The only way to save your life is to choose a new one.

Looking at option one, Li Yue shook his head.

He had no interest in being a father, nor did he want to spend three years playing house with a bunch of little brats in Mount Hao.

Looking at the task rewards, one was a mysterious stone tablet of unknown use, and the other was a Hunyuan Lingjing that could upgrade a spell or magical power to the level of a saint. Compared with the two, there was no need to worry at all.

"I choose two."

In Mount Hao, Tang Sanzang was abducted by Red Boy. The three disciples searched everywhere, but could not find the location of the goblin cave. They only found a group of miserable poor hairy gods.

This group of hairy gods are the gods of the nearby mountains and lands, a total of 60 people, but they are driven as slaves by Red Boy. They have their hair tied up on their heads to light lamps, and the little demons have robbed them of all their incense offerings, so that they are naked and hungry...

The Great Sage asked: "Where is the demon's cave?"

The gods said: "There is a stream in this mountain called the Dry Pine Stream, and there is a cave next to the stream called the Fire Cloud Cave. There is a demon king in the cave with great magical powers."

Wukong said: "Since you are driven by him and often suffer in his cave, do you know his name and where he came from?"

The gods said: "Speaking of this demon king, the Great Sage should know. He is the son of the Bull Demon King, born to the Rakshasa woman, and his nickname is Red Boy, also known as the Holy Infant King. The Bull Demon King asked him to guard the Hao Mountain, but it made us suffer."

The monkey was overjoyed after hearing this, thinking that he was relieved, so he shouted away the gods and jumped off the mountain.

He said to Bajie and Sha Seng: "Don't worry, my two junior brothers, Master is fine. That demon is close to me and will never hurt Master."

Bajie said: "Brother, you always tell irrelevant jokes. Your family is in Dongsheng Shenzhou, and this is Xiniu Hezhou, separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, where did this ghost relative come from?"

The monkey smiled and explained: "You don't know, when I was the demon king in Huaguo Mountain, I also traveled all over the world to famous mountains and visited heroes on earth. At that time, I recognized six brothers."

"Because I am short, I am the seventh, and the eldest brother is the Bull Demon King. The demon here is the son of the Bull Demon King. According to seniority, he has to call me uncle. Since we are relatives, how could he harm Master?"

The monkey was very happy, but Bajie pouted.

"As the saying goes: If you don't visit for three years, your uncle won't recognize your nephew, your uncle will let the dog bite you, and your aunt will look cold. You haven't had any contact with him for hundreds of years, how can he recognize you?"

The monkey shouted: "You fool, how can you succeed if you look ahead and behind? Even if he doesn't recognize me, at least we have a friendship in the past years. I don't expect him to invite me to a dinner, but at least I can get my master back."

The three of them soon arrived at Kusongjian. Sha Seng stayed behind to look after the horses and luggage, while Wukong and Bajie went to see the monster to ask for a master.

The two came to the front of the cave and saw the words "Huoyun Cave in Kusongjian, Haoshan" engraved on the stone, and a group of little monsters were playing outside the cave.

Wukong shouted, "Little demon, go in and tell your king that his uncle is here, and ask him to come out to greet him."

The little demon went in and reported, "King, there is a monkey monk with a hairy face and a thunder god mouth and a pig monk with a fat head and big ears outside, claiming to be your uncle, and asked you to go out to greet them."

Red Boy was furious when he heard it, and said, "How dare you, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie, take advantage of me."

"Little demons, take my fire spears, and push the carts out."

Immediately, a group of little demons pushed out five small carts from the front door and arranged them according to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

After the cart was parked, Red Boy came out barefoot with a musket, shouting, "Who are you, yelling nonsense at me?"

The monkey said, "Nephew, I am your uncle, please let my master go, or we will break up the relationship."

Red Boy was furious and shouted, "Stop talking nonsense, monkey. What kind of relationship do you and I have?"

The monkey laughed and said, "You don't know. When I swore brotherhood with your father, you didn't even know where you were."

Red Boy shouted, "Shut up, monkey, don't try to make friends."

The monkey said, "You don't know. In 1989, I visited heroes and swore brotherhood with seven of them. The eldest brother is the Bull Demon King, also known as the Great Sage Ping Tian; the second brother is the Dragon Demon King, also known as the Great Sage Fu Hai; the third brother is the Peng Demon King, also known as the Great Sage Hun Tian; the fourth brother is the Lion King, also known as the Great Sage Yi Shan; the fifth brother is the Monkey King, also known as the Great Sage Feng Yu, and he is the fifth brother; the six marmoset kings are also known as the Great Sage Exorcist; only Old Sun is short, so he ranks seventh and is known as the Great Sage Equaling Heaven. "

"Since you are the son of my eldest brother, the Bull Demon King, aren't you my eldest nephew?"

Red Boy didn't believe it at all, and shouted, "You monkey are full of nonsense." Then he raised his flaming spear and stabbed the monkey in the face.

Wukong dodged and cursed, "You little beast, you don't know your place!"

The two of them

, one with a spear, the other with a club, fighting in the air. After twenty rounds, there was no winner.

