No one is more suitable for this method than Sun Wukong.

If his fate remains unchanged, when the Journey to the West is over, Sun Wukong will have completed his merits and become a quasi-sage, and he can kill the good corpse of the Buddha.

Moreover, he himself has an unruly character and likes to fight. This fighting method is tailor-made for him.


The Imperial Horse Administration.

Noticing the unusual movement of the diary in his arms, Sun Wukong immediately took it out and read it.

"Wow! The Holy Fighting Technique can turn you into the Supreme Fighting God, fighting against heaven and earth, and being omnipotent……"

Sun Wukong's eyes sparkled and he became more excited than ever.

He took a quick look and realized that this was a complete set of skills, which combined martial arts, magical powers, body movements, combat skills, etc. If he could practice it successfully, he would surely make rapid progress.

It took a long while for Sun Wukong to calm down his excitement, and then he couldn't wait to practice.


In Miro Palace, Jiang Feng was also practicing non-stop, without stopping for a moment, and spent a period of peace.

After consuming many top-grade innate spiritual roots, Jiang Feng's attainments in the law became more profound, and his cultivation level was also improved. He entered the middle stage from the initial stage of Daluo Jinxian, and his own magic power became more powerful and far-reaching.

This made him more handy in refining pills and more comfortable in controlling the innate treasures.

So Jiang Feng stopped practicing and began to refine pills day and night to prepare for the next step.

It was unknown how much time had passed, and Jiang Feng did not come out until he was exhausted.

This time, he spent countless energy and efforts, consumed a lot of materials, and refined more than ten kinds of pills, a total of more than ten thousand.

These include the six-turn golden pill, the three-turn golden pill, the solid foundation and nourishing pill, the nine-orifice heaven pill, the Yin-Yang Yuanshen pill, etc.

At this time, through the diary, Jiang Feng clearly understood the current situation of Sun Wukong.

This monkey encountered a bottleneck in his cultivation. After he had mastered the Fighting Saint Technique, he was completely solidified and could not make any progress.

This was not because of his talent, but because of his realm.

It was not easy for him to comprehend the Fighting Saint Technique at the Golden Immortal level.

"This monkey has been immersed in the Golden Immortal Realm for a long time, and his foundation is deep enough. He has reached the peak and has the capital to impact the Taiyi Golden Immortal. Let me lend him a hand!"

Jiang Feng smiled, and everything was under control.

It was actually very simple for Jiang Feng to make this monkey achieve the Taiyi Golden Immortal. He just needed to give him a few pills.

However, Jiang Feng naturally could not give the pills himself.

Jiang Feng had already made a plan for this, and he immediately called Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nishang over.

"Xiaowu, these are two pieces of ancient enlightenment tea leaves and two six-turn golden pills for you. Also, these are the three-turn golden pills and Xuanyuan pills for your brothers."

""Nichang, this is the ancient tea leaves for enlightenment and the six-turn golden pill for you. These should be distributed to your sisters."

Jiang Feng took out some pills and ordered.

During these days, under the fermentation of the Qianqing Dahuan Pill, Zhao Xiaowu and Fairy Nichang have completely refined the huge energy in their bodies. Just as Jiang Feng expected, they have successfully promoted to Golden Immortal.

However, in addition to these two right-hand men, Jiang Feng also needs to focus on training the one hundred Qing soldiers and thirty fairy maidens.

"Thank you, sir."

""Thank you, Boss."

The two accepted it, and were both grateful and overjoyed.

Then, Jiang Feng sent Fairy Nishang away, and whispered something to Zhao Xiaowu very seriously.

Zhao Xiaowu nodded frequently, and finally patted his chest and said,"Don't worry, Boss, I will take care of this little thing, and I promise to do it for you."

After that, Zhao Xiaowu went out to arrange for people to do it immediately.


Royal Stables

""Wang Zheng, how are you? I have to go out for work. Please pick a good imperial horse for me." A heavenly soldier in silver armor laughed.

Wang Zheng was a subordinate of Sun Wukong and an immortal official in the Imperial Horse Administration.

""Okay," Wang Zheng nodded. He didn't care too much at first, as they were old acquaintances. But when he sensed the other's aura, his face changed drastically."Xu Hao, you actually became a Xuanxian. How is this possible?"

Wang Zheng, the immortal official of the Imperial Horse Administration, opened his eyes wide, full of disbelief.

He clearly remembered that Xu Hao and he went to the upper realm together and joined the Heavenly Court together. Most importantly, the two of them had average talents, and both were ordinary acquired talents. Unless a miracle happened, it would be impossible for them to become Xuanxian in this lifetime.

"Haha, what do you think? You must be envious, right?"Silver armored soldier Xu Hao laughed proudly, and then he said,"Actually, this is nothing surprising. After all, I work in the Miro Palace. Although we both live at the bottom of society, you can't compare with me."

"Miro Palace! Your master is the new Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, the future son-in-law of the Jade Emperor, Jiang Feng, the God of Heaven."Wang Zheng suddenly remembered, but still looked confused,"But even so, how could a mere heavenly soldier like you be appreciated by the God of Heaven?"

"You may not know this, but the masters in my family treat us as their own brothers. They always think of us when there are any benefits. They give us the best food and drinks, and distribute all kinds of rare cultivation resources to us every day. I think it will be hard for us not to get promoted, brothers!"

"Let me tell you, what I have done is nothing, our captain is really amazing," Xu Hao suddenly leaned close to Wang Zheng's ear and whispered,"He was originally just a small heavenly soldier, but he was deeply appreciated and trusted by my master.

Now he is the general manager of the entire Miro Palace.

It is said that my master rewarded him with the Six-turn Golden Pill and some ancient enlightenment tea leaves.

Now he has achieved the Golden Immortal and can compete with the giant spirit god.


"This treatment is comparable to that of Nezha, the great god of the Three Altars and Sea Assembly. I am so envious!"

"It is said that Captain Nezha has achieved the status of Taiyi Jinxian not long ago, and was promoted by the Jade Emperor to the position of Deputy Hall Master of the Law Enforcement Hall!"Wang Zheng also heard a little about this matter.

In the Imperial Horse Administration, people come and go every day, and the news is well-informed, so he naturally knows something about it.

"Yes, this is the credit of my master. Otherwise, it would take at least a hundred years for Nezha to be promoted to Taiyi."

"Good brother, our captain doesn't allow these things to be spread outside, for fear of attracting attention, you have to keep it a secret for me."Xu Hao finally solemnly reminded

"No, no……"Wang Zheng nodded, his expression was indeed a little dull and sluggish.

After hearing what Xu Hao said, he suddenly felt that the idle position of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, which at least did not require him to risk his life, was not so attractive.

"Oh, God, please open your eyes. I don't want to lead the horse anymore. I want to work in the Miro Palace. Please,……"Wang Zheng cried in his heart.

Little did they know, Sun Wukong saw everything.

In recent days, Monkey had encountered a bottleneck in his training and was very depressed. He couldn't survive any longer, so he wanted to come out and relax. He didn't expect to hear the conversation between Wang Zheng and Xu Hao.

"Miro Palace! I was so sleepy and someone sent me a pillow. Haha, God is helping me.……"

The monkey didn't know what he was thinking of, and laughed wildly.


In Miro Palace, the bright moonlight fell, covering the entire palace with a layer of silver light.

Late at night, it was peaceful, Jiang Feng was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, his breathing steady, he seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

At this moment, an inconspicuous moth suddenly flew in through the narrow crack of the door.

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