In a beautiful land, rich with vegatation and life. It's inhaitants enjoyed a grand festivle in honor of the  princess' betrothal. The night was filled with joy and laughter. People danced, fought and drank in celebration. As, the sun began to set and the sky was dyed by a multitude of colors. Loud noises were emitted from the heavens.

The city gradualy went silent, looking towards the source of the noise. The people witness blazing stone rain falling from the sky. Looking on in syupor, not a man, woman, or child moved. High in the sky, the bright moon turned blood red due to a lunar eclipse.

"My lady, we must get you to saftey. This can be sign of eminet destruction. The blood moon is a sign of a realm collision. It may be opening the way for demons." A gaurd behind the princess leaned foward and spoke softly as not to raise concern. 

The young princess looked to her protector and  observed his unusaul serious demeanor. Slightly nodding her head. The princess rose from her seat. Along woth her husband, the princess was lead from the hall and to an underground chamber that acted as panic room. 

By the time the door closed, the first of the meteorites hit the earth. Throughing the land into frenzy. Fires blazed and towns were destroyed all over the continent.

Within this destructive shower, the gaurds ȧssumption was manifesting itself. A portal had opened from a lower realm.  Through this poratl, a massive ball of fire made of 12 people surnamed, Jigoku. Had come through, along with one servent. In blazing glory, witnessed by the entire continent. The 13 crashed in an ancient city.

* * *

In a ancient city, the jigoku family laied in massive crator by an oasis sorrouned by great stond pillars and statutes of humans with animal heads overlooking the waters. Inside the crator, the jigoku family began to come back to conciousness. One by one they woke, Seiichi was last to open his and bȧrė witness to their new lands that would become their home.

Observing in silence, they all took notice to the destruction they caused to the landscape. The desolatness of the place they arrived in.

"Where are we?" Karin asked

"lets get our selves together first. Theirs water there" Seiichi gestured towards the oasis, " It's goning to take a moment to re open the myriad realm. So lets just relax and wait" he added

In the Oasis, the Jigoku bathed to wash the soot from their bodies. Saoking in the waters, Seiichi felt a little odd. Moving his body around, he began to feel how different the gravity was and the thinness of the air.

Shaking out his body, Seiichi stepped out of the water. Clasping his hands together, Seiichi tried his first jutsu, "Earth Style: Mud wall"

The ground churned slowly and a solid wall steadily emerged.  Seiichi raised an eyebrow at the finished product.

"That took three times the amount of chakra it was supposedto" Said Akira

"The world his fighting the foregin power. Essentialy, all chakra is worth her is parlor tricks. Nature enrgy might just be a little better, but not by much." Seiichi replied

"So what do we do with all of the stock piled Chakra and nature energy that we have in out seals?"  Rock asked as he too stepped out of the oaisis.

"I have a use for it, but we have to use it wisely--"

"Chakra isnt the only problem. We're weaker here as well. I feell like my oldself before I conditioned my body" Yakumo spoke as she carassed her body.

"It will only be momentary. We--" Seiichi stopped mid sentence when an incoming message stole his attention.

[System Online. Hello, Seiichi.]

"SkyNet? what the hell happened to you?"

[During the journey I recieved an update. Escanor wasn't pleased with you choice to bring along people from a lower realm. He also altered the formula for the bloodline pills.]

"That fuċkɨnġ guy... forget it. Scan everyones body, I want to know even the slightest problem."

[Yes, Sir]

"Oh, and welcome back Skynet"

[I was never gone, Seiichi... Scan complete. Rock Jigoku and Naruto Jigoku are nolonger human. Naruto is now a Kyubi and Rock is a dragon, a celestial dragon to be exact, capable of weilding all four elements and then some.]

"I was expecting as much.  So the four dragons are no longer within him?"

[Negative. they are now him. the chakra from the Kyubi was so overbearing it resenated with something in this world. Most likely another Kyubi no Kitsune]

"Well, scan the whole area. I want a map as soon as possible." Seiichi gave his order and then began to work on reopening his Myriad realm. Due to the harsh traveling it was sealled of completely to protect the life inside. 

Hours later, Seiichi had finally stabiliazed the realm and re opened it. The Jigoku family now stood inside, collecting supplies for a journey, and their perspective weapons. 

When everyone was ready, Seiichi faced Shouren

"Why arent you ready, your lord and mistress are traveliing in a new world and choose to reside your self to the Myriad Realm? Prepare...Now" Turning to face the Behemoths, Seiichi spoke loud and clear, "I Promised your Chief I would take you all to the higher realm. Now we are here and we need war mounts. Will you all humble yourselves today for the benifit of us all?"

The Behmoths said nothing as they contemplated their answer. From the 13 Behemoths, one stepped forward. 

"I ȧssume the clan chief has fallen in battle?"

"He has" Seiichi answered

"Then that leaves me as the next clan cheif. If it's war mounts you need, then war mounts you'll have" The Behemoth that spoke was youndest son of the Chief. and the most talented of his kin.

"Hmm. Then you'll be my mount, Lord..."


"Lord Sigurd, I'm in your care" Seiichi gave a slight bow 

For that point every one was given a mount. All except Shouren, she rode with Fuu. Out in the world, Seiichi led his family through the lands. Deserts for miles, the air was dry and the sun unnaturaly intsense. On the backs of beast, the Jigoku travled. 

After days, they arrived at the city of Safi. Approaching the gates, The gaurds took up arms once the saw behemoths that they rode. 

"HALT! State your business!" a gaurd shouted

"We are here to find a home! My family and I wish to start our business in town. A place to create Roots! I'm sure you can understand!" Seiichi shouted back to the gaurd

"Open that gates!"

Met by a small group of gaurds, The Jigoku were led into the city. They stuck out like a sore thumb upon their Behmoths. Coupled with the immense beauty of them all, the drew in attention from both men and women.

Sometime in to the city. Seiichi arrived at a great palace.

"You said you wished to open a business and make Safi your home. Only the crowned princess can do such a thing. She is in charge of city affars."

"When can we see her" asked Seiichi

"Now" the gaurd replied, "Just be mindful, she is to be married and is a bit unstable at the moment"


* * *

The meeting with the princess was a simple one. Seiichi agreed to pay taxes, Registered the family and used jewels from the myriad realm to purchase a plot of land outside of city. When night came, most of everyones chakra was used to build their  new manor, barnes, shop, a smith, and more. They worked until dawn.  The next day was spent making everything more homely. 

While the rest of the femily were working, Seiichi and Ino took a trip into the city to learn abit more about where they were...

It was difficult for Seiichi to get a world map, Looking it over in a tavern. Ino searched souls for information. On the map Seiichi saw the name of city that he knew all to well. The Labryinth City Orario. 

"Danmachi" he muttered. Rolling up the map, Seiichi put iit to the side. He had no intentions of goin to that city.  

"What did you find out?" 

"Nothing much, we might actually find out more if we just stop trying. Let's just get settled, this world looks peacefuly. Different from the shinobi continent, let's enjoy it, Seiichi."

From that day on, The Jigoku's lived mild lives. Hunting for monster drops and crystals to be sold, Gathering Herbs and other ingredients for potions, and materials for weapons to be sold. The Jigoku family's reputaion grew like a wild fire. A peaceful business family that handled their neightbors with kindness. In turn, connections were built and the Jigoku were given kindness in turn.

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