In the main hall, Sun Wukong picked up the black diary and started to read it again.

After a while, his face was ferocious, his eyes were bloodshot, and his expression was very crazy.

Obviously, he found it difficult to accept this fact.

Two identical plots in the diary appeared on him one after another, which greatly shook Sun Wukong's heart. In fact, he had already believed this monkey biography.

Therefore, his mood was quite complicated.

He was a smart stone monkey, born and raised, with strong capital. He was so proud and unruly, but his fate was controlled by others and became a puppet of Western Buddhism. He worked for it all his life and made wedding clothes for others.

How could Sun Wukong accept this?

"My fate is determined by myself, I will never let the Western Buddhist sect get what they want and use me to earn merits from the Heavenly Dao!"

Sun Wukong muttered to himself, and at the same time, his eyes flickered and he fell into deep thought.

"You, the Buddhist sect in the West, want me, Sun, to return to the lower world, but I, Sun, insist on staying in heaven. If you can't afford to offend me, can't you just hide? Can't you just stay in seclusion?"

"I, Old Sun, will just stay here in Heaven and be the head of a horse breeder. That is better than being pressed under the Five Finger Mountain for five hundred years by you, the Buddha, and being put under the Tightening Curse to obtain the sutras!"

Sun Wukong's adaptability and response ability are also very strong, and he soon came up with an idea.

He knew that his strength was low and he could not compete with the Western Buddhist sect at the moment. He absolutely could not force it, but he could always sing the opposite tune within a reasonable range.

At this time, the diary in Sun Wukong's hand suddenly flashed with a bright black light.

This made the monkey frown, and he couldn't help but open it again and read it.

"Hey! There is actually new content in this diary, the Thirty-Six Heavenly Gang Techniques!"

"What a magical power, it's comparable to my Seventy-Two Transformations!"

Sun Wukong's eyes sparkled, and he immediately put away the black diary, put it in his arms like a treasure, and then went to the back hall to start practicing non-stop.

Jiang Feng took it all in, with a smile on his face.

This monkey has completely mastered the Tao, and everything is developing in the direction he expected.

The Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang were naturally written by Jiang Feng just now.

First of all, letting the monkey know the truth about the Journey to the West is only the first step. After this step is taken, it is still necessary to continue the layout.

Because even if the monkey knows the truth, with his current level of a mere Golden Immortal, he can't do anything..

It is said that it is better to teach a man how to fish than to give him a fish. If one wants to really disrupt the Journey to the West and fight against Western Buddhism, then Sun Wukong must be trained.

Jiang Feng really wants to see how the Journey to the West will proceed if he trains this monkey into a Daluo Jinxian or even a quasi-sage.

All the 81 tribulations carefully designed by the old bald donkeys in the West would be ruined. In front of a strong enough Sun Wukong, any tribulation would be a piece of cake.

Even the Great Leiyin Temple on Lingshan Mountain and the Tathagata Buddha in the West would be reduced to ashes under Sun Wukong's Ruyi Jingu Bang.

"Oh, right, Wu Qu Xingjun went to the Jade Emperor Palace to file a complaint, and then sent troops to the lower world to confiscate the Flower-Fruit Mountain. I have to go to the Jade Emperor as soon as possible."

Jiang Feng suddenly remembered this, and immediately ran to the Jade Emperor Palace as fast as he could.


In the Jade Emperor Palace, the Jade Emperor was enjoying the flowers.

Wu Qu Xingjun suddenly arrived and said,"Your Majesty, please excuse me for interrupting you. The newly appointed Bi Ma Wen was dissatisfied with his low position and went down to the Heavenly Palace."

"Hmm?" The Jade Emperor frowned, his expression cold and stern.

"Your Majesty, if this demon monkey is not severely punished, it will become a big problem in the future!"Wu Qu Xingjun urged.

He is a man of Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, and naturally tends to be in favor of Western Buddhism, hoping that everything will go as planned.

