. The flaw of the seals is apparent. There is no limit to the seals' growth. The more that girl kills the more chakra she collects from your kin. The stronger that seal becomes. Your son is in her, his soldiers are in her. But this vessel will not roll over and give in like the rest. She cultivates her soul as well. They will be nothing more than stepping stone. The God Trees merged with your traitors and now they have also become stepping stones for that boy's people."

Kyodai swallowed deep, then asked, "What can we do?"

"Nothing, the moment he awakened his eyes and stopped us from tracking him, he won. Now with a group of people at that girl's power level. the two of us don't stand a chance. And don't even think about aid. Your clan's tyranny has destroyed all bridges of salvation and because I'm your mother. I have the sin of birthing you."

"We should negotiate"

"Maybe. The boy has planned for every instance and he is counting on our pride to force us out. He wishes to ascend. And I'm of a mind to let him. He's a demon who's origins even I can't see. and quite frankly it makes me nervous."

Izanami waved her hand toward Kyodai and pushed him through a spatial rift sending him back to his cultivation chambers. Through the void, Izanami's voice echoed orders. "We wait. He acts brash because we make him nervous too. As long as he thinks of us as a great force, all we have to do is ride the illusion. he will seek us out. now end the conflict."

Kyodai did as his mother told him and ended the conflict. Another two years passed swiftly. On Naonus, only the Jigoku remained on the barren planet and they silently used the tailed beast as nourishment for their cultivation.

Together, the Jigoku achieved initial Diamond Core Transformation and Seiichi reached the peak of Diamond Core Transformation. Now equal to the likes of Izanami.

One by one, the Jigoku emerged. Rock and Sakura, Naruto and Fuu, Orochimaru, Ino, Yakumo, Karin and Akira, Natsu and Pakura, Finally Seiichi and Hinata.

* * *

"Do... Do you all have extra energy storage on your ċhėst?"

Everyone looked at each other and answered one by one. The location of the Karma marks varied but essentially they all bore the Karma seal.

"It's called the karma seal. We killed 'Gods' and this separates us from ordinary mortals. But be warned. The lives of those Otsutsuki live on within us. We must exterminate them so that their power can become our own. Their souls will be the nourishment that will bring our souls up to equal standing with our new power" Seiichi spoke for the first time.

"I know you all can feel it, it's been two years. The Celestials should have attacked and they didn't. Either they are plotting to exterminate us or they intend to stay out of our way." Akira spoke

"It matters not, this place is nothing but a nuisance. the faster we leave the better. First, the behemoth and Shuren need to catch up. Then we can leave this world." Seiichi took his cup and plat from the table then left the room.

* * *

It took another Decade before the Behomths had reached the same level as the Jigoku. By this time the souls of the Otsutsuki within their Karama Seals had been reduced to sustenance, freeing them from potential future threats.

With no other roads of advancement, Seiichi could finally move on to a new world and adventure to heart's content and gain new power to snuff the existence of the bastard Escanor.

In a matter of seconds, Izanami Marici was located and visited by Seiichi. They discussed much and Seiichi discovered that all Izanami wanted was to live as an unrivaled existence in her world. Agreeing to open the gate to the Realm Guardian, Seiichi and his family left the Nartuoverse. But, even though he had gone, he still made it is business to teach Izanami respect.

The people Seiichi helped, the force Hinata, Ino, and Yakumo gathered at the academy and the resources pumped into everyone. Became the People's Liberation Army. With banner's of Seiichi, The once lowly mortals, and loyal nobles rebelled and slaughtered celestial clans with help of Chakra fruits and banished Heretic clans, located by Seiichi before his departure.

Izanami saw here world burn.

* * *

In a dimension, separate yet apart of the Narutovese. The Jigoku family stood in front of a sweating realm Guardian. He had recognized the sigils on Seiichi's body.

"What the hell is your problem?" Asked Pakura

The Realm Guardian finally took his eyes off of Seiichi and regained his composure. Unbeknownst to Seiichi, he and the realm guardian had met once before. Seiichi was traveling in a ball of fire and before the realm Guardian could intercept the sigils on his body activated and the Escanor intervened.

The sheer power of the sigils and Escanor haunted the Realm Guardian to this very moment. And never in his wildest dreams did he think that in such a small time frame. Seiichi would be ascending, especially with Izanami acting as a guard dog.

"Watch your tongue, girl!" The guardian shouted then faced Seiichi once more. "You wish to ascend. It can be done. as long as you reach the summit of power you can leave. breaking free of this lowly realm doesn't have many requirements. "

"Is there anything we should know before moving on?"

"Every time I open the world gate. the destination changes. But one thing that is the same in every realm is this. The power you have now is comparable to ants in that world. the knowledge you have her will always be with you. But you must all find a way to convert your abilities to fit your new world's power system. Now be gone"


The world went dark and the Jigoku family hovered in the void with no sense of time.

"Everyone, find my voice. Hold on to me or you will be lost forever"

hand and hand the Jigoku family waited. Suddenly, Seiichi began to shine with blinding golden light. His Sigils were activating.

"Skynet. Is the new realm trying to kill us?"

"No, those are your time sigils. They are making sure that you arrive at the start of a great series of events. Just as you wished... Now they are trying to find a proper place for you to land...Standby... System Reboot..."

"Installing update..."

Seiichi listened as Skynet updated, All he could do is wait for the other shoe to drop. The current events were simply out of his control.

* * *

While the Jigoku family waited in the void, Escanor tinkered with Skynet.

"Was it your advice that prompted him to collect people from that low-grade realm. it's a waste of time and effort...

It must be a flaw in your coding. Worry not I'll fix you."

Escanor tinkered away as he made changes to Skynet. The most peculiar changes were the refinement of the Bloodline pills and without Seiichi's permission. Escanor changed Skynet in ways that put her onto the path towards a singularity.

When Escanor was finished, he threw Skynet back into Seiichi. Knocking him and his people through the void and into the new realm.

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