The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

Let’s talk about Bajie, who bid farewell to Wukong and Sha Seng and flew to the South China Sea on a cloud.

But Red Boy was smart. He returned to the cave and thought: Since Sun Wukong could ask the Four Seas Dragon Kings for help, he might also ask for other reinforcements.

So he left the cave and followed in the clouds, and happened to see Bajie flying south on a cloud.

"There is no other place in the south, so he must be going to ask for help from Guanyin Bodhisattva."

"I have heard that Guanyin is a great and powerful person who has attained enlightenment in ancient times. If Zhu Bajie really asks her to come, how can I get away with it? Oh, I must stop him."

He hurriedly drove the cloud and circled in front of Zhu Bajie at a faster speed, turning into a fake Guanyin and sitting on the rock wall.

Zhu Bajie was flying on the clouds for a short while when he suddenly saw Guanyin Bodhisattva sitting on the rock wall in front of him. He hurriedly stopped the clouds and bowed: "Disciple Zhu Wuneng, I pay my respects to the Bodhisattva."

Red Boy pretended to be serious and asked: "Why are you running around instead of protecting Tang Monk?"

Bajie said: "My master and I were traveling to the Fire Cloud Cave in the Dry Pine Stream of Hao Mountain. A demon named Red Boy captured my master. My disciple and I went to fight him, but he would set fire. We didn't win the first round. In the second round, we asked the Dragon King to send rain to put out the fire, but the fire didn't go out. Instead, it burned more and more vigorously and burned my brother. I came here to ask the Bodhisattva to help save my master from the clutches of the devil!"

Red Boy said: "The owner of the Fire Cloud Cave is a kind person who never hurts people on his own initiative. You must have offended him first."

Bajie thought to himself, that little brat made the mountain gods and land gods in the Hao Mountain area so miserable, how come he became a kind person in the mouth of the Bodhisattva?

Although he thought so, he did not dare to refute, and only said: "It's not me, it's my brother who offended him."

Red Boy saw that he was almost scared, so he said: "Come with me, go to the cave to see the cave owner, I will help you to ask for a favor, you apologize for your brother and get your master back."

Bajie did not distinguish the real from the fake, and did not doubt him, and followed the fake Guanyin into the Fire Cloud Cave.

Just after entering the cave, I heard Guanyin in front of me shouting: "Little guys, Zhu Bajie is here, tie him up for me."

A group of little demons rushed up with shouts, knocked the fool down, put him in a cloth bag, leaving only the pig's head outside, and tied the bag tightly with a rope and hung it on the beam.

Red Boy revealed his true form and said with a smile: "I'll let you, you pig idiot, with your IQ, can you help Tang Monk to obtain the scriptures? You dare to ask Guanyin to subdue me? I'll hang you for three or five days, and then kill you and give you wine for us."

He said: "Well, look at your fat body, it's too greasy, we might get sick of it if we eat too much. Why don't you eat half first, and make the remaining half into bacon, and store it in the cave, so that we can have two more plates of bacon during the New Year."

After hearing this, Bajie was so angry that he cursed: "Damn demon, you tried every means to trick Grandpa Pig into the cave, and you really dare to eat me, I guarantee that everyone in your cave will suffer from pig head plague."

But when Red Boy led Bajie into the cave, Sun Wukong had a strong spiritual sense and noticed something unusual.

"Not good, Bajie must have been tricked by the demon and was captured into the cave."

He asked Sha Seng to watch the luggage, and he endured the pain and crossed the stream to investigate.

After passing the Dry Pine Stream, not far from the cave entrance, he turned into a fly, flew to the top of a little demon, and followed him into the cave. Sure enough, he saw Bajie hanging on the beam, groaning like a plague pig.

The monkey flew to the cloth bag and heard Bajie cursing.

After listening for a while, the monkey understood and laughed secretly: "This plague pig was deceived by the demon's transformation technique. It's really brainless."

