Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 1431 Entering the Grain Camp Alone

The power of a hundred spears shocked the world.

The hundred spears completely crushed the last trace of luck left by the Great Jin Army.

Perhaps some generals of the Great Jin Army thought that no matter how powerful Tang Seng was, he was only one person after all.

No matter how powerful the Qingchuan Army was, it was only more than a thousand people after all, while the Great Jin Army had hundreds of thousands of people, and there were these people in Fuyun Pass, and there were also more than 100,000 people in Zijin Pass.

Adding the two sides together, even if you use the crowd tactics, you should be able to kill Tang Seng and the third prince and his gang by sacrificing some soldiers.

However, this time, the power of firing a hundred guns completely chilled their hearts.

If the white spear was not blasting at the mountain peak, but at the Great Jin Imperial City, I am afraid that at this moment, the Great Jin Imperial City would have been reduced to a piece of ashes.

This is definitely not something that human beings can resist, and it is not something that ordinary people like them can contend with.

Up to now, almost no one does not believe that Tang Seng is definitely not an ordinary human being.

That is a deity that is enough for everyone to worship and be in awe of.

There is no shame in laying down your weapons in front of the gods.

As for what Tang Seng said, Da Jin and Da Xia will always maintain peace and no longer start wars. This is to help Da Xia, and it is basically the protection of Da Jin.

With the help of a god like Tang Seng with great powers, Daxia won't let alone wipe out Dajin, even sweep Liuhe, it's just a matter of minutes.

If Da Xia doesn't trouble Da Jin, it's already a matter of burning incense, Da Jin doesn't have any right to speak.

In this way.

Things become much simpler.

The Jin army threw away their weapons one after another, began to line up neatly, and retreated along the gate towards the outside of the pass.

Now, they are not too afraid of Tang Seng. After all, Tang Seng wants to kill them, but it is just a matter of gestures.

Not where they retreat from.

The strength is too disparate, but even more unscrupulous.

"Don't take the food and grass away. After attacking for such a long time, you must leave some compensation. In addition, you can send someone to Zijin Pass to report. If the people there don't leave, when the poor monk arrives, no one will stay .”

In the sky, Tang Seng's voice came again.

"Yes Yes……"

Immediately, there were several hasty responses from the Great Jin Army.

Then someone got on the horse and galloped towards Zijin Pass.

Compared with leaving some food, the most important thing is to save the lives of those sergeants at Zijin Pass.

The Jin army was completely convinced!

Their thought at this moment is to be able to retreat completely.

Even if they were asked to take off their underpants, no one would resist.

Life is precious!

At most, it was just a collective exodus.

The performance of the Great Jin Army fell into the eyes of the Great Xia Army, and the expressions on everyone's faces changed for a while.

Some are confused, some are happy, some are demented, and some are expressionless and stupid!

The strength shown by Tang Seng has surpassed their existing cognition time and time again.

My God, who is our commander who can deliver such a terrifying blow.

And, he can fly!


At this time, everyone had no time to look at the embarrassment of the Jin army who was leaving in a hurry. All eyes were on Tang Seng in the sky.

The eyes were shining, the mouth was open, and some Qingchuan camp warriors even drooled.

It's like a man who has lived on a deserted island for a long time and suddenly sees a beautiful woman, completely like a demented brother pig.

And Tang Seng became that beautiful woman at this time.

"Soldiers, wait a moment!"

Tang Seng didn't wait until the Jin army had all retreated from Fuyun Pass, so he said something to the warriors of Qingchuan Battalion, and then he moved and flew towards the distance.

His figure immediately attracted everyone's attention.

The members of the Qingchuan army looked at Tang Seng's back, they were all very strange when they arrived, they didn't know where the commander was going?

And the flying speed is so fast, it disappears in the blink of an eye.

The members of the Great Jin Army were once again dumbfounded, leaving a sigh in their hearts.

Such an opponent is simply invincible.

There is no longer any desire to fight in my heart.

It took almost a few breaths for Tang Seng to leave Fuyun Pass and arrive at the grain and grass camp in Fuyun Pass, more than 20 miles away.

He was condescending, looking down at the defenders of the grain and grass camp below, and did not take any action.

The Jin army below didn't know what happened to Fuyun Pass at this time. When they saw Tang Seng, they all exclaimed and looked towards the sky.

Some people knelt down when they saw it!

Then, more Jin troops also knelt down.

Although Tang Seng was wearing Daxia's military uniform, the flying distance in the sky was too high to be seen clearly from the ground.

In the eyes, it can only be recognized that it is a human figure.

People who appear in the sky in this way, what else are they if they are not gods?

In the end, everyone saw the figure in the sky, and everyone knelt down.

This is the reverence that mortals have for the gods, no matter who is from the Great Xia or the Great Jin.

Until this moment, Tang Seng still didn't make any movements, just waiting quietly in the sky.

After about twenty minutes, finally, the person Tang Seng was waiting for came!

Several fast horses came galloping from the direction of Fuyunguan, their speed was as fast as horse racing.

The people on the horse also saw Tang Seng's figure in the sky.

Because Tang Seng flew over their heads and flew to the grain and grass camp of the Great Jin Army.

While galloping wildly, they waved the order flags in their hands and shouted loudly: "The commander-in-chief has an order. All horses put down their weapons, withdraw from the food and grass camp, gather thirty miles away, and return to the mainland!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered everyone to lay down their weapons, withdraw from the food and grass camp, gather thirty miles away, and return to the mainland!"

"The commander-in-chief has ordered everyone to lay down their weapons, withdraw from the food and grass camp, gather thirty miles away, and return to the mainland!"

As the person who delivered the order got closer, the shout became more and more clear to the ears of the Jin army in the grain and grass camp.

There was chaos in the camp.

Everyone knows what it means to put down their weapons.

That would mean defeat and surrender!

Put down the weapon and there will be no resistance!

However, the front convenience is Fuyun Pass, and hundreds of thousands of troops are defending a grand pass, how could it be to the present level!

"The commander-in-chief has an order, and the commander-in-chief has an order. Everyone put down their weapons, withdraw from the food and grass camp, gather thirty miles away, and return to the mainland! Anyone who violates the order will be beheaded!"

With another shout, the order was sent and he had already galloped into the grain and grass camp.

The commander in charge of the battalion took a closer look at the command flag. Yes, it was the commander-in-chief's Phnom Penh command flag. The commander-in-chief would never use this command flag unless it was used for major military operations.

"Follow the commander-in-chief's order, all soldiers, lay down your weapons and withdraw from the food and grass camp!"

The master general didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly waved the weapon in his hand and shouted loudly.

With the command flag and the command of the general, the Jin army immediately started to move, throwing weapons on the ground one after another, and began to evacuate outside the camp.

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