Although there is no recipe in this Chaos Pill Book, the introduction to each kind of immortal grass spiritual root is extremely detailed.

Take the most common acquired spiritual root Ziyang Grass for example, what it looks like, what environment it is suitable for, what effects it has, etc.

The most important thing is that it has extremely detailed introductions to what reactions and effects it will produce when paired with other spiritual roots, listing thousands of types, almost covering all the possibilities of its pairing.

This acquired spiritual root alone has an introduction of tens of thousands of words.

As for the more advanced innate spiritual roots, which have a wider range of uses, there are as many as a million words of introduction. There are countless trillions of words in the detailed introduction of these immortal grass spiritual roots alone, which can be called a huge amount of information. Even Jiang Feng, who has now been promoted to Daluo, needs a long time to engrave every word in his mind.

And knowing the various ways to match these immortal grass spiritual roots, the recipe for the pill is not easy to get.

After all, these introductions are equivalent to the experience that predecessors have spent countless efforts and efforts to summarize, which can save Jiang Feng countless detours. He can create a pill formula with just a casual idea.

In fact, this Chaos Pill Book is not without pill formulas, but the pill formulas are broken down in these introductions. At the same time, it also allows Jiang Feng to not stick to the pill formula and create more possibilities.

"It's quite interesting. Let's practice this Chaos Alchemy first!"

Jiang Feng made a decision quickly. If you want to refine an elixir, alchemy is the most basic.

Even if you are given a top-grade elixir recipe and the best materials, it will only be a waste if you don't have enough skills.

However, Jiang Feng just checked and found that this Chaos Alchemy is not that simple, but very complicated and profound, no less than comprehending a law. After thinking about it, Jiang Feng immediately ran out and picked two pieces of ancient enlightenment tea leaves.

Then, he used the law of creation to create something out of thin air and immediately created a set of fine tea sets.

Now, Jiang Feng is in the law of creation. He has already reached a high level of accomplishment, and can even create living things. These are no big deal for him.

In just a moment, Jiang Feng brewed a cup of strong hot tea. The fragrance of the tea was so refreshing that just a sniff would make people feel refreshed and energetic.

Jiang Feng couldn't wait to take a sip. At first, it was slightly bitter, but later it tasted fresh and mellow, with a hint of sweetness, which was endless.

At the same time, Jiang Feng felt his mind was clear, his mind was bright, and golden light was shining, as if he had been enlightened, illuminating all the fog.

Sitting cross-legged in the Temple of Time, Jiang Feng Without stopping for a moment, he hurriedly practiced the art of chaos alchemy.

Originally, it was difficult to get started with this alchemy, but Jiang Feng had the blessing of the ancient tea of enlightenment, and his spirituality and understanding were improved exponentially. It was twice the result with half the effort to practice, and he had a smooth journey.

During the entire practice process, Jiang Feng encountered almost no obstacles, and he walked along the way as if it were flat ground.

In this way, Jiang Feng only spent a thousand years to fully master this art of chaos alchemy.

This alchemy is mainly divided into two parts, purification and fusion.

Any spiritual root, even one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, will have impurities..

In the process of alchemy, it is necessary to purify it, remove the dross, and take its essence, so that its efficacy can be fully exerted.

As for fusion, it is to use the exquisite alchemy skills to fuse two or more spiritual roots together, so that their efficacy will not be offset, but to maximize their effectiveness.

For example, the purple sun grass and the blue ice flower, one yin and one yang, one water and one fire, have extremely opposite properties. According to common sense, they cannot be fused together to make alchemy, because they will offset each other and make their medicinal effects ineffective.

But if you have superb alchemy skills, you can perfectly fuse them together.

"Chaos Alchemy is perfect, it's time to test it."

Standing up, Jiang Feng's eyes flashed with excitement, and he was eager to try to refine an elixir.

So, he walked out of the Temple of Time and immediately went to look for innate spiritual roots, which can be said to be available in the Wahuang Palace.

"Jiang Feng, you are out of retreat!"

After wandering around for a while, Jiang Feng suddenly came to the main hall of Nuwa.

""Yes," Jiang Feng nodded, but saw that Nuwa was staring at a piece of soil in front of the window with a confused look on her face. He couldn't help but ask curiously,"Nuwa, what are you doing?"

"This is a Chaos Green Lotus seed. For some reason, I have tried various methods, but I still cannot make it take root and grow."Nuwa frowned.

Jiang Feng took a closer look and saw that there was a green seed about the size of a longan in the center of the embryo soil.

"This is actually the seed of the Chaos Green Lotus!" Jiang Feng was shocked.

The Chaos Green Lotus gave birth to the Chaos Spiritual Root of the Great God Pangu, and it was far superior to the ten great innate spiritual roots of the prehistoric world. Any branch or leaf could be transformed into a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Of course, such a Chaos Spiritual Root was also not tolerated by the prehistoric heavenly way, and it was decomposed long before the creation of the world.

According to legend, it has a total of five lotus seeds, four of which turned into the twelfth-grade golden lotus of merit, the twelfth-grade red lotus of karma, the twelfth-grade black lotus of extinction, and the twelfth-grade white lotus of purification in Jiang Feng's hand.

But the fifth lotus seed was missing. Jiang Feng had never thought that it was in the hands of Nuwa, and Nuwa wanted to cultivate it.

"Cultivate!" Jiang Feng's eyes suddenly lit up,"Maybe, I have a way"

"Jiang Feng, don't be funny. This is the seed of Chaos Green Lotus, not an ordinary flower or grass. Even the Queen has tried every possible way but failed. What else can you do?"On the side, Princess Jiuhuang curled her lips and said. Jiang Feng ignored her.

The next moment, he stretched out his hand, and a yellow earth with a mysterious aura appeared on it.

""Nine Heavens Xirang!" The beautiful eyes of Nuwa Niangniang lit up instantly.

Princess Jiuhuang's pretty face froze, dumbfounded, feeling like she was slapped in the face.

Because this method might work.

Soon, Jiang Feng put the Nine Heavens Xirang over, and in an instant, a magical scene appeared.

The lotus seed quickly took root and sprouted, broke through the soil, and then grew at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But in a blink of an eye, it grew half a meter high, and then the speed gradually slowed down, freezing at one meter, and actually grew two lotus leaves.

These two lotus leaves flashed with golden light, emerald green, crystal clear, like the best jade, every strand of texture seemed to reflect the trajectory of the Tao, mysterious and mysterious, incomparable magic.

At this time, if these two lotus leaves were picked, two top-grade innate spiritual treasures could definitely be refined.

However, it is still in its initial growth and is in the state of a young seedling of Chaos Green Lotus. If it is picked, it would be too wasteful.

This is far from reflecting its value.

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