Bajie could see clearly that although Red Boy had not been defeated, he had already shown signs of weakness. If he continued to fight, he would lose sooner or later.

"How can he take the credit for saving Master alone? I will follow you, at least I can help you."

He raised his rake, jumped into the clouds, and nailed the goblin on the head to grab the credit.

Seeing this, Red Boy thought to himself that if he couldn't beat one, wouldn't he be killed on the spot if there was another one?

He hurriedly dragged his spear away and retreated on a red cloud.

The monkey wanted to curse, but he saw that if he fought a few more rounds, he could show a flaw and send the goblin to the west with a club. Bajie came up and scared the goblin away.

What a fool who is more likely to cause trouble than to accomplish anything!

But now that things have come to this, he can only shout: "Chase, don't let him run away!"

The two chased to the front of the cave, only to see the goblin standing on a small car, with his right hand clenched into a fist, hitting his nose twice.

Bajie laughed and said: "The little thing is playing tricks, hitting his nose to bleed, are you going to find a place to sue us for bullying children?"

Red Boy punched twice and chanted a few spells. The next moment, fire spewed out of his mouth, nose and eyes. In an instant, red light shot up into the sky and thick smoke covered the sun.

Bajie panicked and said: "Oh my God, this goblin wants to roast the old pig and sprinkle spices on it for enjoyment. We have to leave quickly!" You see he ran very fast and ran to the other side of the Kusong Stream.

The monkey has great magical powers. He pinched the fire-proof formula and went in to find the monster.

Red Boy saw the monkey coming and spit out a few more mouthfuls of fire. The five small cars are in line with the way of mutual generation of the five elements.

Fire produces earth, earth produces metal, metal produces water, water produces wood, and wood produces fire.

The five elements circulate and generate each other endlessly, the fire burns more and more vigorously, and under the boiling smoke and fire, the monkey can no longer find the location of the goblin, so he can only give up and jump out of the fire.

The monkey returned to the stream and scolded Bajie for being disloyal when he saw him.

The two argued for a while, which made Sha Seng beside them laugh.

The monkey said: "Brother Sha, what are you laughing at?"

Sha Seng said: "The goblin's spearmanship is not as good as yours, but he just borrowed the fire to keep you away. If it's up to me, you can easily defeat him by using mutual generation and mutual restraint."

The monkey suddenly understood and said: "This makes sense. I was so busy that I forgot about it. Wait, I will go to the East China Sea to ask the Dragon King for water to break his fire and see how arrogant he is."

He drove the somersault cloud and arrived at the East China Sea in a moment, and soon invited the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas.

The four sea dragon kings were lying in ambush in the clouds, and the monkey went to challenge them again.

Red Boy saw the monkey coming again, knowing that he was no match for the monkey in a weapon fight, so he ordered the little demon to push the cart out of the cave and set fire again.

The monkey hurriedly shouted: "Where is the Dragon King?"

When the four sea dragon kings saw the fire, they hurriedly led the water creatures to spray water into the flames. In an instant, heavy rain poured down, like a river bursting its banks.

But even though the rain was heavy, not a single fire was extinguished, but it burned more and more vigorously.

The rain from the Dragon King could only put out ordinary fires, not the Samadhi True Fire. Not only could it not be put out, but it was like adding fuel to the fire, making it more and more prosperous.

The fireworks became more and more prosperous, and the monkey was not afraid of fire, but only of smoke.

His eyes were smoked by the smoke, and he was tearful and hot all over. He rushed into the stream, but the cold water forced his anger into his body, making him so angry that his three souls left his body and he almost died.

When he was pulled out of the water by Sha Seng, he was already cold, and Sha Seng was so sad that he cried.

But Bajie said, "Brother, don't cry. This monkey is not dead. He has 72 transformations and 72 lives. You straighten his legs, I have a way to save him."

He massaged the monkey's chest and straightened out the anger. The monkey immediately returned to his body and woke up.

"Alas, I have suffered a great loss this time."

After sending away the four sea dragon kings, the monkey began to worry again, not knowing how to rescue his master.

Bajie said, "Don't worry, Monkey. Guanyin Bodhisattva promised that if you call for help, the heaven will respond and the earth will be blessed. It's better to ask for help. That demon is very powerful. We need to ask for a powerful one. It's better to ask Guanyin Bodhisattva."

Wukong said, "That being said, my waist and legs are sore. I can't ride the cloud. How can I get to the South China Sea?"

Bajie said, "I'll go!" He rode the cloud and went south.

In the South China Sea, Li Yue turned into a grouper and hid in the cracks of the rocks under the water. He looked at Luojia Mountain through the sea.

Even though the waves on the water were turbulent, they couldn't block his sight.

Since he accepted the task, the system teleported him here, but it was not easy to complete this task.

He couldn't use his divine power now, so it was very inconvenient to act.

Guanyin was preaching in Chaoyin Cave, and the jade bottle was always half a meter away from her.

Even if Li Yue turned into a mosquito or a fly, although his identity would not be revealed by the artist mask, he could not get within ten meters of Chaoyin Cave.

, not to mention tampering with the Jade Bottle.

"We can only wait for the opportunity."

Li Yue was very patient, staying underwater and waiting quietly.

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