The moth seemed to have a spirit. After entering the room, it flew straight towards Jiang Feng who was lying on the bed.

There was no doubt that the moth was the Monkey King transformed by his magical power.

He circled above Jiang Feng's head, observed for a moment, and then wandered around the room.

But in a moment, the monkey found a jade gourd hanging on the wall. The gourd was still shining with a bright light at night, which was obviously extraordinary.

The moth flew straight to it, and when it got close, it instantly changed into the appearance of Monkey King.

Then, he took down the jade gourd lightly, opened it, and a strange fragrance floated out. There were various elixirs in it, shining brightly.

Monkey King's eyes lit up, and he immediately put it in his arms, and then changed into a moth, flapping his wings and flew out silently.

On the bed, Jiang Feng closed his eyes, but the corners of his mouth raised a curve.

This scene obviously could not escape his eyes. Everything was as he expected. The monkey came to steal the elixir as scheduled and fell into his trap.

Moreover, the gourd of elixirs that Jiang Feng gave to Bi Ma Wen was extremely rich. There were hundreds of elixirs, and even ten pieces of Wu Dao Tea Leaves. It was more valuable than the gourd of elixirs that the monkey had stolen when he broke into the Tushita Palace of Tai Shang Lao Jun during the Peach Festival.

Jiang Feng's jade gourd contained six-turn golden elixirs, solid foundation and essence elixirs, Yin-Yang Yuan Shen elixirs, ancient enlightenment tea leaves, etc., which were enough to allow Bi Ma Wen to break into Tai Yi Jin Xian in a short period of time. The gourd of elixirs from Tai Shang Lao Jun was just to make the monkey stronger and more stable in the Golden Immortal realm. In the Buddhist plan of Journey to the West, it was impossible for Sun Wukong to achieve Tai Yi Jin Xian.

"Hehe, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall is no more than that."

After leaving the Miro Palace, Sun Wukong shook the jade gourd in his hand, ecstatic and full of pride.

But he had no idea that all this was part of Jiang Feng's plan.

The following time was calm, and Bi Ma Wen Sun Wukong stayed in the Imperial Horse Administration, never leaving the main gate, and practicing madly.

Jiang Feng did the same, constantly refining the best innate spiritual roots to increase his cultivation, and also refining elixirs in his spare time. Time passed in a flash.


Xitian Lingshan, Da Leiyin Temple.

Jinzha and Muzha finally arrived here with the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing. The journey was almost a death sentence for Li Jing.

He kept having diarrhea and almost stopped every three steps and rested every five steps. The journey was quite difficult. After a long time of effort, they finally arrived at Xitian.

"Master, please save me, it hurts so much……"

Li Jing was lying on the ground with a big belly, sending a signal for help to the ancient Buddha.

The ancient Buddha frowned deeply, and flashed over in an instant to investigate the situation at the first time.

After a moment, his brows were almost wrinkled into a"川" shape,"How strange, disciple, there is a sign of a little life in your belly, this is a sign of pregnancy!"

Hearing this, all the Buddhist disciples were shocked, and some couldn't help laughing secretly.

A man was actually pregnant, even with their daily meditation concentration, they couldn't control it.

"Who on earth cast this magic? It's so mysterious."

"Disciple, the fetus in your belly is connected to your lifeline. If you prosper, you will prosper, and if you suffer, you will suffer. Even for your master, it is not easy to do anything."

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng shook his head helplessly and sighed repeatedly.

His diagnosis was exactly the same as that of Taishang Laojun, and he was also helpless.

"What! Even the ancient Buddha Dipankara can’t do anything?"

Jinzha and Muzha were so horrified that their eyes almost popped out.

Li Jing’s face showed despair and he almost couldn’t breathe.

His master was his last straw, but now even the ancient Buddha Dipankara can’t do anything, what should he do? Is it really the only way to give birth to this fetus?

Just as Li Jing was thinking wildly, the Buddha Tathagata on the central throne suddenly spoke,"Be patient!"

His voice was grand and loud, and very penetrating, as if it had a strange magic that could soothe people's hearts, and instantly calmed Li Jing down.

"In the Xiliang Women's Kingdom in Xiniu Hezhou, there is a unique magical water called Zimu River Water, which contains mysterious laws of creation. The women's kingdom is inhabited by women from all over the country. If a woman in the kingdom drinks the water from Zimu River when she reaches the age of 18, she will become pregnant. The women's kingdom has been passed down from generation to generation because of this."

"Li Jing, you must have accidentally consumed the water from the Zimu River."

The Tathagata Buddha said calmly, and saw the problem at a glance.

The ancient Buddha Ran Deng suddenly realized and nodded repeatedly.

"It's impossible, my father drinks water from the Milky Way every day and has never heard of the water from the Mother and Child River!" Jin Zha was full of doubts.

Mu Zha hurriedly said:"Since the Buddha has seen the crux of the problem, is there any way to resolve it?"

"Naturally, naturally." Buddha smiled and nodded.

"Great, my father is saved." Jinzha and Muzha were instantly overjoyed and cheered.

Even Li Jing, who was lying on the ground, breathed a sigh of relief.

The Buddha continued,"All things in this world are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining, and one thing can defeat another. Since there is the Mother and Child River, there is also the abortion spring water that counteracts it. It is in the Xiliang Women's Kingdom."

"Jinzha and Muzha, you just need to go to the Xiliang Women's Kingdom to get some abortion spring water and give it to your father to drink, and the problem will be solved."

"Thank you for your advice, Buddha!"

Jinzha and Muzha both clasped their fists to express their gratitude, and then they rushed to the Kingdom of Women in Xiliang without stopping.

Little did they know that what Li Jing drank was the upgraded version of the Holy Water of Creation from the Zimu River, which was made by Jiang Feng himself. The laws of creation contained in it were even higher than those of the Zimu River.

However, this was not the fault of Tathagata Buddha. The laws of creation were among the top ten laws in the Three Thousand Great Daos. They were so profound that even saints could hardly get started, let alone him.

"Li Jing, Sun Wukong went to heaven, is everything going as planned?" Buddha Tathagata suddenly asked.

Knowing that he was saved, Li Jing seemed to have taken a reassurance pill, and the pain was not so severe. He immediately replied:"Buddha, after the monkey went to heaven and was conferred the title of Bi Ma Wen, I rushed to the West, so I don't know much about it, but there shouldn't be any mistakes."

"Oh no, the situation has changed!"

At this moment, Guanyin Bodhisattva, who had just used her magical powers to calculate, suddenly screamed and her expression changed drastically.

"Hmm?"The Buddha Tathagata was also shocked.

After some calculations, the Buddha Tathagata learned that the monkey had not rebelled against the Heavenly Court, but was still working in the Imperial Horse Administration, willing to be a horse keeper.

"I thought I had planned everything, but I didn't expect to have overlooked it. Guanyin, you should go to the Heavenly Palace immediately to find out what happened. You must solve it as soon as possible and get everything back on track."The Buddha immediately ordered

"I will obey the command of the law!" Guanyin Bodhisattva nodded and immediately stepped on the cloud and flew away.

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