The Jade Emperor was a little entangled. After so many days, Jiang Feng's layout seemed to have no effect. Everything was developing in the direction of the plan formulated by the Western Buddhism.

"Maybe time is a little tight."The Jade Emperor thought to himself.

But no matter whether the layout is successful or not, he must proceed according to the Journey to the West plan, otherwise, he will not be able to explain to the Buddha.

"Biography of Li Jing……"The Jade Emperor made a decision.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng's hearty voice came leisurely,"Your Majesty, wait a minute."

The Jade Emperor's eyes lit up. It seemed that something had changed.

""Lord Jiang, what do you want to report?" The Jade Emperor asked with a smile

"Your Majesty, you must not send troops to Huaguo Mountain. Sun Wukong has not rebelled against the Heavenly Court and is still working in the Imperial Horse Administration."Jiang Feng said immediately.

The Jade Emperor was shocked, but his eyes were filled with deep joy. His future son-in-law was really good at doing things. In such a short time, the layout has made progress. It's a cause for celebration!

"How is it possible? I saw him rebel against the Heavenly Palace with my own eyes."Wu Qu Xingjun was confused and couldn't believe it.

Jiang Feng smiled and replied:"Just now I passed by the Imperial Stables and saw that Sun Wukong came back and continued to raise horses."

"This doesn't make sense. How could that monkey be willing to be a groom?"Wu Qu Xingjun still didn't believe it. Jiang Feng couldn't help but said in a stern voice:"Wu Qu Xingjun, what do you mean by this? Could it be that I, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, would deceive His Majesty for such a small matter? If you don't believe it, go to the Imperial Stables and you will know it."

""Palace Master Jiang, that's not what I meant. I meant that this matter is a little strange. How could that monkey be willing to stay in the Heavenly Palace after knowing the truth?" Wu Qu Xingjun hurriedly explained. Although he had a hot temper and was not easy to talk to, he was not so arrogant as to show off in front of Jiang Feng.

"In this case, let's leave it at that. Wu Qu Xing Jun, you can go back now." The Jade Emperor immediately waved his hand and ordered him to leave.

But Wu Qu Xing Jun was not willing to leave,"Your Majesty, this is not appropriate. If we don't send troops to Huaguo Mountain, it will violate the Buddhist plan of the journey to the West. I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it to the Tathagata Buddha."

"Send troops to the Flower-Fruit Mountain?" The Jade Emperor snorted coldly as if he had heard a joke,"Sun Wukong did not rebel against the Heavenly Court, and he worked tirelessly in the Imperial Stables. On what pretext should I send troops to the Flower-Fruit Mountain?""

""I have no official teacher. Do you want me to be a supreme ruler of the three realms who kills innocent people and suffers abuse and accusations from the people of the world?"

The Jade Emperor asked sternly. The Lord of Wu Qu was speechless and had to retreat.

Jiang Feng also left. Some things did not need to be explained clearly, and they knew each other well.

He and the Jade Emperor had such a tacit understanding.

Since then, the Journey to the West began to change gradually and deviated from the original trajectory.

In the following days, Jiang Feng stayed in the Miluo Palace, devouring the best innate spiritual roots to refine the laws and intensify his cultivation.

After being promoted to Daluo, the top-grade innate spiritual treasures and top-grade innate spiritual roots were no longer of much use to him. However, he brought enough from the Wa Palace. As a person with superb innate spiritual roots, he did not have to worry about the resources for cultivation.

During this period, the Western Buddhist sect did not seem to notice and never came to cause trouble.

Jiang Feng was also happy and at ease. The longer it dragged on, the more beneficial it would be for him, the Heavenly Court, and Sun Wukong, because they would have enough time to grow.

What he lacked most now was time.

It didn't take long for Sun Wukong to master the Thirty-Six Methods of the Heavenly Gang.

Through the sub-book, Jiang Feng had a clear insight into Sun Wukong's situation and could grasp his every move.

So, Jiang Feng wrote down the Fighting Sacred Art on the original copy of the diary.

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