He was trying to save Bajie, but heard Red Boy shouting: "Where are the six strong men? Go and invite the old king to come and tell him that I have captured Tang Monk and want to steam him and eat him. Invite him to enjoy it and prolong his life for a thousand years."

"The old king, isn't it the Bull Demon King?" The monkey rolled his eyes and immediately had an idea.

Look at him, he flew out of the cave, rushed in front of the six strong men, and turned into the Bull Demon King, walked towards the Fire Cloud Cave, and soon met the six strong men and was invited into the Fire Cloud Cave.

The Red Boy kowtowed and offered tea.

"My son, why did you invite me here?" The monkey always liked to take advantage of others, and the words "my son" came out very smoothly, as if he really had such a son.

The Red Boy said, "I am a humble boy, but I caught Tang Monk. I heard that eating a piece of his meat can make you immortal. I dare not enjoy it alone, so I asked my father to come and share it with me."

The monkey pretended to be surprised and said, "Is it the master of Sun Xingzhe?"

The Red Boy said, "Yes!"

The monkey said, "You can't eat it, you can't eat it! Sun Xingzhe is not easy to mess with. The monkey has great magical powers and can change in a thousand ways. He once made a big fuss in the Heavenly Palace, and 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals could not catch him. Taishang Laojun put him in the alchemy furnace for seventy-four

Nineteen days have not killed him. Strong men like him never listen to reason. How dare you eat his master! "

The monkey saw the opportunity and boasted about himself. He was really shameless.

Although he said so, Red Boy was not afraid at all. He said, "Let my father know that Sun Wukong fought against me twice and fled away both times I set fire to him. Even if he has the ability, I am not afraid. Just eat Tang Sanzang's meat with confidence."

The monkey found that he could not scare him, so he found another reason, saying that he was fasting these days, and it would not be too late to eat Tang Sanzang's meat after the fasting period.

He said so to delay time so that he could find a chance to rescue Tang Sanzang.

But Red Boy was suspicious.

"My father usually eats people for a living, why is he fasting now? Something is wrong, very wrong!"

He found the six strong men and asked, "Where did you invite the old king from?"

The six strong men said, "I invited him on the way. "

Red Boy knew that there might be a trick.

Since he had doubts, things would be easier to handle. He found a reason to ask Wukong about his birth date.

When the monkey heard this, he knew that he had been exposed, and laughed: "My son, your father is old and his memory is declining, but he has forgotten your birthday. When you go home the next day, ask your mother. "

Red Boy said angrily: "My father often recites my birth date, how could he forget it? Needless to say, you are fake."

After saying that, he raised the fire spear and stabbed.

The monkey saw that he could not continue to act, so he showed his true appearance, blocked the fire spear with the golden hoop, and laughed: "Rebellious son, how can a son beat his father in the world?"

Red Boy mistakenly recognized his father, and was provoked by the monkey's words, and felt ashamed.

The monkey took the opportunity to run out of the cave, laughing all the way.

After crossing the stream, Sha Seng asked: "Big Brother, has the master been rescued? ”

Wukong shook his head and said, “No!”

Sha Seng asked in confusion, “Since you didn’t save Master, why are you so happy?”

The monkey told him about his transformation into the Bull Demon King, and said, “That demon called me father and was very respectful. I took advantage of him, so of course I’m happy.”

Sha Seng said speechlessly, “Big Brother, what’s the use of this verbal advantage? Although I have the upper hand, Master’s life is in danger!”

The monkey said, “It’s okay. I’ll ask Guanyin Bodhisattva to come and subdue the demon and I’ll definitely save Master.”

Sha Seng: “But your injury hasn’t healed yet, and your body is not in good condition. How can you get to the South China Sea?”

The monkey laughed and said, “People are refreshed when they are happy. I am so happy that my injury has healed.”

