In the Temple of Time.

After Nuwa and Princess Jiuhuang left, Jiang Feng was still immersed in the joy of being promoted to Daluo.

After a long time, Jiang Feng calmed down, and then he began to refine the Qiankun Ding, the innate treasure.

Generally speaking, there are restrictions in magic weapons. As long as the restrictions inside are completely refined, it is equivalent to completely refining the magic weapon and taking it for oneself.

Generally speaking, there are 5525 restrictions in the lower-grade innate spiritual treasure, 6636 restrictions in the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure, and 7749 restrictions in the upper-grade innate spiritual treasure. The top-grade innate spiritual treasure has a total of 8864 restrictions. The supreme innate treasure has a total of 9981 restrictions.

Under the prehistoric heavenly way, nine is the extreme, so the innate treasure is the most powerful magic weapon.

As for the higher-level Chaos Supreme Treasures, they have also appeared in the prehistoric world, such as Pangu God's Axe of Creation, Hongjun Daozu's Jade Disc of Creation, and Demon Ancestor Luohou's Great Mill of Destruction.

However, because of their high levels, they were not tolerated by the prehistoric heavenly way, so they had already fallen apart or broken.

The Axe of Creation could not withstand the catastrophe of the creation of the sky, so it was divided into three parts, turning into Pangu Banner, Tai Chi Diagram and Chaos Bell.

As for the Jade Disc of Creation and the Great Mill of Destruction, they were all broken in the original battle between Taoism and Demonism, and their whereabouts are unknown.

Legend has it that there is another Chaos Supreme Treasure called Chaos Pearl, which has mysterious power, but it seems that it has never appeared in the world. Everything about it is hearsay, and no one has seen its true power.

Therefore, no one can tell whether this Chaos Pearl really exists.

At this time, Jiang Feng sat cross-legged in the hall, took out the Qiankun Ding, and then frantically ran the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, concentrating on refining it.

It is a foolish dream for an ordinary Daluo Jinxian to want to refine the innate treasure.

But Jiang Feng is extraordinary. His Hongmeng power seizes the fortune of heaven and earth. It is condensed by dozens of laws and is extremely powerful.

Although he has just been promoted to Daluo, Jiang Feng is very confident. If he sees Lingji Bodhisattva again, he will make him bleed five steps.

It's a pity that Lingji Bodhisattva was strongly wiped out by Nuwa Niangniang, and he no longer has this opportunity.

At this moment, the first divine skill of the prehistoric world began to operate. The power of Hongmeng is like the Yangtze River, vast and endless. In just a moment, it was unstoppable and refined nine restrictions.

But the following restrictions became more and more complicated and powerful. Jiang Feng noticed obvious resistance and was forced to slow down.

Obviously, even if Jiang Feng wanted to completely refine this innate treasure, it would be very difficult. But if there is enough time, it is not a big problem.

And in this Temple of Time, the most lacking thing is time. The one hundred times the flow rate of time makes Jiang Feng have nothing to worry about.

About five thousand years later, Jiang Feng finally achieved his wish to refine the Qiankun Ding.

This innate treasure has left his soul mark, which means it belongs to him. After taking a few deep breaths and pausing for a moment, Jiang Feng took out the Zhentian Coffin again, intending to refine this fierce and evil treasure of the Heavenly Dao in one go. The

Qiankun Ding is mainly a magic weapon of refining, with limited offensive and defensive capabilities. The Zhentian Coffin is completely different. Although it is not good at attack and defense, it is a magic weapon of trapping and can be used to restrain the enemy.

Its true power is released, even if the Heavenly Dao Saint is trapped in it, he can't get out for a while.

And with Jiang Feng's current combat power, if a quasi-saint is caught by him in the coffin by surprise, then no matter how great his magical powers and means are, he will become a fish on the chopping board, let Jiang Feng slaughter.

So, Jiang Feng spent another five thousand years to refine this fierce and evil treasure of the Heavenly Dao.

It took a full 10,000 years just to refine these two innate treasures.

If this had been placed in the early days of the prehistoric world or even more distant times, it would have been normal. In that era, the thing that was least lacking was time.

However, it was the Journey to the West period now. If 10,000 years had been wasted like this, the Journey to the West calamity would have long passed.

Fortunately, Jiang Feng was in the Temple of Time, and only a hundred years had passed in the outside world.

After putting away the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, Jiang Feng then took out the Chaos Alchemy Book.

He planned to practice and become an alchemist.

The Western Buddhist sect had ulterior motives and would do anything to achieve its goals. If the Journey to the West calamity was successfully completed as planned, the Western Buddhist sect would have obtained a huge amount of Heavenly Dao merits and would have truly prospered.

I'm afraid that the Tathagata Buddha would also become a saint.

Three saints in one sect, and they were the Western Buddhist sect, which had always been insidious and despicable. This would be a great disaster for the entire prehistoric world.

Moreover, the Tathagata Buddha had previously issued a Buddhist hunting order against him, wanting to put him to death.

Even if the Western Buddhist sect rescinds the Buddhist killing order and does not pursue the matter for the sake of Nuwa, one day in the future, when Buddhism reaches an unprecedented peak, it may not be impossible for Jiang Feng to settle the account.

Moreover, from the beginning, Jiang Feng never thought of compromising with the Western Buddhist sect. Therefore, Jiang Feng must disrupt the Journey to the West. However

, it is far from enough to rely solely on the current power of the Heavenly Court. It is necessary to cultivate its own power.

And elixirs are the best resources for cultivation.

The entire Journey to the West calamity, before and after, only lasted for more than a thousand years. Therefore, even if there are some gifted people, there is not enough time for them to grow.

But if you get some excellent and top-grade elixirs, you can seize the fortune of heaven and earth and make them grow up in advance, so that they can serve Jiang Feng and the Heavenly Court.

Opening the Chaos Alchemy Book, Jiang Feng first took a rough look at it, and then frowned.

The content of this Chaos Alchemy Book is divided into two parts. The first half is a record and detailed explanation of the Chaos Alchemy Technique, and the second half is a detailed introduction to various immortal grass roots.

That is to say, there is not a single recipe in the entire book of Primal Chaos.

For an alchemist, the most precious thing is the recipe.

Each recipe is the result of the alchemist spending countless energy, effort, time, and materials to develop it with great difficulty. It is extremely precious.

For example, the famous Nine-Turn Golden Pill in the Three Realms is as effective as Huangzhongli. Eating one pill can make you a Golden Immortal.

But it is not easy to refine it. Even if you are given enough materials, it is nothing but a fool's dream if you don't have the recipe of Taishang Laojun.

It's like a chef. If you don't have the best recipe, you can't make delicious dishes even if you are given the best ingredients.

"What kind of crappy book of elixirs is this? There isn't even a recipe for an elixir in it. What 's the point of having it?"

Jiang Feng was confused for a while, but when he calmed down and read it carefully, he suddenly realized that he had been too narrow-minded.

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