Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 1430 Shocking the Great Jin Army

The next moment, with a flick of Tang Monk's sleeve, hundreds of spears suddenly rose out of thin air, spinning strangely in the air.

Just like the long spear before, it seemed that it was ready to go, and it might fly up to Fuyun Pass like a thunderbolt at any time, and strike the Great Jin army guarding the pass with a thunderous blow.


On the top of the city, suddenly there was a loud shout.

Obviously, the generals of the Great Jin Army have understood that this kind of attack is definitely not something they can resist.

The scene of single-handedly capturing the general of the Jin Dynasty has been deeply engraved in everyone's mind.

This kind of battle cannot be fought, and it is not at the same level at all.

Following the order to retreat, the Jin army immediately started to move, and some people went down to the outside of the pass along the soft ladders that had been set up on the city wall.

Some people stepped off the horse path quickly, opened the iron gate, and moved outside Fuyun Pass.

Those soft ladders were originally the way for the Jin army preparing to go outside the pass to increase troops from outside the pass when the pass was tight.

But now the situation is different, but it has become a channel for the Jin army to withdraw from Fuyun Pass.

There are tens of thousands of Jin troops at Fuyun Pass, and it is impossible to quickly withdraw from Fuyun Pass only through the soft ladder and the only iron gate.

Therefore, the evacuation on the top of the city was still very orderly.

Those Qing Chuan troops who were in charge of defending the Qingchuan camp were still waiting in full battle, their swords were aimed at the direction of the Da Xia army, and the rest of them were all evacuating step by step.

Looking at the situation in the distance, Tang Seng didn't express anything.

The third prince just watched quietly.

Since the Jin Army can take the initiative to withdraw from Fuyun Pass, it is a good thing for Daxia.

The third prince didn't want to attack the Great Jin Army right now. If the Great Jin Army completely withdrew from Fuyun Pass and the Qingchuan Battalion reoccupied Fuyun Pass, they would take the initiative.

You can attack when you advance, and you can defend when you retreat. There is no need to take too much effort to capture Fuyun Pass.

In the sky, Tang Seng's hundreds of long spears controlled by mana are still spinning, but they are not fired, but exuding breathtaking power, which makes people feel frightened.

However, this situation did not last long.

One of the hundreds of long spears suddenly moved, stood out from the group of guns, and shot towards Fuyunguan alone, piercing through a large Jin army in a short time, and blasted into the crowd behind.

Smoke and dust filled the air!

Flesh flying everywhere!

When all kinds of things that obscure people's vision fall, dozens of corpses of Dajin soldiers can be seen lying horizontally at the critical moment.

In the place where the corpses are densely packed, there is a section of the city wall closed by Fuyun, which has been demolished by Da Jinjin.

It turned out that while the Great Jin Army was evacuating Fuyun Pass, there were still some people who were dedicated to destroying the city wall, trying not to leave a complete Fuyun Pass for Daxia after they withdrew.

This kind of sinister thoughts, under the cover of many Jin soldiers, can hide the third prince and those Qingchuan warriors with naked eyes, but how can they hide the magical Tang monk?

Under such circumstances, the Great Jin Army still dared to play tricks, Tang Seng was really angry!

He didn't want to kill too many lives at first, but the more compassionate he was, the more merciful he became, but the Jin army intensified and repeatedly tested Tang Seng's bottom line.

So, Tang Seng made a move!

The power of this spear really shocked the Jin army.

It turned out that the shot he fired was just to pick away the general of the Great Jin Army, killing a bloody path wherever he passed.

However, Tang Seng's attack this time was obviously more powerful than before, and it was far from what the previous shot could resist.

With the power of this gun, almost hundreds of Jin soldiers were killed, and some even had no bones left. The scene was very tragic.

However, this is not the scariest.

What was even more frightening was that at the next moment, Tang Seng waved his sleeves, and the rest of the long spears suspended in the air turned into a stream of light, which suddenly flew towards the Fuyun Pass.

As if there is no distance at all from Tang Seng to Fuyun Pass, from one point to another point directly.

It is impossible to capture the flight trajectory of those long guns with the naked eye.

Those long spears flew so fast and so strangely, it already made the big Jin army feel terrified.

However, the horror of the spear is not what it appeared before.

Those long spears flew over Fuyun Pass, and after many groups of Jin troops flew over, they did not directly attack.

Instead, the tip of the spear rotated at a high speed, and the tip of the spear slanted downward, at a forty-five-degree angle to the big Jin army, buzzing and vibrating.

What is the most powerful, of course, is the most powerful fist that is not punched.

However, these unfired long spears exude a terrifying power that crushes everything, and each spear exudes a throbbing coercion.

It made those Dajin sergeants feel weak for a while without knowing it, even to the point where they couldn't even stand firmly.

There are hundreds of long guns, each of which seems to be shot at any time.

From the perspective of those Da Jin sergeants, it seemed that every gun was aimed at him. As long as those long guns were shot, he would definitely bear the brunt and be the first to be stabbed.

This is a wonderful feeling, as if I have been chosen by death.

It was only a matter of time before being hunted down by the spears that shot down.

However, the spear never fell.

But Tang Seng's voice clearly reached the ears of every member of the Jin army.

"Listen, all the soldiers of the Great Jin, put down the weapons in your hands, leave Fuyun Pass on your own, and return to the Great Jin. This is your only way of life. From then on, the Great Jin and the Great Xia will never fight each other. The poor monk will kill the one who strikes first. Son of Heaven."

This sentence is also not loud, but it seems that there is a certain sound effect in the sky that will not leave for a long time.

At the beginning, the Jin army still had some hesitation, because the generals of the army did not issue orders.

However, when the sound stopped, the hundreds of spears in the sky suddenly sank downward, heading downward.

Many Jin troops all exclaimed, and their formations were disrupted.

However, the rapidly falling spear only fell a distance of three or four feet before stopping suddenly.

Tang Seng's voice came out again: "The poor monk's words are only said this time, and this time I can let your big Jin army go back, it is already a special kindness of the poor monk."

"Put down your weapons!"

As soon as Tang Seng's words fell, a shout suddenly came from the Jin army.

Following this voice, many Great Jin troops threw their weapons at the pass without hesitation, as if receiving an amnesty.

At almost the same time, the hundreds of long spears suspended above the heads of the Jin army suddenly turned their heads, turned into the same direction, and then shot towards a steep mountain in the distance in a flash.


With a loud noise, more than a hundred spears shot at the steep mountain five or six miles away from here at the same time, and the mountain with a radius of three or four miles exploded with a bang.

The smoke and dust filled the air, covering the sky and the sun. In the eyes of everyone, it seemed that a huge stone flower bloomed, and countless rocks splashed everywhere.

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