Look at him, he jumped up, and with a somersault cloud he reached Luojia Mountain in the South China Sea.

In the cracks of the seabed, Li Yue saw Sun Wukong coming on a cloud, and said happily, “The opportunity is coming! "

Let's say the monkey went up to Luojia Mountain, entered Chaoyin Cave, and met Guanyin, telling her the previous events in detail.

When Guanyin heard that the demon had turned into her appearance, she said angrily: "How dare that demon turn into my appearance and blaspheme my dignity?"

She scolded lightly, threw the jade bottle in her hand out of Chaoyin Cave, and it fell directly into the sea.

The monkey said speechlessly: "Bodhisattva, you are angry, but why do you throw away the treasure? Even if you don't want it, you can give it to me. It's a pity to throw it away!"

Guanyin smiled but said nothing.

But the bottle went into the sea, and Li Yue had already made preparations on the seabed.

"Hehe, it's now."

Seeing that the mouth of the bottle was like an abyss, swallowing the water of the four seas, Li Yue took out the Samadhi Divine Oil given by the system and scattered it into the surrounding sea water. Without any action, the bottle swallowed the sea water and swallowed the Samadhi Divine Oil at the same time.

"Monkey, don't blame me for targeting you, it's really the system that is too cruel! "

Li Yue also felt guilty. It was really because the monkey was treated too harshly.

In Chaoyin Cave, the monkey was wondering what Guanyin did, but at this moment, the sea surface rolled, and a turtle carrying the jade bottle came ashore. When it arrived in front of Chaoyin Cave, it nodded to Guanyin twenty-four times and made twenty-four prostrations.

Guanyin said: "Wukong, bring the bottle!"

The monkey went to get it, but when he started, he found that it was like an ant trying to shake a tree, and he couldn't lift it at all.

He could only helplessly say: "Bodhisattva, I can't lift it."

Guanyin smiled and said: "This bottle has been turned over three rivers and five lakes, eight seas and four marshes, and has borrowed a sea of ​​water in it. You don't have the ability to lift the sea, so you can't lift it."

The monkey tutted his mouth and laughed in his heart.

"You have such skills, but you show off in front of Old Sun. Why don't you show your skills in front of Li Yue? ”

It was also fortunate that Guanyin didn’t know what the monkey was thinking, otherwise, she would have smashed the monkey’s brain with a bottle.

She stepped forward, gently picked up the bottle, and held it in her hand.

“The nectar in my bottle is different from the rain of the Dragon King. It can extinguish the Samadhi True Fire. Let’s go. I will help you subdue the demon and save Tang Sanzang’s life.”

The two came to the Hao Mountain, and Guanyin said: “Just go down and fight him. If he sets a fire, I will put it out with water.”


The monkey took out the golden hoop, and was ready to challenge.

At this time, Guanyin shouted: "Don't hurt his life, leave me for another use."

The monkey agreed, came to the front of the cave and shouted: "Monster, your uncle Sun is here, come out quickly!"

The cave door was wide open, and Red Boy came out with a fire spear. When he saw Sun Wukong, he shouted: "You monkey, you have repeatedly provoked me, and you don't know what's good for you. Today I will burn you to ashes and let you stop breathing completely."

He didn't hesitate, stood on the cart, hit his nose twice, and released the Samadhi True Fire to burn Wukong.

But this time, the monkey was fearless, just because he had something to rely on.

In the clouds, Guanyin smiled, dipped the willow branch in the bottle, and sprinkled it down.

In an instant, heavy rain poured down and covered the fire.

However, the expected fire extinguishing scene did not appear. Instead, as the rain fell, it was like gasoline was poured on it. The flames exploded and went up hundreds of feet. The thick smoke even rushed to the feet of Guanyin, dyeing the colorful clouds black.

"What...what's going on?" Guanyin was stunned.

Below, in the flames, Sun Wukong's roar came out.

"Bodhisattva, you lied to me!"

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