Journey to the West begins with the full-level monk Tang

Chapter 1466 Don't even go to the poor monk!

The war between Daxia and Daxia Kingdom has troubled Daxia for many years.

The people of Daxia lived in such hardship, the court of Daxia imposed so many miscellaneous taxes, and so many men of Daxia were expropriated and never came back, it was also because of the war with the Great Jin Kingdom.

Now that these people hear that the war with Dajin will be eliminated forever, how can these people not be extremely excited?

You must know that there is no war between Da Xia and Da Jin, which means that the people of Da Xia can live and work in peace.

Under the governance of the third prince, production will definitely be developed, more encouragement will be given, and agriculture and mulberry will be developed, and so much tax will not be collected, and men can also help produce at home.

For everyone, this is a great thing!

Really ushered in a good day!

Everyone was very upset, worried that this was just a dream they had heard.

Happiness came too suddenly!

This is exactly the good life that those soldiers and common people pray for God to give every day!

However, everyone has heard that this kind of good life still has a big premise.

That is, the third prince can return safely. If the third prince cannot return safely, everything may change greatly.

However, is the third prince really as powerful as this eminent monk who can fly in the sky said?

Facing the siege and interception of the first prince and the second prince, can they really break out of the encirclement and return to Xia Jing?

Although Tang Seng swore to promise, these people have no bottom in their hearts!

"Eminent Monk, we ordinary people have no other skills. For the sake of the third prince, we are willing to go out of Xiajing to take care of the third prince and return to court!"

In Xiajing City, some strong and healthy people began to shout to the sky, and more and more people began to respond.

The sergeants outside the city couldn't hear their shouts, but the sergeants on the city wall had no problem.

When they heard the shouts of the people in the city, many soldiers began to shout into the sky.

"Eminent Monk, for the good life of the Great Xia Kingdom, for the prosperity and prosperity of the Great Xia, we request to go out of the city and accept the third prince to return to court, eminent monk please agree!"

"Get out of Xia Jing, wipe out the remnants of the eldest prince, wipe out the remnants of the second prince, and welcome the third prince to return to court!"

"Respond to the third prince and return to court!"

"Respond to the third prince and return to court!"

On the city wall, countless soldiers raised their weapons high and shouted into the sky.

Many voices gathered in everything, it was extremely loud, and the rhythm became more and more orderly, spreading far away.

"We also want to send troops to meet the third prince and return to court!"

Outside Xiajing City, the first batch of soldiers who came to Xiajing City from General Zhen Guo's camp naturally heard the shouts from the top of the city, and they couldn't help shouting.

Although before, they were still enemies facing each other, it is very likely that under the order of the general, the two sides will meet each other.

But now, because of Tang Seng's appearance, they have become a family.

Not only did the war between Da Jin and Da Xia disappear, but even the wars inside and outside the city disappeared.

Thinking of all the good things that might happen, that might change because of the third prince's inability to return to court, they felt a burst of fear, and wished they could protect the third prince and enter the capital now, take over Da Xia, become the new king, and implement benevolent governance.

Because the reputation of the first prince and the second prince is really bad.

Especially hearing that the First Prince and the Second Prince gave up on Zijin Pass and Fuyun Pass because they wanted to go back to Beijing to compete for the throne. This incident filled the soldiers with righteous indignation, wishing to tear the First Prince and the Second Prince apart.

Among these sergeants, many of them were ordered to guard Longhu Pass, Fuyun Pass and Zijin Pass.

They are fighting the Great Jin Kingdom with their blood, every inch of the mountains and rivers is an inch of blood, and they are using their blood to defend the territory of the Great Xia Kingdom and the safety of the three major passes of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, the eldest prince and the third prince directly abandoned the important pass where countless Daxia soldiers had shed blood and died for the sake of the throne.

This almost opened the gate of Daxia, and all the blood and efforts of countless heroes who defended the security of the country were in vain.

What a sin this must be!

These soldiers would never allow such a thing to happen, and they would never allow the prince who did such a thing to become the lord of a country.

In the past, they were in a lowly position, like nothing, they couldn't make any sound at all, and even if they made any sound, no one would listen to them.

But now it is different, now there is Tang Seng, and his voice represents the aspirations of everyone.

"Go out of the capital, pick up the third prince and ascend the throne..."

"We're going to pick up the third prince..."

Inside and outside the city, the erupting voices became more and more intense.

Tang Seng naturally wouldn't let these people travel long distances to pick up the third prince, but he allowed the breeding and venting of such emotions.

Because a large number of sergeants and civilians traveled long distances, it was definitely not a small matter. The most fundamental thing was the issue of food and housing. How much food would be needed to fill the stomachs of these people!

Moreover, once so many people travel, who can predict what will happen along the way?

What if something happens that disturbs the people?

Isn't it going to ruin the reputation of the third prince?

It wasn't until this voice of willingness lasted for a long time that Tang Seng waved his hands in the air and said, "Everyone, be quiet, everyone, stop shouting."

After Tang Seng finished speaking, everyone gradually became quiet.

Tang Seng continued to say: "Soldiers and common people, the poor monk can understand your feelings, and the third prince will definitely thank you for your support. However, the poor monk will not allow you to go out of the city to welcome the third prince back to court."

"Why? We sincerely support the third prince. We sincerely hope to welcome the third prince back to be the emperor. When the emperor is emperor, we only recognize the third prince!"

On the top of the city, some sergeants no longer had so many scruples, and began to shout loudly to Tang Seng in the sky.

It is very rare for an ordinary soldier to be able to achieve this level.

Tang Seng nodded very satisfied.

But he still did not unify these people out of the city.

He still said in a voice that everyone could hear: "What you need to do is to maintain the order of the capital and be ready for the new Daxia Dynasty to contribute at any time. You have to believe in the ability of the third prince to strategize, no one can do it Stop him from returning to Beijing. If you don’t believe me, just watch here, let each of you see what kind of posture the Emperor of Daxia will return to the court in the future, and the poor monk will also not go to greet him. Third Prince, let him use his own strength to break through all obstacles, and let you see how far the new emperor you have chosen can do!"

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