Just as Tang Seng was giving a speech in the capital of Daxia, the third prince and his brothers from the Qingchuan Camp and Death Battalion had already rushed to the outside of a county called Dalu County in the southern part of the Daxia Kingdom.

This is a small border town, only more than three hundred miles away from Zijin Pass, and it is a very barren small town.

The city wall is entirely made of loess, not more than three feet high, and it is covered with cracks due to disrepair for a long time.

After years of wind and rain, the loess has been stained with many traces of yellow mud and water flowing on it. The loess wall is extremely weathered. It seems that as long as you pull it hard with your hands, it is possible to pick a piece off.

The Death Battalion and Qingchuan Battalion led by the Third Prince only had about 5,000 people. Although the number of people sounded small, it was compared with the tens of thousands of troops in front of the two armies.

However, in such a small frontier county, this number is already quite a lot.

On the city wall, there are hundreds of soldiers guarding them, all of them drooping and looking listless.

Even if the third prince led the team to the outside of the city, the defenders on the city just took a look and ignored it.

Such a big Xia army made the third prince very dissatisfied.

"Call the city!"

Dalu County, which was supposed to open its gates during the day, is now closed tightly, as if facing an enemy. The third prince glanced at the closed city gate and gave an order to a Qingchuan battalion soldier beside him.

The pro-soldier rode out from the queue, looked at the top of the city and shouted loudly: "Listen up, the defenders on the city, the third prince returned from the front line triumphantly, open the city gate, and let the army enter the city!"

The voice of the pro-military was not insignificant. The third prince felt that the people on the city wall should be able to hear this voice.

However, what surprised the third prince was that the people on the city wall didn't seem to hear it and paid no attention to it.

Not only did no one come down from the walls and open the gates, there was no one even to answer.

It seems that the soldiers on the city wall are all deaf, dumb, and blind. This situation is very strange.

At the beginning, the third prince passed through this Dalu county town and rushed to Longhuguan. At that time, the gate of Dalu county city was wide open, and the defenders of the county town lined the road to see him off.

And I met the county magistrate of the city in front of the city gate, and there were still many people watching.

Come to think of it, this small county with a population of only tens of thousands should not have forgotten himself in just a few months!

Looking at the guards on the top of the city who were staring intently, the third prince fell silent. He knew that something might have happened in the city.

"Listen, people in the city, the third prince has triumphantly returned to the capital, you should open the city gate quickly, if not, you will be charged with treason!"

Seeing that there was still no movement on the top of the city, the pro-soldier couldn't help the anger in his heart, and shouted at the top of the city again.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the top of the city. The clothes on this person's body were obviously different from those of the guards in Dalu County.

The defenders in Dalu County were all dressed in tatters. Although it was an exaggeration to say that they were not fully clothed, the military uniforms on their bodies were dirty and messy, and they might even be patched.

It will damage Daxia's image at all.

However, although the person who appeared now was also dressed in the Great Xia Army, his clothes were at least 80% new, with bright colors and no patches.

Moreover, this person's spirit was very good, he came to the city wall in a hurry, and looked down the city wall.

The third prince could already recognize this person's military uniform at a glance. This person is definitely not from Dalu County, but a front-line military uniform.

According to his deduction, this person is either a member of the first prince or a member of the second prince.

It can be imagined that both the First Prince and the Second Prince left Zijin Pass and Fuyun Pass before him, and they rushed all the way back in the direction of Xia Jing.

They also have to pass through this Dalu County.

It took a lot of time for people like myself to rush from Longhu Pass to Fuyun Pass, and there were some accidents along the way, and they met people from the capital.

Also took some time.

Then outside Fuyun Pass, it took a lot of time to drive away the Jin army, clean up the battlefield, and arrange defenses.

And he led the Qingchuan Battalion and the Death Battalion to rendezvous at Yingzuiyan, and took a short distance in the middle, and then the two armies cooperated into one army, and it took some time to rectify the army and horses in the middle.

According to this situation, both the First Prince and the Second Prince should have passed through Dalu County, and then sent people to control the county to block his itinerary.

Because both the eldest prince and the second prince are very clear about the situation on their side, and know that once they get news from the capital, they will definitely return to the capital.

"Who are you? What is the position of the officer in the army, why don't you open the city gate?"

Under the city, the third prince reached out his hand to stop the soldier who was about to call the city again, and looked up at the man on the city.

Holding the earthen crenel on the city wall with his hands, the man looked down slightly, looked at the third prince under the city wall and said, "This general, Lin Wuya, is the deputy commander of the army under the command of the great prince. It was sent by the original First Prince to guard Dalu County. No one else is allowed to pass, Third Prince, you should go back to guard your Dragon and Tiger Pass! Without the order of the new emperor, it is impossible for you to pass through this city, and , The new emperor has an order, if you cross the city without authorization, you will be punished as treason. Well, the new emperor's decree has been conveyed, you go back!"

After the man finished speaking, he waved his hand casually, as if driving away flies, and wanted to drive the third prince away.

Hearing this, the third prince burst out laughing: "Hahaha, what a big joke, who is the new emperor, and who made the new emperor, the county town of Daxia has become the eldest prince alone. What a big joke !"

"Third prince, the eldest prince is the new emperor of Great Xia. How dare you slander the Holy One here? Your crime of treason will no longer escape. If you have the ability, you can break into the city, but you must be ready , to bear the anger of the new emperor, at that time, I'm afraid you can't live or die!" The man faced the third prince without any fear, and his tone was full of threats.

"Presumptuous! You bird man, how dare you talk to the third prince like this, you can't find death?" Under the city wall, the third prince's relatives immediately flew into a rage when he saw this, pointing his finger at the man on the wall and shouting.

"This general, Lin Wuya, temporarily takes charge of Dalu County Magistrate and concurrently serves as city defense. You are really plotting against this general by talking to me like this!"

The man in the city was even more arrogant at this time, and said with a sneer while holding his hands on the crenel.

"Okay, no need to say more, ready to attack the city!"

The third prince, Qin Feng, stretched out his hand to stop the personal guard, and said with a dark face.

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